LISA RENEE: “Amnesiac Barriers”

“Amnesiac Barriers are the Walls of Separation that exist inside the compartments of the lower mind, or Three Layers of Ego. As this deeply buried content of memories and historical records surfaces that had been previously buried in our subconscious this is happening in order to transmute negativity and to clear out the dark energy of the shadow, to clear out pain body blockages. As a result right now many people are feeling a great Trauma or anxiety, a discomfort that is sourcing from the memories trying to surface from the subconscious into the Conscious Mind awareness by breaking through the Amnesiac Barriers, which we also call the Walls of Separation inside the compartments of the mind. The opportunity during this time is to become freed from the impacts of the lower matrices of the dimensional blending experiments of the NAA, and to exist above the artificial grids of the AI timeline network. To support this process we will take a helicopter ride over some of the most impactful Historical Timeline Trigger Events, to help us recover our memories and return any parts of ourselves that we can recollect at this time.”

~Lisa Renee

Amnesiac Barriers are the Walls of Separation that exist inside the compartments of the lower mind, or Three Layers of Ego.

Recovering Consciousness Memories

We have an increased opportunity to break through our Amnesiac Barriers and memory wiping, to regain personal knowledge that connects us with the truth of our own experience, at individual, collective and galactic levels. Our higher spiritual identity exists beyond the energy reversals and siphoning machinery that generates the false AI timelines in the descending matrix. As a natural part of spiritual Ascension, we are intersecting with an opening where the true historical record can be more easily recovered. Our higher consciousness body may be surfacing memories that need to be felt, witnessed and reintegrated. The opportunity during this time is to become freed from the impacts of the lower matrices of the dimensional blending experiments of the NAA, and to exist above the artificial grids of the AI timeline network. To support this process we will take a helicopter ride over some of the most impactful Historical Timeline Trigger Events, to help us recover our memories and return any parts of ourselves that we can recollect at this time. [1]

So what does recovering our memories actually look like? What is the process? I think many of you already know this because you’re undergoing it right now. Our body will start to remember memories. Maybe those memories will be emotional impressions that could also be negative emotions in the Pain Body. As this deeply buried content of memories and historical records surfaces that had been previously buried in our subconscious this is happening in order to transmute negativity and to clear out the dark energy of the shadow, to clear out pain body blockages. As a result right now many people are feeling a great Trauma or anxiety, a discomfort that is sourcing from the memories trying to surface from the subconscious into the Conscious Mind awareness by breaking through the Amnesiac Barriers, which we also call the Walls of Separation inside the compartments of the mind.

Compartmentalization and Internal Walls

The Death Culture is used to promote destructive lifestyles in order to permanently damage the heart, damage the Soul and Brain into some kind of form of fragmentation or dissociation. Dissociative behaviours eliminate all traces of true human Empathy and remove the Accountability towards the ethical implication that is behind the operations of the current world social, political, military, corporate structures in order to carry this out, in order to manifest internal Walls of Separation because fragmentation and Compartmentalization is also very much related to the creation of internal Walls of Separation. This is something that exists in us, can exist in us in terms of our light body. When these internal walls of separation are built in our 1st, 2nd or 3rd chakra this is when people can have extreme Trauma.

~via Ascension Glossary

‘QUESTIONS FOR LISA RENEE’ ~ “How Do We Stay Neutral?


“It’s very hard to stay neutral toward the dark. How do we stay neutral?


“It’s literally like the light is getting turned on in the dark closet. Everything in the dark closet was always inside there hiding, we just did not see it with the light off. We don’t want to look at it with the light on, but it’s important we look at it and stop denying what is in our own closet. We must stop judgement and be able to look at things neutrally in order to get beyond limitations. This is the way to our liberation in understanding the truth, having an accurate perception of what has actually happened to us. This is why I am such a proponent in understanding the Multidimensional anatomy because these are the doorways so you can experience the energetic reality as a Multidimensional self. We have been programmed over and over again as an ego which is a finite intelligence energy matrix. We are not finite we are infinite, at some point, one gets beyond concept and living as a multidimensional being in a multidimensional reality. When experiencing it directly, then the study is not of such use anymore. In the earlier stages we start out having to wrestle and retrain our ego mind, sublimating its desire impulses, in order to connect into higher impulses of our spiritual intelligence. Getting over the egos control over our identity is how we get to neutral. I feel that understanding the multidimensional anatomy structure is hugely important to getting us there on the pathway. When we have context, we start to realize its not personal, its not about the you, at the level the ego believes its you. This information can be technical, and at certain levels of transcendent consciousness it is meaningless. What is important is not to attach to anything that would dictate or create a new dogma or rigid belief system for your ego to attach to. This information is to be utilized for transformation purposes, to get beyond the terror of changes and have a point to connect to the multidimensional nature of who you are to get you out of the mind control programs. The issue is that at the genetically inherited levels and ancestrally, we have been physically bred to be enslaved by the controllers after 5000 years of being invaded. They want us to stay in our small brain the small self in the finite ego. This mind control is now in our cells, genes, consciousness and everywhere on this planet. In order to stay awake, we must have a proper evolutionary framework to help our ego mind to cooperate, and connect into the energetic reality of the principle of oneness and unlimited Multidimensional creation. This is a stepping stone for us to retrain and entrain our light body and intelligence systems into the god consciousness, as we are by learning to direct our focus and disengage from the illusion. Those of us who are given assignments on the planetary level are getting harassed in order to discourage and keep you off the path of creative heart expression. They attempt to find a weakness in your physical emotional human parts so you will be discouraged not to do what you are here to do, not to express the creative nature of your essence, your soul. We’ve come here for this exact moment in time to witness, participate, and contribute to human liberation and ascension. We can’t leave here until we give every bit towards the freedom and unification of our species and our planet that has been enslaved. We can’t leave here till we’ve given it everything we got and that’s basically where we are at right now.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Energetic Synthesis

LISA RENEE on “Psycho-Spiritual Crisis”

This is a very surreal, strange and disorienting time on planet earth, to observe what is happening in the larger collective consciousness during a time of deep Psycho-Spiritual Crisis. The symptoms of Psycho-Spiritual Crisis during the Ascension Cycle represent a manifestation and exteriorization of the deep dynamics within the human psyche and the multidimensional anatomy of human consciousness. The individual human psyche is a multidimensional consciousness and multilevel system with no internal divisions and with no boundaries on what potential realities can be directly experienced by multidimensional consciousness. Therefore, we cannot expect to find a one size fits all approach and have exacting definitions for every type of Spiritual Emergency that can arise in the human population. And yet, our Ascension work and research with individuals in Psycho-Spiritual Crisis, and the shared experiences of the Starseed and spiritual communities that are doing similar work, reveal that it may be helpful to outline certain major forms of Spiritual Emergency. They each have characteristic features that can be differentiated from others. We have the choice in how we want to interpret the information we perceive and how we will undergo this consciousness shift. We may observe how the current events and psychological operations have instigated a lot of mental confusion and chaos, and sometimes, this instigates aggravated fear and violence in the unawake people and 3D based organizations around us. Although we have a high population of 3D thinkers and 3D consciousness on this planet still operating as a result of 3D mind control, this may or may not suppress the forward momentum of the awakening phenomena that is happening now during the planetary ascension cycle. Whether a 3D person, or an inherently multi-dimensional and empathic person, we all undergo the Dark Night of the Soul process during spiritual awakening. The process will plunge us into stages of Psycho-Spiritual Crisis of 3D ego death. What is happening on the earth is a game changer, in that the 3D ego is in death throes. Recent events with the Amnesiac Barriers dissolving, rises up subconscious contents which for many have been deeply internalized and personalized by people’s sense of identity, and they easily take offense or feel hurt or slighted, because their 3D point of view or mental belief system is being threatened in a big way. When people’s identity are fully enmeshed or connected to a mental position or belief system, taking sides in the polarity of forces, they can become mentally rigid and emotionally dependent on that specific belief system or mental point of view. We refer to this as the bi-wave polarity consciousness, it’s when a person gets stuck in the extremes of one side or another, and staunchly will defend their beliefs, many times at their own expense and even while generating harm to others. As example, the archetypes of Hero-Savior and Enemy are really the same position in the bi-wave of duality and exaggerated by those playing its archetypal game in order to create sides for division. This is the main divide and conquer tactic by the NAA mind control that is used to keep people arguing and killing each other over petty disagreements that are being taken as major offenses. Therefore, during this transition phase, we will have a planet comprised of 3D mind non-experiencers and multidimensional experiencers that will be in conflict with each other over the control of the belief systems. Once you become seasoned on the Ascension path, or as a Starseed person, one will start to recognize that you have the role of being a Spiritual Catalyst for others, whether you want to or not. A Spiritual Catalyst instigates potential Awakening or consciousness shifts in the people, places and things that become connected with or exposed to your personal sphere of influence. Many 3D people will have experiences in the future that they cannot label or will not be open to re-contextualize, as this event is an catalytic experience which forces them to give up their current belief systems. People will be forced to accept some version of a new reality, whether they want to or not. We can adapt and change to go with the new energy flow in Service to Others, to help heal and unify our species. Or we can fight against it to preserve the fear based belief system of divide and conquer and war, that was made to feed into the 3D constructs.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Spiritual Emergency / Being the Spiritual Catalyst

LISA RENEE: “Are You Able to Get into Neutral and Let All of It Go?”

“This is the time to give some deeper contemplation and reflection upon what 3D belief systems you may have and how that influences Personal Value Systems that inform how you orient yourself in the world. What are your personal beliefs around the Controller Pillars of 3D Society — Power Elite, Celebrity, Military, Governmental, Financial, Medical, Academic, Religious and Media? How have these 3D systems perpetuated crimes against humanity, avoided any accountability and continually promoted survival consciousness and consumptive modeling? What are your personal beliefs regarding Christmas, Passover, Halloween, Thanksgiving or other holidays celebrated in the culture you live in? Do you hold beliefs that give certain individuals or groups status, rank or superiority over others? Why is that dangerous? Are you prepared to release 3D ego attachments to the 3D paradigm and be willing to live without certain beliefs, people, groups or societal institutions? As you consider the belief systems connecting you to the 3D paradigm, think how you would feel if suddenly that 3D system or pillar of society just did not exist any longer. How you would feel about that? Are you able to get into neutral and let all of it go, as the divinity existing inside you would have it be?”

~Lisa Renee

~via Examining Beliefs

LISA RENEE: “Cosmic Vacuum”

“Round and round we go in the Cosmic Rinse Cycle, whirling out every last bit of extraneous debris and then some as we are getting pulled inside and out of the Cosmic Vacuum. No one told us when the Divine Feminine God Aspect returned to the planet she would be bringing with her Power Tools. Clearly many of us need some levity at this time, as I am fully aware of just how incredibly severe this last month has been. The external environmental energies have been just brutal on some days, like fingernails scratching a chalkboard. This abrasive quality seems to heighten when we are attempting to dig up the mental discipline to just keep concentrating on the positivity that keeps us moving forward. Many times that means we just have to lay down and get out of the way. The Universe certainly has its own plans up its sleeve for us and its Divine Will or Bust. We can feel great energetic momentum pushing us and yet there is no movement forward associated with it. Squished and expanded at the same time is not something we are used to feeling. The sensation of urgency, while stuck inside a Vacuum is an odd place to be indeed. Our inner child, our physical bodies and our emotional self have been put through the wringer. We may feel frustrated with those walking around with seemingly no awareness of what’s happening on the planet. Finding a way to make your life easier and more relaxed may be a necessary part of your personal reorganization. Energetic mastery is also about performing an accurate assessment by honestly looking at the circumstances we are all facing in our lives. We may need to simplify, pare down our lifestyle and do some things we do not want to do, at least in the beginning part of this transitional process. We are reaching a difficult area in our energetic self-mastery, where we cannot be fooled by anything out of integrity with the divine will and our soul agreement. We are at the crossroads of standing between a rock and a hard place. There is no wiggle room for anything else, fantasies, projections or false illusions of what our life should be or look like. During this time, know it is going to challenge you. Know that you have the resources to transcend these challenges and cultivate the inner strength and resources necessary to achieve your highest purposes. Assess if you are currently in the lesson of Divine Will before My Will, as you will note all your creative projects and desires seemed to come to a STOP when the Universe is correcting you. With this awareness, know that the Universe knows better than you do, and you must relax yourself and get out of the way. You may have to do some things you do not want to do. Do them anyway. Something better is coming, however you have to learn to truly get your ego out of the driver’s seat and let your divine spirit handle the details. Then letting go of the past happens naturally and we experience true emotional harmony.”

~Lisa Renee

Round and round we go in the Cosmic Rinse Cycle, whirling out every last bit of extraneous debris and then some as we are getting pulled inside and out of the Cosmic Vacuum. No one told us when the Divine Feminine God Aspect returned to the planet she would be bringing with her Power Tools.

Clearly many of us need some levity at this time, as I am fully aware of just how incredibly severe this last month has been. The external environmental energies have been just brutal on some days, like fingernails scratching a chalkboard. This abrasive quality seems to heighten when we are attempting to dig up the mental discipline to just keep concentrating on the positivity that keeps us moving forward. Yet, we have realized a force-of-will to move us forward in any direction refuses to work anymore. Many times that means we just have to lay down and get out of the way. The Universe certainly has its own plans up its sleeve for us and its Divine Will or Bust.

We can feel great energetic momentum pushing us and yet there is no movement forward associated with it. Squished and expanded at the same time is not something we are used to feeling. This new energetic quality is totally perplexing to our minds as nothing makes sense anymore. How are we to own our multidimensionality and navigate ourselves and still function in this 3rd dimension? Maybe we are not even supposed to function in the ways that we thought we should. Every belief system or mental structure is up for review and getting reevaluated. Who am I? What am I to do? We cannot even feel what our next step is as it has not presented itself yet. The sensation of urgency, while stuck inside a Vacuum is an odd place to be indeed.

Our inner child, our physical bodies and our emotional self have been put through the wringer. Many of the types of surprises that show up these days are something we want to send back to the source. I found myself wanting to say, Hey Universe I didn’t order That. Send it back I want a Refund. And put a Galactic Quarantine on it, I don’t want it ever coming back.

Needless to say, this is a time where it is beyond any verbal expression as to what is happening to the human race and this planet. We may feel frustrated with those walking around with seemingly no awareness of what’s happening on the planet. Finding a way to make your life easier and more relaxed may be a necessary part of your personal reorganization.

Energetic mastery is also about performing an accurate assessment by honestly looking at the circumstances we are all facing in our lives. We may need to simplify, pare down our lifestyle and do some things we do not want to do, at least in the beginning part of this transitional process. We are reaching a difficult area in our energetic self-mastery, where we cannot be fooled by anything out of integrity with the divine will and our soul agreement. This means that our spiritual illusions will be dispelled and we may have moments where we feel forsaken by our creator when we feel forced to do something we do not want to do. We are at the crossroads of standing between a rock and a hard place. There is no wiggle room for anything else, fantasies, projections or false illusions of what our life should be or look like.

Many times when we feel adversity through a challenge we get angry or frustrated. We ask why this has come into our energy field and why we created it. During this time, know it is going to challenge you. Know that you have the resources to transcend these challenges and cultivate the inner strength and resources necessary to achieve your highest purposes. Perform an assessment of what is distracting or disempowering you in any way and make adjustments. Assess if you are currently in the lesson of Divine Will before My Will, as you will note all your creative projects and desires seemed to come to a STOP when the Universe is correcting you. With this awareness, know that the Universe knows better than you do, and you must relax yourself and get out of the way. You may have to do some things you do not want to do. Do them anyway. Something better is coming, however you have to learn to truly get your ego out of the driver’s seat and let your divine spirit handle the details. You will note how fast things change from moment to moment, which can bring spontaneous surprises. However, you must learn to master the art of Learning to Let Go.

Be present without any agenda, one of the signs of being awake is self-honesty. You have got to be willing to look within and examine the stories that you are still believing, whether stories of self-doubt, guilt, resentment, judgment, arrogance or whatever. As you face them breathe into them and see through their unsubstantiality. After all, you can’t actually find a thought or belief anywhere and they start to drop away. Then it becomes easy to speak the truth because you’re no longer caught up in trying to defend or justify your ego, which is itself also just a storyline.

Listening is one of the most important keys to being present. Listen to others, listen to the sounds in your environment and especially listen to the sound of your own thoughts. Listen to the silence beyond thoughts, to the silence that you are. Listening in turn opens you to the experience of yourself as a living, feeling, vibrating, conscious human being.

Then letting go of the past happens naturally and we experience true emotional harmony.

~via Energetic Synthesis