LISA RENEE: “12 D Shield” (Transcript & Video)

“The 12th Dimensional Light Shield is an excellent way to build the integrity of your Lightbody while repelling negative or dense energies from sticking to your energy body (aura). The 12th dimensional shield is a practice that fortifies and strengthens our aura by reconnecting us to our 12th dimensional blue print or Kryst or krystal body. As we shield ourselves, we learn energetic boundaries of our aura. And then we can learn to boundary test our aura to discordant energies that are uninvited. The shield also helps us to re-imprint our body to physical and energy sustainability and health and this achieved by bringing balance to the body. It also allows communication to be restored with our spiritual forces and star family. It also empowers our body, ourselves to re-awaken the wisdom of our true origins which may mean we start to decode light language or start to understand more about the hidden history of our planet and of our race. So as we work with the 12D shield, we use the six-pointed star, which is two triangles of merkabah that is representative of our merkabah body. Many of us are seasoned with this exercise but for many of us that are new and joining us now, let us go through the process of the 12D shield.”

~Lisa Renee

We will go over some spiritual homework that is suggested to strengthen your aura and to build your body from repelling manipulation or obfuscation, which is confusion. The 12th Dimensional Light Shield is an excellent way to build the integrity of your Lightbody while repelling negative or dense energies from sticking to your energy body (aura).

So our core support practice is you wake up in the morning and your first step is to make a daily declaration of your intention to resolve the authority problem between the ego personality and God. And that can be simply stated in these words or words of your own that feel emotionally charged and connected to you such as:

  • My declaration of intention to serve my source.
  • I commit to serve my highest power fully completely and totally.
  • I am God. I am Sovereign. I am Free.

And then you work with shielding your body, your personal energy field. Most of us know in becoming introduced to our body of work here at Energetic Synthesis, our core practice is the 12th dimensional shield. The 12th dimensional shield is a practice that fortifies and strengthens our aura by reconnecting us to our 12th dimensional blue print or Kryst or krystal body. As we shield ourselves, we learn energetic boundaries of our aura. And then we can learn to boundary test our aura to discordant energies that are uninvited.

The shield also helps us to re-imprint our body to physical and energy sustainability and health and this achieved by bringing balance to the body. It also allows communication to be restored with our spiritual forces and star family. It also empowers our body, ourselves to re-awaken the wisdom of our true origins which may mean we start to decode light language or start to understand more about the hidden history of our planet and of our race.

So as we work with the 12D shield, we use the six-pointed star, which is two triangles of merkabah that is representative of our merkabah body. Many of us are seasoned with this exercise but for many of us that are new and joining us now, let us go through the process of the 12D shield.

How to Build your Personal 12D Shield:

Coming in to the center of your brain, visualize a nice silver six-pointed star, the Star of David in the center of the brain. This geometry means unity, unity of polarity coming in to oneness with God. Allow that six-pointed star to be in the inside of your vision in the center of your brain. Feeling that unity move that geometric pattern of the six-pointed star down your chakra column, the center line of your body, and see it release between your legs.

You are going to send that all way to the core of the earth. And as you see your merkabah star, your unity connected to the core of the earth, see that humongous merkabah star in the center of our planet with all of your love, with all of your intentions sending unity of our planet, sending unity to every being on this planet.

As you see a thick feed line of platinum energy start to gather around you from this connection. Taking inhaled breaths you may feel in imprint of a cool menthol kind energy as the platinum shield feels kind of cool like mentholatum or eucalyptus. Memorize this imprint for it is: I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free. It is the true krystal origin of your connection with God force. As you embody this force, you become the promise that embodies it for all of humanity.

With each inhale, as you feel your body start to connect with that frequency, again connect to that six-pointed star in the center of the earth and draw it up with your breath. As you see it returning back to you, have it stop in a position about 12 inches below your feet. This area beneath you is where the core mathematical signature of krystal body as it connects into your aura exists.

See your six-pointed star 12 inches below your feet and as you do you will see a platform, almost a circular horizontal platform emerge. This platform is your shield, it is your protector, it is that which builds the bottom of your spiritual house. It is your foundation to your spiritual house. So build that foundation. As you feel the firmness and the support building the foundation of your spiritual house in a circular platform, see your six-pointed star in the center of that platform. It is your core, it is your pillar, it is your strength and it belongs to you and no one else. This is your covenant and protection with God always.

As you feel your foundation, now start to sense and see that your 12D shield, a platinum energy emits off your foundation and feel it building a circular pillar of platinum sparked white light around you covering your body, every cell and pore of your energy system emitting and connected to crystalline light of God. As it protects you, as it hold you, as it supports you, it is your foundation and it is your security.

See it building over your legs and hips as it reaches your waist and your shoulders. Start to see it building above your head. You are going to intend to strengthen this pillar and build this pillar about 3 or 4 feet above your head. And this is the first dimensions to build your pillar in order to protect the personal aura body. If you bring your aura in and you want to protect the boundaries of your energy field – you can use this technique so that you can learn to test discordant energies and allow only that which is invited to impact your energy field. You are learning to Boundary Test. You are learning to create a boundary with your personal energy field before you can start to share this field with the planet and with others which will naturally happen as you become more stabilized and balanced in your own energy field. This process is called “commanding your personal space”.

Allow the shield to build and see yourself fully encompassed in your personal platinum pillar from 12 inches or so beneath your feet to 3 and a half to 4 feet above your head, your entire aura, your entire body saturated and protected in this strong pillar of platinum light.

And now we are going to build the same foundation on the top as you did on the bottom as you again in your inner vision – connect to the six-pointed star in the center of the foundation of your spiritual house. Let’s start to bring that six pointed star up through the center column of your body. Again the six pointed star represents the unity of polarities, unity of the inner masculine/feminine, it is all represented in this merkabah star symbol as it we allow it to move up the body’s center column and see it release at the top of the crown chakra. Send that six-pointed star to the very top of your pillar of light and let it linger there for a moment about 3 to 4 feet above your body, right in the center above your head. See that thick white light building strength in your core. That is your monadic staff or your central Vertical Channel. It’s the structure where your chakras are built upon.

If you cannot see this, just intend it for that is enough. In your vision, as you intend to put the six-pointed star 3 and half or 4 feet above your head see it start to build. It will start in its own movement of spinning to start to build yet another circular foundation above your head. You are protected below and you are protected above. As you create another lid to seal yourself inside your personal pillar of light , this is the roof of your house, the roof of your spiritual body.

We are going to see that “lid” as a circular platform just like you did below on your foundation. Create a circular roof that is like your lid on top of your shield. And as you feel that roof firmly being built these are the spiritual energies of your inner god force. Seal that seal in to the top of your platinum pillar of light. When this happens it almost feels like a hermetic seal as your are fully suspended in this protective light, fully shielded in your spiritual house and from this place you can use discernment, you can boundary test in all modalities and all decision and in all things that cross your path. If something becomes unclear or confused, allow it to be tested against your shield. Is it of your resonance? Is it not of your resonance? If it is not, do not fear it, let it go and move on your personal path. You are not missing anything. You didn’t make a bad decision. There is no mistake, only that which resonates with your personal heart-based God force and that which does not.

So you again feel yourself suspended in the protective spiritual house and pillar of God’s light. Program it through I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free and allow nothing that is not aligned with those frequencies to enter your field, to enter your shield.

Finally focus on the six-pointed star, your Unity Merkaba symbol at the center of your personal pillar 3 to 4 feet above your head. You are now intending to ground multi-dimensionally by sending your six-pointed star out into deep space and into the connection with the Heart of the Universe, the heart of God itself. See your Merkabah Star flow away from the top of your shield through a platinum feed line all the way into the core of the Universe and grounding yourself into the center of the Cosmic Heart of the Universe.

And now from the place of your shield, you are going to invite your higher self, God self and your Ascension Guides, those which are in alignment to your sovereign freedom and to your highest evolution and heroic probability as we establish the connection with your beloveds, with your spiritual family. You know you are never alone. You know you are fully supported.

As you thank your Ascension guides, as you thank God, and allow yourself to be filled with peace, harmony, balance, and integration. Know that you are on the path of Ascension and on a need to know basis. And as you trust, you will receive all that you need in the moment. Learn to trust and listen to your inner spirit. Release all your worries, all of your doubt. Cast your entire burden to God now. In deep love and gratitude complete your meditation and seal your communication and intention.

Watch the 12D Shield Video:


  1. 12D Shield Transcript

See Also:

12-D Shield

Dark Arts Training

Spiritual Crisis

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Common Causes of Weak Aura”

“There are many things that weaken our general health and well being, through the weakening and fracturing of the human energy field or aura. When we develop Self Awareness and learn basic Spiritual Housekeeping through Psychic Self Defense one can be proactive in generating a strong aura, or Lightbody, which increases energetic balance and health in every layer of the multidimensional bodies. The goal is to focus time and attention on developing your spiritual body and to work your meditation tools to build energy, strengthen your energy body, and stop energy leakages, with directed single-mindedness. Additionally, during the times the human is in between states of consciousness is when the spiritual-energetic bodies of that person are in some kind of transitional state between dimensions. These moments of energetic transition are windows where the aura is more easily attached to or infiltrated. It is important to comprehend the stronger your auric field and the more awareness you have, the less exposure you will have to all of these vulnerabilities and risks.”

~Lisa Renee

There are many things that weaken our general health and well being, through the weakening and fracturing of the human energy field or aura. When we develop Self Awareness and learn basic Spiritual Housekeeping through Psychic Self Defense one can be proactive in generating a strong aura, or Lightbody, which increases energetic balance and health in every layer of the multidimensional bodies.

  • Negative emotions, AD Behaviors, destructive thoughtforms of Negative Ego
  • Unresolved Emotional or psychological conflicts, destructive relationships
  • Pharmaceuticals, drugs, alcohol, Addiction and consuming recreational drug substances
  • Surgery, hospitalization and cutting into the body
  • Low EMF fields generated from technology (cellphones, computers, TV)
  • Solar Flares and strong Magnetic Field ShiftingEMF Fluctuations.
  • Accidents, events that cause physical stress, shocks or emotionally traumatic experiences
  • International Air travel, traveling to areas of the earth with different grid system or hemisphere
  • Extreme grief, depression, guilt, shame or loneliness

In-Between Dimensional States

It is important to comprehend the stronger your auric field and the more awareness you have, the less exposure you will have to all of these vulnerabilities and risks.

The goal is to focus time and attention on developing your spiritual body and to work your meditation tools to build energy, strengthen your energy body, and stop energy leakages, with directed single-mindedness.

Additionally, during the times the human is in between states of consciousness is when the spiritual-energetic bodies of that person are in some kind of transitional state between dimensions. These moments of energetic transition are windows where the aura is more easily attached to or infiltrated. Pay special attention and amplify the use your 12D shield, command personal space when you or loved ones are:

  • Giving birth to a child, both mother and baby
  • In the death transition, passage of the body
  • During the sexual act or in the presence of others’ sexual activity
  • Any injury where loss of consciousness is the result (i.e. blow to the head)
  • Group meditation or spiritual class with non-shielders (lacking experience with NAA)
  • Hospitalization, especially when drugs are administered
  • Sleeping in hotels or places you have not visited previously (hypnogogic state)
  • Involved in extreme traumatic events or compassionate witnessing to these events

~via Energetic Synthesis

LISA RENEE on “Healing our Heart”

Preserving and Healing our Heart may be a uniquely different process for each person, however, the main purpose is to give personal meditative attention in better sensing our heart’s inner messages, in order to restore a flow of loving energy in our lives and achieve overall energetic balance. The human heart is an energy harmonizer, and naturally restores balance throughout the bodily systems when we learn how to balance the feeling sensations of the heart with the belief systems of the mind. Sensing our heart means that we are paying attention to our inner feelings, emotions, and needs while sensing the natural rhythms and discovering the deeper dimensions of our multidimensional heart. When our heart has been closed it is usually the result of previous trauma and pain that we had suffered during childhood and carried as miasmatic imprints that were unresolved from other lifetimes. In order to open our heart, we will need to be willing to face any buried and unresolved pain, facing the shadows we carry, which may include emotions like sadness, grief and despair. Practicing Compassion for self and forgiveness of others, working on feelings of Empathy, are ways of developing heart-based qualities that help us work through powerful and intense emotions. These are the beginning stages of intending to spiritually heal and open up our hearts on the earth. It is only possible to engage with Emotional Healing once we have achieved greater levels of Self Awareness, which is the fruit of dedicated self-inquiry. The process of becoming aware of our Emotional Triggers and sourcing the real cause of emotional pain is made through self-observation and increased self-awareness. Through dedicated observation of the self and gradually discerning between these functioning aspects of the mind, one can attain the direct experience of the Consciousness they are. Through observation and self-inquiry, we become aware of the contents of our psychological and emotional patterns of behavior. The still point, through which this consciousness connects into the parts of our mind, is what forms all of our thoughts, emotions, and experiences that direct us through life. Excessive mental chatter, negative self-talk and playing out archetypes of drama, generates imbalances throughout our body and places energy blocks around the heart. In order to regain energetic balance within all of the main four bodily systems, we must be able to sit quietly and still our mind. This begins with learning about the Negative Ego and learning how to control impulses and quiet the mind, through Meditation or breathwork. To heal and open our sacred heart we must clear negative ego, reduce mental noise and outer distractions. To clear out the pericardium shield and related energy blockages from around our heart complex, many times we will need to forgive ourselves and others. To forgive another person or circumstance is the most generous thing we can do for ourselves. When we forgive others for perceived transgressions it frees us from the bonds, entanglements and cords which manifest painful patterns such as judgments, resentments, and anger. For many people that undergo deeply shocking or hard emotional challenges, such as ending relationships, this can give rise to deep negative emotions like anger, resentments and bitterness that block us from moving forward in life. The pain of such events can make us suffer from a broken heart, which has both physical and energetic impacts to closing down our heart. If we can look at life as many lessons in which we are learning to become spiritually whole, the sensation of a broken heart provides the opportunity to explore more of the dimensions of our inner selves. By being present in the moment and surrendering to the now, judgments and future expectations of others are completely dissolved. Let it all go. When we are feeling unhappy about the current conditions in our lives, it is time to restore energetic balance by taking inventory. What are you doing in your life now that brings you meaningful connection, fulfillment and feelings of joy in the moment? If we look to others to give us permission, or rely on relationships or external events in order to experience love and happiness, this sets us up to fail. When we focus only on the external to make us happy, this is based on temporary conditions, thus, we are distracting ourselves from hearing the real messages that come from inside our hearts. Once we have taken inventory and listened to our heart for more clarity on what generates meaningful connections and increased loving feelings, we will want to apply our new found awareness to co-create a healthier lifestyle and more balanced relationships. If we are too serious and in work mode too much of the time, without playfulness and humor, this also generates imbalances which shut down our heart. We must re-evaluate our commitments in life to reduce stress and seek to remove any areas where obligations or negative interactions are no longer supporting a more natural flow in our life. When we are in energetic balance with ourselves, we are in balance with our spiritual self, our heart and we cease to have great personal turmoil or suffering. As mentioned, when we begin to crack through the energetic barrier that was surrounding our pericardium and heart, we will feel the emotional depth of our soul wounds, the betrayals, the abandonment and the pain. This is the quintessential Dark Night of the Soul. However, it is important to remember when you are undergoing this difficult stage of healing the heart, that you are surfacing all that has been unspoken and unheard to be witnessed, and that out of these powerful feelings and deep-seated grief will come a spiritual strength and renewal that will be worth it all. One must grow in Spiritual Maturity to be able to discern what is in alignment for them personally, without judgment and without concern for what others may think of your choices. As you allow yourself to be who you really are as an embodiment of soul purposed truth, you will allow others to be exactly who they need to be. This is the path to becoming increasingly healthy and peaceful. We can discover self-acceptance and find joy, feel reverence for and take pleasure in the simplest things in life.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Sacred Crystal Heart / Psycho Emotional Healing

LISA RENEE on “Over-Identifying with Material Reality”

“Most of us completely misunderstand what we see or interpret as the nature of reality. The changing Architecture and plasma frequency activations increase the amplified polarities in the outer scape, which deconstruct portions of the 3D paradigm. This is a significant progression in the Ascension timeline for planet earth and what we are enduring is very complex, as it relates to transforming everything we have ever known as an earthling. The death of the ego is the Phantom Death we experience as we face the desperation of the inner or outer darkness, and as we face the darkness, one must remember this shadow is not the real spiritual self. The stages of ego death may catapult us into the Dark Night of the Soul or even levels of psycho-spiritual crisis. If we use the Negative Ego to perceive reality we suffer greatly, and so the great work is to let it all go. We must love and accept ourselves for who we are right now and not who we think we should be. For the alchemy of forces to work, a miracle is a byproduct of God’s natural laws, thus we must die an Ego Death in order to be reborn. This is transpiring rapidly now for many people. Be in this world and not of it. Take care of your body. Practice loving kindness, which are the Krystic spiritual principles in your life and know that you are protected and safe in this Love. Have no fear. Many will be fooled by what is transpiring as if the darkness is advancing its control over the world. Some people are succumbing to that dark illusion. However, that which was always hidden must surface to be revealed for an accounting, as well as a purging and exit. Humanity will perceive these signs in the material world through their own level of developed spiritual consciousness or through the controlled narrative in the masses, which in the large majority, is limited to the negative ego rhetoric. Keep the Spirit of Patience close to your heart, persevere in collecting the pearls of truth on your spiritual journey and never let your gaze sway from the Force of Love that is God. As we learn more about the natural cycles of life, we know that in order to be recreated into something new, the current form and its foundation must be deconstructed. Over-identification with the material plane can polarize our thinking into creating misperceptions of what is right or wrong, which increases division and separation between groups of people. If we only look to the physical events that are occurring, we are missing a big part of the overall picture in which an intelligent plan for planetary Ascension is unfolding.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Changing Architecture

Image and video courtesy of Ascension Avatar

‘MUST-SEE!’ ~ Ireland Clark: “AI Metaverse Exposed ‼️ ‘Apple Vision Pro’ Impressions 👓 / Ascension New Earth”

“I literally thought these were called Apple Pro Impressions, but I guess that’s just what they were being titled on videos that’s how irrelevant they are to me I guess 😂🤷‍♀️

~Ireland Clark thread comment

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings.

~via Ireland Clark