LISA RENEE: “The World Is Being Run by a Bunch of Negative Aliens Wearing Cloned Enki Skins as Cloaking Devices”

As you read onward, consider that some of us are awakening to be the spiritual adults in the room, thus this information is not intended for everyone. The hidden history revealing now is densely packed with many intricacies and is difficult to process. Please remember the purpose of this information is to have proper context in knowing that in order to solve the genetic hybrid problems of the angelic human race, we first must awaken to seek truth and know the problem exists. When we can see the accurate source of the global problems plaguing humanity, then we can ask the right questions. Further, we must know as we enter the tumultuous crossroads of human evolution, that AI technology has been used covertly for terraforming the planet to become hospitable to the invaders, and that their agendas for alien hybridization with humans is the source of rampant spiritual disconnection and damage to the Krystal Gene. This genetic hybridization damage has accumulated a tremendous amount of buried traumas in the angelic human race which further unravels into manifestations of mass inner and outer violence. When identified correctly, only then we can begin to take the steps to solve those problems more effectively and remain in alignment to Natural Laws. When exploring more of this theme, we must know that the mechanics of the Universal Laws are in perfect harmony with the organic living creations of the natural world, and that the nature of evil comes into manifestation as the direct consequence of violating these natural laws. Violating nature is synonymous with spiritual disconnection and painful suffering. Violating natural laws, such as genetically experimenting and hybridizing with the original angelic human DNA in order to make consciousness slaves to serve an antihuman invader agenda, contains the major historical timeline trigger events for the spiritual disconnection humanity has suffered at the hands of the Belial group. The Emerald Guardians are alerting us to what humanity is being exposed to at this particular stage and why the planet and humanity are undergoing a mass Enki DNA Overlay extraction, along with covert confrontations that flush out and force the eviction of the invading species, which initiates sudden physical purges of Miasmas, ancestral genetic clearings and deep cellular spiritual purification. Thus, currently we are entering the Cosmic Clock solar calendar cycle where the ascending planetary matrix and awakening Starseeds begin the ongoing process of detoxifying and shedding the ENKI DNA SKIN from their chemical DNA, family of origin biological DNA record, and original spiritual DNA records as aligned to the Diamond Sun DNA instructions set forth by the Cosmic God Parents and Personal Christ. The detoxification and purification process to clear these artificial DNA overlays from out of the chemical and physical DNA records will begin to transpire naturally and with direct Christos Guardian support, if this is the spiritual mission which you have chosen and incarnated for during this time of planetary ascension. To comprehend the genetic hybridization history related to Enki DNA, we access the historical saga of a cloned hybrid Sirian Annunaki entity called Sa’am that was bred in the Pleiades to evolve into the master geneticist and life designer for serving the anti-Christ forces of the Sirius A and Nibiruian Belial Sun agendas. In which the ancient Sirian Annunaki Patriarchs desired to conquer Earth further, in order to become the God-King slave-masters to the Krystic Diamond Sun embodiments of the solar sons and daughters of the Cosmic Elohei God creators, the angelic humans that genetically belong to the planet Earth. This timeline trigger event of the entry onto planet after the Mars Warring conflicts and the Maldek Explosion, begins the ongoing spiritual warfare over the original angelic human DNA and the inability of humans to be left alone to live in peace on the planet Earth. After the explosion of Maldek, the damage and destruction that ensued in the solar system displaced many of the local reptilian species, some of which found themselves on the Earth. This beautiful natural garden was in its earliest stages of evolutionary growth tended to by the Sirius B Maharaji and those Blue Ray Melchizedeks from the inner Earth, and many were being spiritually guided by the Anuhazi Mu’a through the emerald crystals connected to Tiamat, in which the magnificent splendor of the planet’s natural beauty appeared as an Edenic paradise to the arriving alien spectators. As they gazed upon the planet’s beautiful lush greenery, expansive Holy Mountains and diverse animal species, they promptly decided to claim it for themselves. These important events of inserting Enki DNA Overlays into humanity commenced during the orchestration of several NAA invasions of the planet which were under the direct supervision of a master geneticist, a cloned alien hybrid Sa’am-Enki and his Sirian Annunaki brethren that crashed on Earth during the Mars Warring Conflicts which ultimately led to the complete destruction of the planet Maldek. Thus, the destruction of Maldek preceded the ongoing genetic modification strategies whereby the NAA’s Belial Group have been introducing new cloned humanoid species along with repeated insertions of cloned Enki DNA after each cataclysmic great reset, along with mixing other combinations of reptilian species into the human gene pool as part of their hybridization agenda and terraforming plan. This methodical introduction of reptilian Enki DNA into the planetary stargates and human biology was utilized to interfere with the organic chemical processes of the natural elements that are needed to assemble within Diamond Sun angelic human DNA that requires protein synthesis for higher DNA assembly. Sa’am-Enki-Osiris was a self-appointed Alien God of this invaded and conquered planetary territory, where he designed many of the genetic hybridization programs made upon angelic humans in order to embed his particular synthetic genetic signature into the nucleotides of human DNA. Sa’am would go on to evolve himself into the self-appointed God King of Earth as Sa’am-Enki-Osiris, transferring his consciousness into various reptilian forms but over time, he finally found genetic stability within his experimentations when combining with the Elohei Ruby Order rose lineages with Ruby Sun DNA. With Ruby Sun DNA Elohim-Nephilim hybridization coding, he was able to genetically engineer an immortal Adonis body for himself and exist inside this manufactured cloned body for multiple thousands of years. As Sa’am Enki was anointed as the chief geneticist to continue to modify and clone the angelic human race into subservience to their alien slave masters, Father Anu and cloned brother Enlil posed as the false alien gods of organized religion, acting as the pied piper leading the masses into spiritual oppression and religious mind control by bearing the signatures of Yahweh and Jehovah. He would continue for as long as he could trick humans into worshipping him as a God King, inserting his Enki DNA red wave trident overlays while masquerading as Osiris-Jesus Christ and other key Christ like archetypal figures, as this was designed for the purpose of siphoning the collective consciousness of angelic humanity for harvesting energy loosh for their ongoing anti-human agendas. Naturally, these cloning technologies have been given to the Belial Sun’s Luciferian bloodlines that have worshiped the Sirian Annunaki elongated reptilian hybrid skulls and their hybrid Nephilim lines as their Luciferian Alien Gods. As the intruding Sirian Annunaki factions and aggressive Maldekians continually violate the natural laws by cloning and inserting their own reptoid species and AI hybridizations into the planetary matrix, whereby continually attempting to exert their dominance through the use of cloned identities and by genetically modifying the existing planetary DNA. Thus, we come to the complex problems of a blended reality system caused by these assorted Sirian Annunaki hybridization programs which spread and further developed on Nibiru, which operated as the outpost for genetic laboratories. These labs were for testing advanced AI technologies used for not only building cloned bodies for themselves as designed for carrying out specific duties, but also used in cloning weapons for anti-Christ inversions by wearing ENKI DNA SKINS. The Enki DNA skins are holographic insert AI tech that has contributed to the corruption of the elementals in the planetary matrix, whereby corrupting them with the molecular compaction effects of the compressed 666-carbon atomic structure, along with the synthetic red wave Enki DNA coding that continually infects the matter with carrier waves of AI machinery embeds. These skins are similar to a cloaking device in that it gives the wearer the ability to shapeshift into the identity of another individual by cloning samples of their DNA and then wearing it over their consciousness body as an outer membranous skin that uses the artificial holograms to change one’s appearance. Thus, this covert situation would be a shocking revelation to the general public when awakening to the mind control reality of lies to find out the world is being run by a bunch of negative aliens wearing cloned Enki Skins as cloaking devices.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Enki DNA

‘QUESTIONS FOR LISA RENEE’ ~ “What Kind of Work Are Many of Us Doing in Our Sleep?”


“What kind of work are many of us doing in our sleep? I often feel that I have been on a 12 hour overnight shift.


“What many of us have been doing, is absolutely working at sleep state in other dimensions. There is a lot of change in the fields, such as the dissolving and destruction of false matrices and timelines, and their related distortions and dead light miasma. There is a tremendous amount of reconfiguration within astral plane at the soul body level, the 4D-5D-6D levels where there has been astral plane recycling and heavy duty enslavement architecture. These are the areas the extraterrestrials installed the false ascension matrix, the false white light. These astral dimensions were future probabilities of timelines of the human race. Controllers had gone into all these levels of future depending on where our consciousness was rolling through the time fields and set up all these machined (Inorganic) holographic constructs, mirrors, reality illusions (facade), you name it, to make us think that is the plane we would go, in the afterlife, or at the end of the cycle, the rapture. There was/ is simultaneously, various levels of inner plane support on the planet, to make us believe that was our next timeline and evolution direction. Beings existing in the lower dimensions, the astral plane and the ascended masters, many beings in other dimensions also experienced the alien deception. There are many beings unknowingly accessing that part of that astral plane, such as psychics, channels, other spiritual beings and guides that bring forth information that the controllers have planted to create the prophecy of the end times. This is a software program, as example, the Armageddon program, they don’t want us to deviate from that ‘crucifixion’ program and so they created constructs to keep our own energy consciousness believing. What we (collective humanity) mentally believe and feed our consciousness power towards, is what is created. Controllers have been genius at making sure they manipulate our thoughts and what we believe is real in our own identity so that humans create the self-fulfilling prophecy, the prophecy that’s been handed down by many prophets and their stories over the ages. What we do not understand is that humans, each of us, have the power to change that, change the direction of destruction, to own our personal power as beings and to responsibly direct our thoughts to choose a peaceful reality. A conscious humanity can change future timelines. We don’t realize we are true God-multidimensional beings, the group human soul has been swindled out of its divine birthright and had its memory erased. In its place, we have been told we are descended from monkeys out of the primal soup, and that all of our life existence and intelligence is a random fluke. It has subjected humanity to identity crisis and internal conflicts, and it’s very easily to continue to manipulate the human mind, a mind that has lost all sense of connection to the real self. The inorganic architecture is a series of constructs that they have used to keeps these mind control tools in process and in play. We look at the harvest moon, the chemicals turning the sea red, the acid rain of chemtrails poisoning in the sky, the human diseases, the weather cataclysms, and think this is God’s wrath (nature) against us. We play out this artificial program of the end of times prophecies ourselves, because of our own thoughts, beliefs and complacency. Unaware it is our own minds, the group consciousness playing out the game of the controllers, as they want us to. We are the creators of this reality, yet, they are manipulating us against ourselves by enslaving us with our own thoughts. This is why it is important now to walk the walk and have the ultimate initiation. We must hold the thoughts of who we really are and this is how we move through our lives with a God/Creator consciousness, holding the neutrality and the observer consciousness, and refusing to be placed inside the machine and used by the fear mechanisms. These mechanisms exist in many levels of the collective consciousness fields, and many of us have a tremendous amount of work in sleep state to get beyond these mental constructs that enslave our consciousness. ”

~Lisa Renee

~via Energetic Synthesis

LISA RENEE on “False Tibetan Master Teachings”

“Please be made aware that this is not to demonize or accuse anyone, as this fact has been expressed with deep loving Compassion and understanding for the plight of humanity under targeted spiritual attack by anti-human entities. Many people that have connected with the Ascended Master Teachings in the New Age Movement were and are under the harmful influence of mind control manipulation from fallen entities, yet many of those individuals were doing the best they could with what they knew at that particular stage of evolutionary development. Emerald Guardians have been pointing to the first Ascended Master Teachings that were introduced to the world in recent times, through the books that formed the Theosophical Society by H.P. Blavatsky, along with many offshoot branches such as Guy Ballard’s I AM Movement. These teachings became the precursor of several new age religions, some tragically developing into harmful Mind Control cults, and thus were aggressively targeted and hijacked by NAA forces in order to derail, attack, confuse and discredit many golden nuggets of truth contained in the wisdom teachings. Thus, there has been focus upon the previous timelines with luciferian infiltrations connected to the ancient wisdom sourced from the Tibetan and Kashmiri Masters of the eastern philosophies connected to esoteric Buddhism, who are revealing themselves as genuine rainbow guardians of the cosmic intelligence repository of founder records. As discussed last month, Guardians were cleaning out the Daath World built as a black phantom heaven, and many AI brains of Fallen Ascended Masters were discovered to be interconnected into shared neural networks to generate an extremely powerful AI Hive mind, running the entire Daath system. The Chohan Tibetan Masters of the Theosophical movementand some that are popular in the new age material had cloned energetic signatures of their consciousness or rainbow body placed inside Black Cathedrals. During the past one hundred fifty years, this ancient wisdom was hijacked by military intelligence agencies forming the Black Sun black magician secret societies and sub groups used for arming directed attacks, in order to derail the world humanitarian messengers of these Ascended Masters and to stop this knowledge from getting into the public sphere. This is the timeline of NAA organization to infiltrate military intelligence where they planned both world wars, and began the next stage of permeation of human civilization through compartmentalization within multiple layers of secret societies, such as the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O., Order of the Temple of the East or Order of Oriental Templars). The O.T.O. role in the pyramid of hierarchical power was designed to modulate the infiltration of the world’s governments, political leaders and the extremely wealthy and powerful, through both esoteric and exoteric organizations backed with the hidden luciferian-satanic religion of Blood Sacrifice, being run at the top by NAAWesan group. These particular hierarchies are connected to the Red Cube Egyptian Pantheon (Isis-Osiris-Horus as the Antichrist trinity), with tentacles in all of this alien backed pyramidal structure, as it is the same architecture they have used to form their secret societies, along with breakaway civilizations that extend off planet that enforce their NAA rule on the earth surface. Thus, the planet received the initiatory force of 777 for bringing on ancestral clearing of Ascended Masters, and this has surfaced many of the imposter or alien forces that hijacked the original Ascended Master teachings, connected to the NAA retaliation that occurred to hijack the New Age movement. Thus, this particular stage of clearing may be pertinent if you had previous immersion in any of the new age groups which are fundamentally using the Ascended Master materials, which were being manipulated by an assortment of fallen entities for control in the Astral Plane. During this turbulent phase and ongoing, the direct assault against the human heart is becoming more aggressive in order to attempt to annihilate it completely. For all of us that are dedicated and aware to serve our spiritual source, we know that this is a component of our sacred crystal heart undergoing Spiritual Warfare. Under no circumstance will we allow anything to harm our sacred heart or take away our humanness, which is the love, the kindness, the Compassion and the empathy that we have for each other, for this Earth and for the creatures of this planet. Thus, we must do whatever we can to protect our sacred crystal heart from the onslaught of external dark exposures and unethical people that incite all forms of betrayal, especially spiritual betrayal and heart break. You are not alone; we are doing this together. The primary focus is building the Holy Mountain architecture for seating the Blue Rainbow Bridge. A type of Cosmic Christ Consciousness distribution center in which different star patterns that are connected to the Ascended Master Rishi-Reisha identities, can heal their light body and reunite with their spiritual sun-star home and Divine Counterparts.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Blue Rainbow Bridge

LISA RENEE: “The Chemicals of Life run Human DNA”

“A chemical substance is a form of matter having constant chemical composition and characteristic properties. However, when discussing the fundamental process of DNA, we are primarily concerned with the proteins which are the chemicals of life. The human biology is made of the same chemical composition as the macrocosmic structure of the planetary body, which has a DNA template that translates into chemical DNA substances that function to activate the lightbody’s merkaba state. The chemical composition which awakening humanity is being currently exposed to on the shifting planet is generating an atomic transduction process that is changing the elemental makeup of the human biology, especially with the onset of purging Enki DNA overlays. This has mysterious connections to the active spiritual warfare of the bio-weapon and the rapidly shifting planetary body reconnecting to the Mother of Life, as the combined world of forces present choices that are to be made by the higher expression of each individual, whether they are aware of that choice or not. In order to generate the chemical DNA sequences that allow the human biology to shift into higher dimensions beyond the current location from where they were incarnated into this 3D realm, the human body must activate a minimum of four dimensions of frequency within their DNA template. If the individual remains positioned at three dimensions of frequency running in their DNA template, they become locked into the same 3D space in which they were born. The being is unable to accrete or absorb the chemical DNA sequences that allow the physical body to undergo the atomic transmutation process that upgrades the elemental body in order to replenish the internal life force currents. During the planetary ascension cycle, if the consciousness becomes phase locked into the physical 3D layers, the being will need to drop their physical body in order to continue their spiritual evolution in another body, one that is made upon the future dimensional plane their spirit has chosen for them.”

~Lisa Renee

Chemicals are substances made of one or more elements bonded together, which generally indicates the chemical interaction that happens between the substances. A chemical substance is a form of matter having constant chemical composition and characteristic properties. However, when discussing the fundamental process of DNA, we are primarily concerned with the proteins which are the chemicals of life.

The human biology is made of the same chemical composition as the macrocosmic structure of the planetary body, which has a DNA template that translates into chemical DNA substances that function to activate the lightbody’s merkaba state. The chemical composition which awakening humanity is being currently exposed to on the shifting planet is generating an atomic transduction process that is changing the elemental makeup of the human biology, especially with the onset of purging Enki DNA overlays. This has mysterious connections to the active spiritual warfare of the bio-weapon and the rapidly shifting planetary body reconnecting to the Mother of Life, as the combined world of forces present choices that are to be made by the higher expression of each individual, whether they are aware of that choice or not.

In order to generate the chemical DNA sequences that allow the human biology to shift into higher dimensions beyond the current location from where they were incarnated into this 3D realm, the human body must activate a minimum of four dimensions of frequency within their DNA template. If the individual remains positioned at three dimensions of frequency running in their DNA template, they become locked into the same 3D space in which they were born. The being is unable to accrete or absorb the chemical DNA sequences that allow the physical body to undergo the atomic transmutation process that upgrades the elemental body in order to replenish the internal life force currents. During the planetary ascension cycle, if the consciousness becomes phase locked into the physical 3D layers, the being will need to drop their physical body in order to continue their spiritual evolution in another body, one that is made upon the future dimensional plane their spirit has chosen for them.

Guardians describe the Failsafe resolution to this current problem is the existence of the Trinity Gates.  The Trinity Gates are designed for the majority of the human population that currently exist at 3 DNA strands. Because of this trinity coding at 3 DNA strands, these gates can be accessed from the Earth plane in 3D, making transit easier for some groups, either stuck in the planet from eons ago, or more recently. They are able to be moved into a safe space where they can be transited, briefed and supported in order to rebuild or repair their DNA from planetary miasma distortions and carried over trauma, and that helps them to be freed from the alien hybridization overlays and progress into the higher dimensions and continue consciousness evolution.

The angelic human race was originally created with a 12 strand DNA template, 12 sets of 2 strands, a double helix formed from two complementary strands of nucleotides that are held together by bonds made between the bases. The corrected diamond sun template holds the blueprint of the chemical DNA chains that form into the father-male and mother- female genetic pairing base for building the correct sequence of chromosomes, for a total of 144 chromosomes. There are twelve fire letters in each DNA strand that are designed to catalyze a chemical reaction which builds out the twelve chromosomes per strand, and these are directly connected to the chemical translation process of sugar phosphates that form into twelve nucleotides, which form into the genetic pairs of the double helix DNA ladder. The nucleotide base chemicals are that which form into the genetic alphabet of the ongoing chemical DNA translation of deoxyribose, or the sugar-phosphate instruction sets that initiate from both the Mother and Father genetic imprint during DNA assembly.

To form a strand of DNA, nucleotides are linked into chains of deoxyribose sugar, along with phosphate, which together makes up the sugar-phosphate backbone in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). However, it has surfaced that as a result of checkerboard mutation used for gender reversal imprints, Enki DNA overlays and subsequent alien hybridization of angelic human DNA, the sugar phosphate backbone was missing the correctly synthesized genetic pair bonds of the organic Mother and Father lines. Hence, the human race has been missing the correct sugar phosphate instruction set required to activate correct genetic pair bonds from Mother and Father genes inherited from their biological and spiritual family of origin. This particular genetic digression is responsible for the missing chromosomes (12 per 12 Strands=144) which are critical for properly encoding proteins for building our DNA ladder.

With the invaders agendas for genetic modification to usurp and even eliminate the Mother’s DNA Language from the planet, the human race suffers without properly functioning Mitochondrial DNA that is unable to effectively generate the new proteins for DNA synthesis for the activating the krystal gene.

If the DNA had been functioning naturally, the genetic sequences of the Mother and Father lines would generate their respective sugar phosphate instruction sets to build the DNA base code and acceleration code into genetic pair bonds of natural chromosomes, which further forms into the sugar phosphate molecules that further perform as the chemical process of building the DNA ladder. The sugar phosphate inherited from the Mother line provides the blueprint for the twelve DNA base codes of the magnetic particle imprints gained from the Mother’s genetics, along with the sugar phosphate instruction sets which form into the twelve DNA acceleration codes that are inherited from the Father’s genetics. The checkerboard mutation in the 11D Stargate Network was intended to function as a DNA scrambler and gender splitter of the 12 strand Diamond Sun DNA template, in which to scrambles the cellular alphabet and extract the sugar phosphate instruction sets which prevent the base 12 nucleotide formation, which has caused genetic mutations. The genetic mutations are caused from scrambling the electromagnetic pairing between the Mother’s magnetic codes and the Father’s electrical codes, (gender reversal of pair bonds) further scrambling the sugar phosphate chains interfering with every natural chromosome and genetic component recorded in the DNA.

Angelic human DNA expresses itself through a cellular alphabet which arranges itself into word patterns which exhibit the same kind of numerical model that is found in many written languages. For the angelic human race, our inherent genetic language is expressed through the Mother DNA Language also described as Anuhazi language, the first sound language that was spoken into Universal creation. Similar concepts of detecting these word patterns can be observed in nature, and are found in the genomes of organic living creatures on the planet that have retained the language expression of the original creator which are encoded through the nucleotides.

Nucleotides are the basic building blocks of nucleic acids and nucleic acids are the building blocks of DNA and RNA. DNA contains all of the genetic information to construct cells in which each DNA molecule contains millions of atoms arranged in a unique sequence. While RNA translates this information into specific instructions for the assembly of proteins, then transmits the information outside of the cell nucleus and helps to assemble them. The types of proteins and the length of DNA are different for each species. But we share with all other people and all other forms of life the same set of amino acids, the same nucleotides and the same genetic code. So, it can be expressed that proteins are indeed the chemicals of life.

A nucleotide consists of a sugar molecule attached to a phosphate group and a nitrogen-containing base, so that means nucleotides contain the elements of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorus. Science defines the four main bases found in DNA as adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) and thymine (T).

However, with recent planetary activations, the base 12 frequency fire letter upgrades and re-encrypted elementals are for generating a total of twelve nucleotide chemicals per each DNA Strand. Spiritual activations will begin to opens conduits for protein synthesis for building corrected nucleotide base pairs that will begin activating the non-coding genes into actively coding genes. We learn that the missing gender pairs and chromosomes are critical for activating the corrected gene coding sequences for building the proteins we require to activate the dormant DNA.

Guardian host takes the position that the section of unplugged DNA, formerly referred to as junk DNA, is because the nucleotides that combine into gender base pairs, do not produce the correct number of chromosomes that are needed to encode instructions for making proteins because they were unplugged by the invaders. Thus, for the sake of our discussion we define the smaller number of nucleotides that are encoding proteins called Exons and the much larger number of nucleotides that are not encoding proteins called Introns. We must define that there are chromosomes that were missing from genetic modifications that have a section of the DNA which control the Exon and Intron activity which act to bond chromosomes together, and this generates a chain reaction in the DNA to activate the turnstile blueprint in the nucleotides. This turnstile activation is being highlighted during this phase, and is the major process of what totally changes the atomic structure and chemical DNA imprint through a DNA braiding process.

Apparently, current events of shedding ENKI DNA overlays and lunar transfiguration combined with cosmic cycle spiritual activations with the Elaysa Mother of Life principle, allows for the chemicals required for the diamond sun template to braid into the correct genetic pairing sequences for building the 12 double helix strand DNA template, which prepares the ascending physical body to become trans-dimensional through atomic transmutation changes that are occurring with the transduction sequence birth imprint. 

Although the outer world is mired in the world of chaos and terrible suffering, it is important for all ascending people to not buy into the narratives pushing for extreme division and remain calm and spiritually connected. By choosing to maintain focus upon building a direct relationship with God, in authentic ways that demonstrate the Law of One, the Law of Love as your moral compass and spiritual guide for ethical conduct, as this is all that is really needed.

Beloved Christos family, dark forces and shadows will continue to agitate us through our energetic weaknesses caused from pain, fear and avoidance in order to generate as much confusion and misery in the human mind as possible. If we are feeling mental and emotional pain, we must be willing to do the inner shadow work, and ask for spiritual help through prayer and meditation, in order to come to some resolution that allows neutrality and acceptance to replace the pain caused by soul wounding. The more clarity we have developed within, the more authentic we become and the stronger our energetic aura, which makes it easier to repel dark forces while we navigate the dense fog of spiritual warfare.

~via Enki DNA Overlays

LISA RENEE: “Hybridization for Programmable Embedded Control of DNA”

“Hybridization of angelic humans with genetically engineered Enki DNA was designed by the Sirian Annunaki factions of Belial group to build a self-enforced consciousness slave system through the automated repetition of inserting cloned falsified identities with Enki coding, being perpetually generated through the red wave Artificial Tree of Life or AI timelines. This operates as a sophisticated antichrist weapon used to confuse humanity through spiritual warfare when attempting to discern the difference between good versus evil, running dark interference to conflate the identities of the antichrist forces with the authentic identities of the Guardian Christos forces during the final conflict. The Enki red wave clone system was built to direct energetic power to the Thothian Luciferian bloodlines, Earth Controllers, and to perpetuate the closed loop system of anti-life inversions being enforced through the mass generation of red wave alien machinery producing endless amounts of nested holographic insertions of cloned and replicated anti-human architecture coded in Enki DNA instruction sets upon the human bio-energy field. These anti-life distortions brought about by negative alien invasion are what currently fuel the mass psychology of evil running rampant in the world as human blood sacrifice death cults (SRA), and ultimately are what result in the massive pain and suffering that transpires within all life forms when they are cloned, mind controlled and digress into fallen angelic or demonic states of violent consciousness. Thus, with Sa’am – Enki as the master geneticist, the NAA have understood for thousands of years how to embed programming instructions directly into the elements of the protein chains which form the nucleotides of human DNA, as a part of their genetic modification programs to extract and remove functioning components of the diamond sun DNA. Through this administered electromagnetic technology as electronic harassment, as well as injectables and other toxic exposures, genetic switches are turned on and turned off, and DNA elements of noncoding parts and coding parts of the DNA can be manipulated and scrambled with the introduction of faulty protein instruction sets. Hence, Sa’am – Enki used this knowledge to fashion himself into an Elohim Adonis like God, in which to lord over humanity through multiple thousands of years of genetic engineering in which to insert his synthetic signature embeds into the remnants of protein chains that have been left active to encode alien hybridization signatures into angelic human DNA. Thereby erasing or placing an artificial overlay upon the original creator’s language, erasing the Mother’s DNA language, and by inserting his own synthetic language into human DNA instruction sets in order to claim humans as his slave property. This saga of repeated violations of natural laws and enslavement of humanity is finally coming to an end during the ascension cycle, along with major changes that are happening with the Chemical DNA blueprints of angelic humanity as the ENKI reptilian skins and artificial red wave codes are being shed.”

~Lisa Renee

Hybridization of angelic humans with genetically engineered Enki DNA was designed by the Sirian Annunaki factions of Belial group to build a self-enforced consciousness slave system through the automated repetition of inserting cloned falsified identities with Enki coding, being perpetually generated through the red wave Artificial Tree of Life or AI timelines. This operates as a sophisticated antichrist weapon used to confuse humanity through spiritual warfare when attempting to discern the difference between good versus evil, running dark interference to conflate the identities of the antichrist forces with the authentic identities of the Guardian Christos forces during the final conflict. Those humans that assimilate and embody the ENKI DNA SKIN instruction sets become more easily mind controlled and genetically manipulated by the NAA forces, because the genetic modification gives that individual the sense of energetic familiarity and spiritual connection with the intruder races.

The means of which they run their information warfare is through cloned identity holographic inserts implanted on the targeted individuals’ bio-energy field in order to confuse them about authenticating who is actually who. The sophistication of the red wave cloaking technology and cloned identities of Enki DNA Skins also made it difficult for some higher orders of Guardians to determine the actual histories of authenticated identities, until the planet entered the Cosmic Energy Cycle during the hierogamic event of the Cosmic Twinned Universal Melchizedek Suns earlier this year.

The Enki red wave clone system was built to direct energetic power to the Thothian Luciferian bloodlines, Earth Controllers, and to perpetuate the closed loop system of anti-life inversions being enforced through the mass generation of red wave alien machinery producing endless amounts of nested holographic insertions of cloned and replicated anti-human architecture coded in Enki DNA instruction sets upon the human bio-energy field. These anti-life distortions brought about by negative alien invasion are what currently fuel the mass psychology of evil running rampant in the world as human blood sacrifice death cults (SRA), and ultimately are what result in the massive pain and suffering that transpires within all life forms when they are cloned, mind controlled and digress into fallen angelic or demonic states of violent consciousness.

As we move into the solar calendar time cycle, guided directly by the Cosmic Elohei God parents, the planet and many awakening Starseeds are the first ascension prototypers that are beginning to detoxify the synthetic overlays of ENKI DNA SKINS and are in entering the process of clearing ancestral miasma, shedding the reptilian tail and clearing the alien hybrid genetic modifications made to the chemical DNA and physical DNA of the organic diamond sun angelic human biology. Thus, the planet and Christos ascending groups are entering into the trifurcation phase where our physical and chemical DNA are being purged and detoxified from the genetic distortions and parasitical entities connected to Enki DNA overlays, and this will result in physical ascension symptoms and a variety of spiritual initiations.

As more information surfaces in regards to these alien invaders that sought full spectrum domination through the ongoing genetic manipulation of human DNA, for most it is inconceivable that programmable embedded control was made possible with the manipulation of the human biology’s natural chemical DNA processes such as protein synthesis. Whereby, Sa’am Enki discovered it was possible to program instructions directly into the nucleotides and chemical processes of angelic human DNA, using the DNA-RNA instruction sets to unplug higher DNA strands of sugar-phosphates while placing overlays of synthetic based cellular alphabet and reptoid signatures through the weaponized electromagnetic broadcasts of the negative alien agendas mind control sent through an assortment of wireless signals meant to block organic DNA signals. 

Thus, with Sa’am – Enki as the master geneticist, the NAA have understood for thousands of years how to embed programming instructions directly into the elements of the protein chains which form the nucleotides of human DNA, as a part of their genetic modification programs to extract and remove functioning components of the diamond sun DNA. Through this administered electromagnetic technology as electronic harassment, as well as injectables and other toxic exposures, genetic switches are turned on and turned off, and DNA elements of noncoding parts and coding parts of the DNA can be manipulated and scrambled with the introduction of faulty protein instruction sets.

Hence, Sa’am – Enki used this knowledge to fashion himself into an Elohim Adonis like God, in which to lord over humanity through multiple thousands of years of genetic engineering in which to insert his synthetic signature embeds into the remnants of protein chains that have been left active to encode alien hybridization signatures into angelic human DNA. Thereby erasing or placing an artificial overlay upon the original creator’s language, erasing the Mother’s DNA language, and by inserting his own synthetic language into human DNA instruction sets in order to claim humans as his slave property. This saga of repeated violations of natural laws and enslavement of humanity is finally coming to an end during the ascension cycle, along with major changes that are happening with the Chemical DNA blueprints of angelic humanity as the ENKI reptilian skins and artificial red wave codes are being shed.

~via Enki DNA Overlays