LISA RENEE on “Mainstream Psychology”

“Current mainstream Psychology is the study of behavior, thoughts and the functions of the mind, which attempt to explore concepts that include all aspects of the conscious and unconscious experiences that make up the current human condition. Many people believe that the current field of Psychology has the ultimate goal of creating a more improved and humane society. Prior to the late 1800’s, the study of our inner mental life was the study of our Soul, and the inner workings of our deepest self or essence. This is the true meaning of Soul Psychology, a system of understanding, which allows for the necessary integration between the functions of the mind and the Soul, acknowledging and supporting the human consciousness framework into harmonious co-existence. However, without the necessary components to allow the integration and comprehension of the structure of the Soul, Psychology remains completely antiquated in addressing the real and varied impacts that the mind has upon the Soul. To intentionally disconnect the existence of the mind from the existence of the soul is extremely destructive and damaging to all human beings. This fact is what contributes to the manifestation of disconnected and chronically miserable people who intentionally create harm without moral conscience. Soul disconnected people behave in a similar manner to artificial intelligence robots, as they are shaped by mass media to make decisions based on survival and selfish desires, with no authentic thoughts or emotional states of their own making. Disconnection conveniently pushes forward the basic agenda of Psychology to be very effective in furthering the Transhumanism agenda. Today, if people are unhappy and disconnected from their mind and soul, they are given a pharmaceutical drug to take control over their bio-neurological system functioning, which leads to lifelong pharmaceutical dependencies and addictions. Administering synthetic drugs to impair bio-neurological functioning of the brain further impairs and damages the Soul body, making it nearly impossible for a person to experience Soul embodiment or perceive the nature of their Soul. The Soul body is made up of a complex webbing of energetic receivers, which connect to the central nervous system and brain wiring. Inducing certain artificial stimulus into the central nervous system and the brain, will short circuit the soul body and brain receivers, effectively damaging the wiring connections that transmit Electromagnetic Signals. This is common in people who hear voices in their mind, after they have had some kind of extreme trauma reaction, to drugs or hospitalization. Thus, applied Psychology without understanding the real existence and nature of the Soul, easily leads to biological and Social Engineering experiments of mind control, by prescribing drugs and carrying out therapies that shut down the energetic receivers that exist between the brain, body and Soul. Organized Religion and Scientific Atheism are both schools of thought imposed by the NAA, which result in indoctrinated humans that suffer from the control system that extremely polarizes thinking. Each side of the opposition, present an all or nothing model that severely limits the scope of human intelligence. The agenda is to keep people arguing in circular debates with no resolution, so that we waste our energies being distracted by ineffective projects or topics that lead nowhere. Political and financial interests dominate angry egos jostling for status or position, over finding the common ground that unites us to put our collective energies into serving humanitarian causes. We must stop contributing to the deadlock, and become a positive cause in finding the common ground, by focusing on the much larger picture. Always speaking compassionately and kindly towards others is the best place to begin the dialogue. The Soul and Mind co-exist together in an energetic reality that greatly influence each other, independent of any religious doctrine or scientific dogma. If you are incarnated in a human body on the earth, it means that both the experiences, and the structures of the mind and soul are intricately enmeshed with your true consciousness. The Soul body is not ruled in its natural existence by any form of Religion, just as the mental body is not ruled in its natural existence through any form of Psychology. Humanity must get past the limitations of polarized thinking and engaging in circular debates that label people who experience their personal Soul nature, as religious zealots or as delusional. As well as opening their hearts to the potential existence that the Soul is consciousness energy, which can be measured and quantified in the day-to-day activities of sentient beings.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Soul Psychology

LISA RENEE on “Confirmation Bias”

Confirmation Bias is the strong human tendency to dismiss or distort evidence or facts that are contrary to our acceptable beliefs formed by our Mental Map and readily seek out any kind of evidence that supports our views. It is a type of cognitive bias and a systematic error of Inductive Reasoning. People display this bias when they gather or remember information selectively, or when they interpret it in a biased way. The effect is stronger for desired outcomes, for emotionally charged issues, and for deeply-entrenched beliefs. In psychology and cognitive science, confirmation bias (or confirmatory bias) is a tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one’s preconceptions, leading to statistical errors. Confirmation Bias is a type of cognitive bias and represents an error of inductive inference toward confirmation of the hypothesis under study. Confirmation Bias is a phenomenon wherein decision makers have been shown to actively seek out and assign more weight to evidence that confirms their hypothesis, and ignore or underweigh evidence that could disconfirm their hypothesis. As such, it can be thought of as a form of selection bias in collecting evidence. Though a person believes he or she is arguing a point, the argument does not progress because the individual has a fixed and immovable belief that is considered to be a fact and this is the core point of the argument, which in their belief system, is actually not debatable. Organized Religion and Scientific Atheism are both schools of thought imposed by the NAA, which result in indoctrinated humans that suffer from the Mind Control system that extremely polarizes thinking into Confirmation Bias. The agenda is to keep people arguing in circular debates with no resolution, so that we waste our energies being distracted by ineffective projects or topics that lead nowhere. Political and financial interests dominate angry egos jostling for status or position, over finding the common ground that unites us to put our collective energies into serving Humanitarian causes. We must stop contributing to the deadlock, and become a positive cause in finding the common ground, by focusing on the much larger picture. Each side of the opposition present an all-or-nothing model that severely limits the scope of human intelligence.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

“DOUBLE, DOUBLE TOIL AND TROUBLE” ~ Video Double Play: ReallyGraceful on “The Mystery of Missing Kate Middleton” / “What the Media Won’t Tell You About (Lord!) — Jacob Rothschild”


“DOUBLE, DOUBLE TOIL AND TROUBLE” . . . The Mystery of Missing Kate Middleton . . .

“Double, double toil and trouble

Fire burn and caldron bubble . . .”


EYE OF NEWT AND TOE OF FROG” . . . “What the Media Won’t Tell You About (Lord!) — Jacob Rothschild” . . .

“Eye of newt and toe of frog

Wool of bat and tongue of dog . . .

~via ReallyGraceful

LISA RENEE on “Sexual Abuse of Children Is the Highest Priority of Those that Commit Satanic Ritual Abuse for Gaining Power and Control in the Material World”

“This is a huge topic that I have talked about mostly to deaf ears and closed eyes over the years, and in the past, its gotten me some vicious attacks by humans and nonhumans. This brings us to the most important topic of the Pedophile Agenda that is a segment of the mainstreaming of the satanism agenda, occurring more aggressively in the western culture. The first target is the most vulnerable, the children of earth, by making them acceptable sexual objects to be abused and told that this abuse is equated with ‘love’. The damage made to the 2D energy systems that impact the sexual organs to run reversal energies, generate blockages that prevent biological spiritual ascension, many times preventing Kundalini from opening and moving upwards in the central vertical channel. If the Kundalini energies are opened, many times they are running in reverse, the inner merkaba spiral is descending and feeding into reversal energies in the earth. This is the strategy of the NAA, who are attacking the sexual energies of humanity in order to get as many humans to abuse their sexual energies and run reversal merkaba shields as possible, to feed the Checkerboard Mutation. The most traumatic and damaging event that can happen to the soul of a developing baby or child, is sexual abuse from an adult. Collecting sexual energy from children is the holy grail of the NAA, and they use this energy in Moloch battery tanks that power up the Black Magic Grids. Many people do not want to listen or understand this pedophile reality on the earth, and the challenge is to find words that people will be able to process to understand what this actually means, when the words are being spoken and transmitted. There is a massive mind control and mind slide and Consciousness Sweep regarding having sex with children and raping children that they broadcast into the earth body to get people to abuse children this way. So when I talk about this topic, most 3D people that have not cleared their Negative Ego or Holographic Inserts, will be mind slided and hear something differently, or they get very angry or hostile. It is critical for all of us on the earth understand that child porn and child sex is the Holy Grail of the NAA and Satanics, and disseminating this information has to be done very carefully, as this discussion and investigation will dump a payload of satanic aggression and death targeting like no other topic. Recent events have made an opening where some people that have been asleep to this disturbing issue are starting to see it, and the wake up call to see the child abuse and child sex rings is rippling in the Collective Consciousness. Current events bring the opportunity for more people on this earth to wake up to the massive global slavery that has on and off planet infrastructure supporting human child sex and Human Trafficking that hands them to these Interdimensional vampires. What I suggest is that we make the effort to clear out our own Pain Body, in so that we can see this pain in our children and abused adults with accuracy and clarity. We are not productive to anyone if we lose control over ourselves, get hostile to others, shut down or freak out about it and run away. This must be dealt with, and the only way is to become spiritually mature and be willing to look at it calmly, because the structure itself has many tentacles, it must be dismantled and the NAA have to be identified as the main culprits perpetrating the entire Child Sexual Abuse and human sexual slavery system. Any person that thinks a mere few humans will go to jail for this crime, and that these smaller groups are actually in power behind the global pedo rings, is not aware of the larger off planet agenda. We all must understand the larger agenda in order to be effective, as all of the news outlets and surface organizations will DO NOTHING. They will only report these crimes in small incidences to downplay the massive agendas, and if it happens to defame a person’s character if it serves another propaganda agenda, like getting rid of someone in power who is not performing. Or they frame people with this sometimes when they are actually innocent, like UFO experiencers, so they can shut that person up and put them in jail. When I refer to Satanic Agenda, it is always synonymous with how Pedophilia is being hidden and carried out. Satanism in the highest order needs and uses all forms of sexual ritual and Blood Sacrifice with children in order to steal the child’s Soul energy, it is how they maintain control over this reality. Satanism = Human Sex Trafficking = Pedophilia. Why they have targeted school age children for after school Satan classes is no accident, and this is a clear attack being made against children to mainstream satanism and promote it as a evidence based intellectual philosophy. These people have no idea of the spiritual reality of which this earth is enduring. Archontic Deception Strategy is the general blueprint of mind control the Satanics– NAA use to commit their crimes. Please study it so you can identify it working in the mass media. The advanced level of AD Behaviors is that which is the realm of the Satanic Ritual Abusers (SRA), this level is in the caste system of Satanic priesthood which is propagated by the Orion Group. These people and entities actually value the killing of children and believe in the necessity of child sacrifice killings if they can get away with it without prosecution. Their most sick mind believes that the blood of a child is the most pure, and can extract vital essence and power from the blood sacrifice. When they want ‘more power’ for material success or something to gain, or there is something to ‘cleanse’, they believe to cleanse it with a child’s blood. Most commonly they will abduct a child or a satanic family will give up their child to satanic ritual holidays. Orphanages are frequently pillaged for this reason. This is the most unbelievable to the sane mind and loving heart, yet, we must know this exists in huge numbers to begin to protect the children of the earth from this sickness. Most commonly children of extremely poor people are either used this way in ritual, or will be a sexual slave or prostitute to a satanic group of individuals. Child genital mutilation, child sex slavery, child porn, live sex with children on the internet is a billion dollar booming business. This is highly disturbing as we can see no one in government gives a care about this global issue. The black op MIC Human military has underground labs where they torture and breed children in labs for the NAA in exchange for alien based technology. The police force, the FBI, the government agencies WILL NOT PROTECT our children. They all reach a threshold of no access/top secret compartmentalization to their pay grade. It is up to us to protect our children and to be aware of this heinous crime, and to not allow any person we do not trust near our kids or exert control over our kids, in every way you can. If you decide to have children, it is up to you to protect them, period. The only way this will stop is if people like us realize what is happening, are willing to face this pain and we build solidarity together in numbers to stop this, while recognizing it is directly sourcing from non human agendas. Disclosure is much needed to help people see how far this goes and how humongous it is. This cannot be inoculated until people are willing to understand the NAA. This planet is filled to the brim with sexual predators that get away with this many times, even if they are caught, nothing is done to rehab these people. Do not contribute money to religious or any charities involved with orphans, children homes, refugees or in other countries unless you have first hand accounts. Any refugee charity is generally a front for child sex trafficking, and many Catholic charities are the worst offenders of child pedo rings. I had a request from Guardians to support the Zoe Guardian Alliance, a Christian organization for rescuing children from sex trafficking, and that is why it is the ES community charity of which we support monetarily. We all should get guidance and pray before contributing to any charity, as this is a massive problem on this earth. Displacing massive amounts of people as refugees is a cover for trafficking and taking a large amount of people and not having any record of where those people went. It is the pedo dream, and is the sick reality of what is occurring worldwide with the refugees. Patriarchal Domination cultures that promote Misogyny, will always lead to sexual abuse, Sexual Misery and pedophilia, as the female principle is out of balance which further dis-empowers women from protecting their own children, and maintaining the love in the mother-child bond. The satanics want to destroy the mother-child bond in humans. Please do not let this overwhelm your emotions, turn it into gratitude for having the privilege of understanding and the privilege of accessing truth. Would you rather be told lies? We cannot live in delusions and believe we are going to heal this planet, if we refuse to look at what is happening in front of our noses. We all must open our eyes to see the truth. And it is enough for now, because we need more people to know what we know. We must help others to wake up to see the truth of what is happening to our children, using facts, statistics, and evidence that is EVERYWHERE, if you know where to look. Don’t take it from me, do the research and your mouth will fall open, as the evidence is there. We have to ask: ‘Who is benefiting from having sex with our children?’ It’s not human. This is why sexual abuse of children is the highest priority of those that commit Satanic Ritual Abuse for gaining power and control in the material world, and of those pedophiles that are ultimately being controlled by the NAA to spread acceptance of this depravity. The NAA have installed human bodies in positions of governmental power that act as puppets to collect the children in massive amounts for them. These are possessions and satanic entities inside a human body, this means that person is not in control of their body, has an alien handler, and is possessed by satanic forces. It is not human anymore.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary / Energetic Synthesis

LISA RENEE: “Abraham Lincoln, Christos Starseed Helping to Guide Christos Mission”

“Abraham Lincoln has been previously identified as a Christos Starseed helping to guide the Christos Mission; we now include him to be one of the Cosmic Father’s Ruby Order that is directly involved in retrieving his spiritual brethren’s solar dragon body parts. As an unwavering and ardent constitutionalist and servant of the Law of One, he has been a constant companion during the most treacherous of Guardian missions, directing solar dragon body retrievals for the Ruby Order and Amethyst Order Maji Grail Kings. The recent events of the Ruby Order taking stand in the Lincoln Memorial and nearby grids began a series of explosive spiritual warfare situations spanning into several prominent presidential and historical timelines going back to World War II, that was observed to detonate a set of NET bombs going off on the east coast grids in electrical wars, while collapsing previously manipulated timelines and incurring tremendous damage to multiple dimensions of Thothian Leviathan and Enki red wave AI machinery. In the wake of this confrontation and subsequent destruction, it revealed more layered nests of Enki’s antichrist armies underground, with Thothian Leviathan Medusa snake head types and newly discovered factions of the Black Sun Dragon Moth, appearing frightfully similar to the Darth Maul character. The Knesset NAA group have had a heavy influence on controlled opposition in Washington DC and running disinformation narratives through the AI uploading of the Q agenda psyops which further had leads to off planet Secret Space Programs. Many of the negative deceptions and narratives being played throughout the artificial Q structures online were found to be cloned out and manipulated by the Thothian Zephilium administrators of the Zeta looking glass technologies for building AI timelines. Ongoing Guardian presence in the Washington DC grids are carrying out assorted evictions, retrievals and identification of sources of organized human trafficking networks as connected to installed Luciferian bloodline families that have been protected by Baphomet black magic sorcery, and complex NAA AI machinery that has been placed under the White House and surrounding areas for supporting and hiding ongoing Satanic Ritual Abuse activities. Within the sequences of demolition, it was made clear that the majority of the public faces of political Manchurian candidate puppet strings are taking orders from those with dual citizenship as mind-controlled military intelligence assets and their ongoing prostitution and pedophilia blackmail operations as designed by their NAA overlords, the invading entities stationed in the underground tunnels of the Knesset in Israel. Interestingly, it is the Amethyst Dragon Kings and Ruby Order collaborating with Guardian Abraham Lincoln who are tirelessly working to implode the shadow government infrastructure, by extracting their black magician armies used to run satanic forces and direct fallen demonic entities that gives the collective loosh power behind the satanic churches and SRA black houses utilized for protecting the dark cabal families involved in carrying out the destruction of the United States. These horrifying demonic entities running rampant underground in Washington DC were being powered up through the satanic ritual practices and child sacrifice of the so-called Washington elites and Synagogue of Satan, which held various signatures of the antichrist stench that pervaded the Luciferian bloodline of power elites that have embedded themselves in the mind control propaganda machinery of the Hollywood production meets the One World Order political agenda. Thus, it is optimistic to be humbly aware that the Cosmic Father’s current priorities are directing the spiritual power to back up the true heart based Spiritual Warriors that stand for human freedom, family values and genuinely love the planet.”

~Lisa Renee

During the first onset of the December 2021 winter solstice Cathedral Activations, the planetary wings were upgraded to the solar rod template and dragon wings of which the Chartres Cathedral, Lincoln Cathedral, Rosslyn Chapel and the Washington DC Lincoln Memorial were chosen by Guardian Host to anchor restorations for the planet’s Cosmic Christos Solar Dragon architecture. Since this time, Abraham Lincoln’s Christos Solar Dragon body has taken a primary role with current AI timeline collapses concerning end times global political strategies along with offering steadfast support for the etymological importance of the Magna Carta, The Great Charter of the Liberties, which was the forerunner of British Parliament, the Declaration of independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the U.S. Bill of Rights.

Abraham Lincoln has been previously identified as a Christos Starseed helping to guide the Christos Mission; we now include him to be one of the Cosmic Father’s Ruby Order that is directly involved in retrieving his spiritual brethren’s solar dragon body parts. As an unwavering and ardent constitutionalist and servant of the Law of One, he has been a constant companion during the most treacherous of Guardian missions, directing solar dragon body retrievals for the Ruby Order and Amethyst Order Maji Grail Kings.

Another demanding grid project has begun in Washington DC and Lincolnshire, in which he has been guiding awareness to the Blue Solar Dragon plasma dome complex connected to the Aquarian constellation that has been at rest near the Lincoln Cathedral, home of the original copies of Magna Carta, pointing to the east in the countryside within a location of the Lincolnshire Wolds in the county of Lincolnshire, England.

Lincoln has been active in the Washington DC Lincoln Memorial area where Guardian teams placed Amethyst Dragon Kingship Arcs, the Pillars of Cosmic Justice, along with recently upgraded Krystal Cathedral architecture for anchoring Lincoln’s Ruby Order Templar solar dragon body within the location. Guardians supported the anchoring of the Ruby Diamond Krystal Cathedral to surround the Washington DC grids in which to anchor the Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar and Ruby Zephyr Shield, commanding the space under the natural laws of the Ruby Order-Amethyst Order Dragon Kings.

The recent events of the Ruby Order taking stand in the Lincoln Memorial and nearby grids began a series of explosive spiritual warfare situations spanning into several prominent presidential and historical timelines going back to World War II, that was observed to detonate a set of NET bombs going off on the east coast grids in electrical wars, while collapsing previously manipulated timelines and incurring tremendous damage to multiple dimensions of Thothian Leviathan and Enki red wave AI machinery. In the wake of this confrontation and subsequent destruction, it revealed more layered nests of Enki’s antichrist armies underground, with Thothian Leviathan Medusa snake head types and newly discovered factions of the Black Sun Dragon Moth, appearing frightfully similar to the Darth Maul character.

These horrifying demonic entities running rampant underground in Washington DC were being powered up through the satanic ritual practices and child sacrifice of the so-called Washington elites and Synagogue of Satan, which held various signatures of the antichrist stench that pervaded the Luciferian bloodline of power elites that have embedded themselves in the mind control propaganda machinery of the Hollywood production meets the One World Order political agenda. Within the sequences of demolition, it was made clear that the majority of the public faces of political Manchurian candidate puppet strings are taking orders from those with dual citizenship as mind-controlled military intelligence assets and their ongoing prostitution and pedophilia blackmail operations as designed by their NAA overlords, the invading entities stationed in the underground tunnels of the Knesset in Israel.

These NAA Annunaki hybrid factions are being cornered as their hostile geopolitical agendas to genocide the natives is being made clear to the world, in efforts to expand their underground network from Israel into the Ukraine areas and for the purpose of gaining complete control over all underground bases, human trafficking, genetic labs and adrenochrome farms in the region. As well as to steal the local resources with the predictable money laundering schemes for bribery and blackmail operations for inciting culture wars, which has become the hotbed of severely contested public opinions based wholly upon deceptions and military intelligence directed divide and conquer psychological operations. The majority of the population are not aware that a war over territory with hostile nonhumans and the Black Sun military intelligence groomed Fourth Reich nazis that take orders from their NAA overlords in the 9D Stargate of Antarctica, are directing them to demolish the western power centers in order to usher in the techno-totalitarianism of the Great Reset, in which the primary values upholding individual freedoms that first organized the USA have been put in the crosshairs for annihilation.

The Knesset NAA group have had a heavy influence on controlled opposition in Washington DC and running disinformation narratives through the AI uploading of the Q agenda psyops which further had leads to off planet Secret Space Programs. Many of the negative deceptions and narratives being played throughout the artificial Q structures online were found to be cloned out and manipulated by the Thothian Zephilium administrators of the Zeta looking glass technologies for building AI timelines. Once again, there appears to be the organic formation of the Q psyops agenda and Earth Alliances working to uphold humanitarian interests, versus many cloned varieties of negative ego tricks and consciousness traps set up by those with anti-human agendas. However, the majority of the intelligence operations had been infiltrated with Zeta alien looking glass technology in the phantom areas and seems to be why several previous operations to stop the global bio-weapon roll outs have failed over the past three years. Thus, it is optimistic to be humbly aware that the Cosmic Father’s current priorities are directing the spiritual power to back up the true heart based Spiritual Warriors that stand for human freedom, family values and genuinely love the planet. Interestingly, it is the Amethyst Dragon Kings and Ruby Order collaborating with Guardian Abraham Lincoln who are tirelessly working to implode the shadow government infrastructure, by extracting their black magician armies used to run satanic forces and direct fallen demonic entities that gives the collective loosh power behind the satanic churches and SRA black houses utilized for protecting the dark cabal families involved in carrying out the destruction of the United States.

Ongoing Guardian presence in the Washington DC grids are carrying out assorted evictions, retrievals and identification of sources of organized human trafficking networks as connected to installed Luciferian bloodline families that have been protected by Baphomet black magic sorcery, and complex NAA AI machinery that has been placed under the White House and surrounding areas for supporting and hiding ongoing Satanic Ritual Abuse activities.

~via The Supreme Grand Master Architect