“DOUBLE, DOUBLE TOIL AND TROUBLE” ~ Video Double Play: ReallyGraceful on “The Mystery of Missing Kate Middleton” / “What the Media Won’t Tell You About (Lord!) — Jacob Rothschild”


“DOUBLE, DOUBLE TOIL AND TROUBLE” . . . The Mystery of Missing Kate Middleton . . .

“Double, double toil and trouble

Fire burn and caldron bubble . . .”


EYE OF NEWT AND TOE OF FROG” . . . “What the Media Won’t Tell You About (Lord!) — Jacob Rothschild” . . .

“Eye of newt and toe of frog

Wool of bat and tongue of dog . . .

~via ReallyGraceful

REALLYGRACEFUL: “What We WEREN’T Taught About the American Revolution”

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings.

“What is done in the dark will always be brought into the light… most people aren’t anywhere near emotionally/ mentally prepared or capable of fully comprehending the horrific extremes of depravity that have been happening at the very hands of some of the people we have grown to respect, trust and look up to in our lives… it’s far worse than anything we have ever seen in movies, read about in books or even tried to imagine… I definitely wasn’t prepared for what I discovered years ago, because as a sane minded person, I just couldn’t wrap my mind around there being such an IMMENSELY VAST number of individuals who were involved and capable of committing such depraved and insane acts in secret, yet pretended to be such upstanding and respectable people in public… I wasn’t actually naive enough to think that there weren’t people in the world who were utterly depraved, however, I never expected to discover that there was such an astronomical amount of networks of people who were involved in committing the most heinous and egregious crimes against humanity and children.. it’s truly unfathomable how deep and far this goes… it’s been happening for longer than can be known, and it’s been happening right under our very noses by the wealthiest, most famous and powerful people of influence across the globe, so it’s always wise to exercise extreme caution and skepticism about believing or trusting anything said or done by those individuals who fit into those categories… the treachery honestly knows no bounds or limitations with how sick some people really are, so do your best to educate yourself and remain detached from your own personal bias about certain individuals, because it may be the last people you’d ever expect, that are behind these issues… STAY BLESSED NOT STRESSED”

~Comment from the thread

~via ReallyGraceful

‘QUESTIONS FOR LISA RENEE’ ~ “What Kind of Work Are Many of Us Doing in Our Sleep?”


“What kind of work are many of us doing in our sleep? I often feel that I have been on a 12 hour overnight shift.


“What many of us have been doing, is absolutely working at sleep state in other dimensions. There is a lot of change in the fields, such as the dissolving and destruction of false matrices and timelines, and their related distortions and dead light miasma. There is a tremendous amount of reconfiguration within astral plane at the soul body level, the 4D-5D-6D levels where there has been astral plane recycling and heavy duty enslavement architecture. These are the areas the extraterrestrials installed the false ascension matrix, the false white light. These astral dimensions were future probabilities of timelines of the human race. Controllers had gone into all these levels of future depending on where our consciousness was rolling through the time fields and set up all these machined (Inorganic) holographic constructs, mirrors, reality illusions (facade), you name it, to make us think that is the plane we would go, in the afterlife, or at the end of the cycle, the rapture. There was/ is simultaneously, various levels of inner plane support on the planet, to make us believe that was our next timeline and evolution direction. Beings existing in the lower dimensions, the astral plane and the ascended masters, many beings in other dimensions also experienced the alien deception. There are many beings unknowingly accessing that part of that astral plane, such as psychics, channels, other spiritual beings and guides that bring forth information that the controllers have planted to create the prophecy of the end times. This is a software program, as example, the Armageddon program, they don’t want us to deviate from that ‘crucifixion’ program and so they created constructs to keep our own energy consciousness believing. What we (collective humanity) mentally believe and feed our consciousness power towards, is what is created. Controllers have been genius at making sure they manipulate our thoughts and what we believe is real in our own identity so that humans create the self-fulfilling prophecy, the prophecy that’s been handed down by many prophets and their stories over the ages. What we do not understand is that humans, each of us, have the power to change that, change the direction of destruction, to own our personal power as beings and to responsibly direct our thoughts to choose a peaceful reality. A conscious humanity can change future timelines. We don’t realize we are true God-multidimensional beings, the group human soul has been swindled out of its divine birthright and had its memory erased. In its place, we have been told we are descended from monkeys out of the primal soup, and that all of our life existence and intelligence is a random fluke. It has subjected humanity to identity crisis and internal conflicts, and it’s very easily to continue to manipulate the human mind, a mind that has lost all sense of connection to the real self. The inorganic architecture is a series of constructs that they have used to keeps these mind control tools in process and in play. We look at the harvest moon, the chemicals turning the sea red, the acid rain of chemtrails poisoning in the sky, the human diseases, the weather cataclysms, and think this is God’s wrath (nature) against us. We play out this artificial program of the end of times prophecies ourselves, because of our own thoughts, beliefs and complacency. Unaware it is our own minds, the group consciousness playing out the game of the controllers, as they want us to. We are the creators of this reality, yet, they are manipulating us against ourselves by enslaving us with our own thoughts. This is why it is important now to walk the walk and have the ultimate initiation. We must hold the thoughts of who we really are and this is how we move through our lives with a God/Creator consciousness, holding the neutrality and the observer consciousness, and refusing to be placed inside the machine and used by the fear mechanisms. These mechanisms exist in many levels of the collective consciousness fields, and many of us have a tremendous amount of work in sleep state to get beyond these mental constructs that enslave our consciousness. ”

~Lisa Renee

~via Energetic Synthesis

LISA RENEE: “ET’s and Telepathy”

“Beyond this planet most of the extradimensional or ET species, as well as other more technologically advanced human civilizations, commonly use forms of Telepathy as the primary method of communication. This is because it is more natural to the spiral energy flow of consciousness and electromagnetic fields, also more accurate, fast and advanced in relaying multiple layers of meaning that are held in information streams. However, there are also different ranges in which ET species will recognize the personal responsibility they have in their telepathic interactions with other species, such as the possibility of indirectly impacting timelines in destructive ways. Those that are generally first to contact Starseeds telepathically, are from their same spiritual family and DNA template, or are those who believe they have a claim upon you, such as through Alien Hybridization. It is the tendency that entities that exist in a timeline in a lower density that is beneath your main spiritual representative family will not contact you directly, unless they have exerted some control or influence over your mind. When we progress on the spiritual Ascension path, we may have contact with various benevolent ET’s while we are a match for the consciousness state of their particular dimensional reality, and this contact will stop when we move our consciousness into higher realms. Those that are more benevolent choose to protect free will through a noninterference policy to respect the evolution process of less developed species. Others, such as the NAA know humans are good telepathic transmitters that broadcast out their thoughts and impulses without discipline, and yet cannot discern what they are receiving telepathically. Thus, they are the definitive Black Magicians that choose to dominate and abuse earth humans through telepathic Mind Control, implanting thoughts and perpetrating psychic attacks. Psychological Warfare waged through telepathic Psychic Attacks are the easiest way to carry out divide and conquer domination agendas in order to control a less telepathic species. Thus, reliance on spoken words is considered to be the language of a very primitive or undeveloped species, and is another classification that is used by the NAA to justify the use of earth humans as a worker-slave class.”

~Lisa Renee

Beyond this planet most of the extradimensional or ET species, as well as other more technologically advanced human civilizations, commonly use forms of Telepathy as the primary method of communication. This is because it is more natural to the spiral energy flow of consciousness and electromagnetic fields, also more accurate, fast and advanced in relaying multiple layers of meaning that are held in information streams. External speech is limited by; the comprehension required of written native languages, the linear time it takes to communicate verbal sentences, the problem of necessitating physical interaction, forgetting what has been communicated over time, and limiting dimensional perceptions of the meaning and depth of the spoken words that attempt to define complex concepts and a variety of possible contexts. Most all ET species are highly telepathic in transmitting and receiving information, yet they all have different ranges of telepathic abilities, competencies and ethics that are exhibited through their interactions with their own species, which can be uniquely different when interacting with other species.

However, there are also different ranges in which ET species will recognize the personal responsibility they have in their telepathic interactions with other species, such as the possibility of indirectly impacting timelines in destructive ways. These responsibilities are based upon the natural laws governing the timelines, which further organize into multiple dimensional hierarchies, that act as the gatekeepers between harmonic universes and extend into parallel universes. Those that are generally first to contact Starseeds telepathically, are from their same spiritual family and DNA template, or are those who believe they have a claim upon you, such as through Alien Hybridization. It is the tendency that entities that exist in a timeline in a lower density that is beneath your main spiritual representative family will not contact you directly, unless they have exerted some control or influence over your mind.

When we progress on the spiritual Ascension path, we may have contact with various benevolent ET’s while we are a match for the consciousness state of their particular dimensional reality, and this contact will stop when we move our consciousness into higher realms. Contact can be re-established, but generally through your direct inquiry and request to communicate again. If these entities are benevolent, it is the protocol for those in the higher dimensions to directly contact those in lower dimensions, to prevent timeline interference, unless they are the rogues like NAA. Those that are more benevolent choose to protect free will through a noninterference policy to respect the evolution process of less developed species. Others, such as the NAA know humans are good telepathic transmitters that broadcast out their thoughts and impulses without discipline, and yet cannot discern what they are receiving telepathically. Thus, they are the definitive Black Magicians that choose to dominate and abuse earth humans through telepathic Mind Control, implanting thoughts and perpetrating psychic attacks. Psychological Warfare waged through telepathic Psychic Attacks are the easiest way to carry out divide and conquer domination agendas in order to control a less telepathic species.

Thus, reliance on spoken words is considered to be the language of a very primitive or undeveloped species, and is another classification that is used by the NAA to justify the use of earth humans as a worker-slave class. The forms of verbal communication that are common to earth inhabitants are considered primitive to many of our more advanced neighbors and ancient ancestors, whose brains process thoughts and store consciousness information with a much deeper multidimensional perception of language and at a much quicker rate. Thus, when interacting with a non-terrestrial that has not incarnated on the earth, the communication is always telepathic transmissions of concepts, ideas, pictures and images, as well as through emotional and sensory experiences. Sometimes they can translate their consciousness communication into the native language of the species receiving the thought forms through Omnilingualism, but this ability to transmit a field into any spoken or written language is a mastery reserved for incredibly advanced entities. [1]


  1. Telepathy

See Also:

Higher Sensory Perception

LISA RENEE on “False Tibetan Master Teachings”

“Please be made aware that this is not to demonize or accuse anyone, as this fact has been expressed with deep loving Compassion and understanding for the plight of humanity under targeted spiritual attack by anti-human entities. Many people that have connected with the Ascended Master Teachings in the New Age Movement were and are under the harmful influence of mind control manipulation from fallen entities, yet many of those individuals were doing the best they could with what they knew at that particular stage of evolutionary development. Emerald Guardians have been pointing to the first Ascended Master Teachings that were introduced to the world in recent times, through the books that formed the Theosophical Society by H.P. Blavatsky, along with many offshoot branches such as Guy Ballard’s I AM Movement. These teachings became the precursor of several new age religions, some tragically developing into harmful Mind Control cults, and thus were aggressively targeted and hijacked by NAA forces in order to derail, attack, confuse and discredit many golden nuggets of truth contained in the wisdom teachings. Thus, there has been focus upon the previous timelines with luciferian infiltrations connected to the ancient wisdom sourced from the Tibetan and Kashmiri Masters of the eastern philosophies connected to esoteric Buddhism, who are revealing themselves as genuine rainbow guardians of the cosmic intelligence repository of founder records. As discussed last month, Guardians were cleaning out the Daath World built as a black phantom heaven, and many AI brains of Fallen Ascended Masters were discovered to be interconnected into shared neural networks to generate an extremely powerful AI Hive mind, running the entire Daath system. The Chohan Tibetan Masters of the Theosophical movementand some that are popular in the new age material had cloned energetic signatures of their consciousness or rainbow body placed inside Black Cathedrals. During the past one hundred fifty years, this ancient wisdom was hijacked by military intelligence agencies forming the Black Sun black magician secret societies and sub groups used for arming directed attacks, in order to derail the world humanitarian messengers of these Ascended Masters and to stop this knowledge from getting into the public sphere. This is the timeline of NAA organization to infiltrate military intelligence where they planned both world wars, and began the next stage of permeation of human civilization through compartmentalization within multiple layers of secret societies, such as the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O., Order of the Temple of the East or Order of Oriental Templars). The O.T.O. role in the pyramid of hierarchical power was designed to modulate the infiltration of the world’s governments, political leaders and the extremely wealthy and powerful, through both esoteric and exoteric organizations backed with the hidden luciferian-satanic religion of Blood Sacrifice, being run at the top by NAAWesan group. These particular hierarchies are connected to the Red Cube Egyptian Pantheon (Isis-Osiris-Horus as the Antichrist trinity), with tentacles in all of this alien backed pyramidal structure, as it is the same architecture they have used to form their secret societies, along with breakaway civilizations that extend off planet that enforce their NAA rule on the earth surface. Thus, the planet received the initiatory force of 777 for bringing on ancestral clearing of Ascended Masters, and this has surfaced many of the imposter or alien forces that hijacked the original Ascended Master teachings, connected to the NAA retaliation that occurred to hijack the New Age movement. Thus, this particular stage of clearing may be pertinent if you had previous immersion in any of the new age groups which are fundamentally using the Ascended Master materials, which were being manipulated by an assortment of fallen entities for control in the Astral Plane. During this turbulent phase and ongoing, the direct assault against the human heart is becoming more aggressive in order to attempt to annihilate it completely. For all of us that are dedicated and aware to serve our spiritual source, we know that this is a component of our sacred crystal heart undergoing Spiritual Warfare. Under no circumstance will we allow anything to harm our sacred heart or take away our humanness, which is the love, the kindness, the Compassion and the empathy that we have for each other, for this Earth and for the creatures of this planet. Thus, we must do whatever we can to protect our sacred crystal heart from the onslaught of external dark exposures and unethical people that incite all forms of betrayal, especially spiritual betrayal and heart break. You are not alone; we are doing this together. The primary focus is building the Holy Mountain architecture for seating the Blue Rainbow Bridge. A type of Cosmic Christ Consciousness distribution center in which different star patterns that are connected to the Ascended Master Rishi-Reisha identities, can heal their light body and reunite with their spiritual sun-star home and Divine Counterparts.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Blue Rainbow Bridge