LISA RENEE on “Archontic Deception Strategies to Orchestrate Complete Mind Control Enslavement of Humanity for the Colonization of Planet Earth as Their Conquered Territory and Slave Farm”

“The Negative Alien Agenda [NAA] is to force the planet to serve another multiple species Controller agenda, through imposing false replicated time fields using bio-warfare technology such as Holographic Inserts, AI and Mind Control, namely created under genetic reptilian-insectoid Archon extraterrestrials, at the expense and life force of the human race and the kingdoms under human domain. Much of the NAA is veiled behind the shadow levels of the ET and human military industrial complex, the primarily takeover access is the naval forces and in the underground bases on the earth. It appears the earth was invaded several times by hostile Negative Aliens with a major shift occurring 26,000 years ago during the Luciferian Rebellion, Atlantian Cataclysm and leading to the latest events in the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion. Upon the invasion of the planet that transpired in stages since the Luciferian Rebellion, the Negative Alien Agenda NAA was formed by the intruders to prepare the inhabitants of the planet to worship False Alien Gods, such as Yahweh and Jehovah. Both of these are collectives that feed into Negative Aliens group of Archons that feed on the planetary fields through those humans that pray, give offerings, and worship these alien entities through the creation of their Violent Religions. These are sophisticated Mind Control matrices that run the religious software programs through False White Light webbing that is designed to capture the human soul in Consciousness Traps. These are called Eye of Yahweh and Eye of Jehovah, they operate as refraction lenses that bend light into artificial holograms and synthetic timelines. To enforce their Patriarchal domination in human culture, some False Father archetypes were hand selected by the NAA and showcased as Patriarchal Prophets for their violent religions. Through brainwashing methods employing militarization strategy with technological Mind Control, the predator mind and their religions were downloaded into the planetary mind. When the planetary mind was invaded, the collective race mind of humanity was forever changed. Over generations of religious programming, the truth of the NAA invasion was forgotten through the consistent consciousness wiping and recycling of the collective Soul body of the earth. This allowed the NAA ideology of killing, warring, persecuting and torturing humans to run rampant on earth, and for humans to believe they are bound to a variety of insane ‘religious’ rituals. Repeated rituals are emphasized in orthodox religion to mind control people into strict dogmatic beliefs mixed with an obsessive level of anxiety. Mind control implants are used to activate anxiety in the person if the ritual, prayer or offering is not prepared to exact specifications. This is a form of indoctrination into their symbolism and religious interpretation. One may notice that in the religious zealot implant, or in Satanic Ritual, the person’s fear and anxiety feeds the vampiric entity. The entity then stimulates the binding to religious or ritual addiction to continue to generate energy from them. When a human mind is dogmatic, obsessive and ritualistic, it shuts down and loses access to free and open thinking. Jehovian Grids runs off parallel Earth and operates on D 7-9-11 reverse current, creating a reverse spin to the planet. It can send subsonic pulses to precise targets and be used as a weapon, as can the Falcon and Phoenix. The Dove Grid has, additionally, seven Crucifixion Implants or Jehovian seals which are huge pylon selenite rods seeded into the Earth’s grids at selected points down the East coast of America, corresponding to seven of the twelve stargate seals (which open the stargates during ascension). These crucifixion implants are referred to as hyperdimensional cones, which are standing wave conical scalar wave clusters, manifesting in the rods. Jehovian Grids use ‘trumpet’ pulse technology and connects Earth via these hyperdimensional rods to the Phantom Matrix. This was not fully operational until the creation of the Phoenix Grid wormhole in 10,500 BC. The effects of these pylons is to create ‘cracks’ and rip tears in the time wall between Earth and Phantom, producing seven siphoning channels, and can be used as ultra low-frequency transmitters. This can transmit whole objects, people, etc. through a hyperdimensional field to the Phantom matrix. The ARMAGEDDON software programs, such as War, Pestilence and Cataclysm fears, or many other fear programs which can be interchanged as they are similar bio-warfare Mind Control programs used on the earth to suppress human consciousness. This is a Psycho-Spiritual Warfare strategy used against humanity by the Negative Aliens through their False Gods and False Father Satanic religions to use SRA to repeatedly kill and torture humans through war. The Armageddon Software is the companion Mind Control system which is activated through the Crucifixion Implants as a Holographic Insert in the planetary body and human body. The Jehovian Grids and the Jehovah religions are used to power up these NAA Violent Religions to increase fear, terror and wars over of God. When these False Alien Gods waged their Luciferian Rebellion and subsequent invasion strategies of conquering planet Earth, these self-anointed Gods got to work on devising the various Alien Hybridization programs filled with genetic experimentation, Social Engineering and religious mind control methods to generate consciousness slaves on Earth. The primary life designer for the Belial Group, Sa’am-Enki began the first of many genetic experiments for cloning and hybridization breeding programs from the large elongated skulls of his future Sirian Annunaki progeny of Nephilim with red hair, to the earlier seeding of Neanderthals, which are remnants of his previous Enki life designs for seeding Anti-Christ species. The main purpose to seed Anti-Christ species on the planet is to design them to be the natural enemies of the already existing indigenous population, namely the Essene Christos races, in which they would constantly be manipulated to instigate war and genocidal hatred in order to finally destroy all remnants of Diamond Sun DNA existing within the Earth population. Sa’am‘s mission was to create a massive antichrist army, Enki’s Army, in order to colonize the planet Earth with hybridized Belial Sun Sirian Annunaki genetics which was originally set into motion at the behest of his prime creator, his reptilian father. Father Dragon Anu presents as the ancient patriarch of what eventually became the major factions of Sirian Annunaki Belial Suns that encompass the current Thothian Luciferian gestalt consciousness, and his cloned offspring Sa’am-Enki and Enlil. Collectively referred to as the TEE entities, they first formed into the unholy alliance of reptile-insectoid spiritually fractured criminal minds, digressing into psychopathic terrorists running their human slavery enterprises in the solar system where they elevated themselves as the most important key figures behind organized religion as the False Alien Gods. The Belial group collective entity run by the cruel warring patriarch and misogynist Father Anu packaged himself as Yahweh, while another cloned brother Enlil was masquerading as Jehovah, and together the duo demanded they be worshipped by earthlings under penalty of fire and brimstone. These agendas are still in effect today and impact all human and earthly life as a enforced enslavement on a Prison Planet, being harvested for a variety of resources to send back to off planet Controllers, such as harvesting the energetic quanta of the human life force and earthly minerals. The Black Suns consider earth their territory and believe that surface earth people are criminal prisoners, which extends to them the right to abduct humans for an assortment of working slave colonies. These are the underground and off planet bases like Ceres, coming to light as whistleblowers remember their experiences as Milabs and being recruited into the Secret Space Programs, that are both involved in galactic Human Trafficking. The system of debt based currency used as the current global monetary system was originally brought to the earth by the Alpha Draconis Orion Group. These entities have organized themselves on the earth in what is called the Black Sun Agenda. Some of these Black Sun factions decided to use the earth as a Prison Planet for trapping and containing all undesirables, including those entities that were not compliant to their authoritarian militarized rule were straight out criminals and degenerate perverts. Thus, the earth and the Solar System became known in the Black Sun Orion Group as the prison colony, as they would not let anyone out of the earth’s reincarnation cycles via technological frequency fences and soul harvesting structures. The Draco Reptilians of the Orion Group view themselves as the most intelligent species in the Universe and believe that earth humans have descended from their biological seeding processes, from multiple planets they have conquered. Therefore they believe humans, as well as the earth, are their personal property and have instituted the global slavery system via the indoctrination of debt-based currency. One should be aware that on many other planets, monetary systems do not exist, and all inhabitants born onto the planet are considered free citizens with equal rights to flourish in the global society that is organized by that planet’s system of government. A planetary system ruled by debt currency in which one has to pay for their basic shelter, food and healthcare from birth is considered a Prison Planet. Thus, they ushered in the ongoing archontic deception strategies intending to orchestrate the complete Mind Control enslavement of humanity, along with the well thought out plan for the colonization of planet Earth as their conquered territory and slave farm.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Prison Planet / Jehovah

LISA RENEE on “Those Who Are Controlled by the Yahweh System Will Be Agitated and Activated to Play Out Mind-Controlled Biblical Dramas”

“The Paliadorian eternal light beings created the entire original blueprint and instruction set for all of the 12 human tribes, which when all combined together, comprises the human Tribal Shield records in all of the planetary evolutionary rounds. The Tribal Shield is the entire morphogenetic field comprising all the variations of specific frequency arrangement for all of the 12 Tribes of the Human DNA template. During this cycle through the rise of the Paliadorians, this is activating the human Tribal Shield to become freed of the blood covenants and Alien Hybridization coding imposed upon angelic humans. The restoration of the human Tribal Shield generates the conduit between our current incarnation and simultaneous stations of identity that exist in other timelines, activating an internal interdimensional portal or Inner Stargate System. As a result of the Paliadorian Activation and Aquaferion recoding, the Tribal Shield and the coded DNA information is removing alien hybrid genetic codes, AI codes and an assortment of Blood Covenants used as Consciousness Traps. The Paliadorian Activation contains all of these specific frequencies, DNA Fire Letters and coding that are required for lightbody assembly, in order to access the Transharmonic time cycles of creation, the God worlds, where the trinity wave of unified god consciousness has never separated into a bi-wave form, which further descended into the AI worlds. Thus, the Vertical Channel and Staff configuration in our head, crown, heart and solar star is shifting alignment to receive more step-down frequencies of the Cosmic Heart Mother Blue Ray through the Aquaferion Host network, through which we may experience intense to surreal Lightbody upgrades. Thus, we have entered a cycle in which the mechanical properties of matter are shifting into new Mesomorphic States, through a cascade of transitions involving new phases, as solids become less dense, more fluid and even liquefied. From deep within the Crystal Core of the planetary body, new instruction sets are being transmitted from the Planetary Staff into the earth’s crystalline grid, which is in a process of releasing a tremendous amount of crystalline current and non-polarized current throughout the Planetary Grid Network. With the planetary initiation brought on by the reclamation of Solar Gates by the Paliadorians, these plasmic frequencies are rapidly elevating frequency patterns and restructuring our cellular body, consciousness and life direction. As this intense initiation occurs, it brings the karmic imprints that form into the pain body and shadow selves to rapidly burst out onto the surface reality, so these frequency patterns can be released so the new frequency sets being transmitted can embody. As we become aware of the releases of karmic imprints or shadow energies, we can intend to transmute those energies through the Solar Logos, seeing the Christ consciousness as a Sun image, merging the combined shadow energies with the Solar light, to bring them into synchronization with the highest possible harmony and outcome. Recent Paliadorian Activations have comprised Guardian Yeshua’s 8D Rod and Staff holder configurations being transmitted into the Metagalactic Core, which has had major impacts to support the correction of Metatronic distortions and the extraction of Metatronic Bodies produced in demon seed ratios. Many genetic Clones of the original Yeshua J12 that were produced as imposters from Demon Seed Ratios have been identified, collected and have begun to be transited out into the Arc Zone, reclaiming the organic consciousness parts to be restored to proper Krist coding. The Metatronic constructs expand into many complex layers of alien technologies that have been used to clone holograms of the Avatar families, that serve in the lower dimensions as the Krystal Guardian Christos leadership. This event appears to support another level of revealing the authentic identities versus the artificially generated False Identities, that were created by the NAA to confuse and derail the Christos Mission. This Galactic activation holds an assortment of liquid rainbow plasma frequency sets and new elemental patterns and geometric blueprints to override Metatronic Reversal coding. In many cases, for the first time Guardians have been able to access pre-fall and pre-invasion templates of the planetary schematics in multiple harmonic universes, for correcting the architecture in this present timeline. This has also included massive shifts in the architecture in the Galactic Plane, as well as sweeping changes in the eighth and ninth dimensional layers in the Metagalactic Core of the Milky Way system. All of the spectrums of dimensional frequencies throughout the Universal Time Matrix have begun to weave together from within a Guardian hosted portal system. This works like an aperture lens that has been opening into the Metagalactic Core in order to combine, synthesize and integrate the new elemental consciousness and their geometric patterns in order to form into the highest dimensional layers of spinning Metagalactic Merkaba Fields. The current theme during the Paliadorian Activations is the clearing of the Yahweh Matrix and its Blood Covenant bindings out of the Human 12 Tribes genetic records, with the transmissions and support of the Blue Feathers of Aquaferion. This also may result in levels of Spiritual Warfare instigated from the Yahweh system entities to regain control or access to your Lightbody or block the systematic purge of Black Cube Matrix and layers of the Yahweh architecture and its AI Signal from being extracted out of your lightbody. As a result of dismantling this Blood Covenant network, those who are controlled by the Yahweh system will be agitated and activated to play out these mind controlled Biblical dramas.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE on “Hatching our Cosmic Golden Dragon Egg”

“Think about our existence as though we are inside an egg of the God energy matrix; a humongous Cosmic Egg, and within that egg is all of the dimensions spiraled into various Toroid shapes and forms. We would consider the God Egg, as a whole, a non-dimensionalized system, because again dimension means time, so in the God matrix there is no time and space, there’s just the still point of One source. However, within the cosmic God Egg, there is a dimensionalized structure that creates multi-dimensional reality systems, or a universal time matrix system of which consciousness has chosen to experience various form; but these all feed back into the one God Source. This is as a part of the in-breath and out-breath cycles of the creation of God principle. We could say as God takes an out-breath the descending spirals of creation move outward from the center of the God Source. As the breath moves out, the creations the furthest out are the furthest away from the clear light source of God. So we feel we become more separated from God Source, even though we are not. That was a part of the role of that experience that we have chosen to take part in on earth. And now, the ascension is the in breath. We are collecting all that was in the out breath of God that pushed outward into the periphery of the dimensional realms. Now we’re calling all of that back to be reintegrated. That’s what the ascension is, the ‘in breath’ breathing back in to the One source from which we have originated. The Solar Rishic Dragons are the celestial form representatives of the Cosmic Christos Suns from the God Worlds when they enter the time matrix and become dimensionalized, meaning they take a more physicalized form to become embodied within that time and space. The Solar Dragon Christos are the actual Ancient Builder Races and Guardians of the creation of this matter realm. Thus, many are specifically intertwined within the planetary landscapes, as remnants of their dragon body parts can be found in many wondrous geographic features of majestic mountains, canyons and seas. The dragon bodies, dragon lines, Dragon Nodes and Dragon Eggs are spiritual features that have been relatively dormant until recent solar activations radically shifted the magnetic field and the planetary eukatharistic initiation began. There are 13 Dragon Beings that are enveloped in the Earth crust, that have been here for eons of time as Guardians of the Ley Lines, ready to awaken and protect the Christ Child once the Golden Dragon Egg cracks open. They remain asleep in the Earth until the planetary collective consciousness reaches the level of higher dimensional consciousness and self-awareness where the tipping point of global awakening occurs. It appears that with the Rise of Arthur, his awakening in the Albion initiates further global awakening within these stasis beings. The Return of Emerald Order includes the rehabilitation and resurrection of the Cosmic Christos Solar Dragon Emerald Dragon Timekeeper function of Krystal Rainbow Watchtowers and Sentinels, the Emerald Founder architecture consisting of the natural mechanics forming the organic elemental substances and dragon timekeeper functions throughout the time matrix, further connecting to the Reuche Pillars and Mother Arc Gates that control the planetary rounds of time and the universal tribal shield records. Within this hub was placed a Rainbow Watchtower, serving as guardianship of this region for the King Arthur 5D timelines, gently lighting the grid while humanity was existing in a very stormy time period filled with energetic and spiritual darkness, during the dark age. The raising of the Rainbow Watchtowers are directly related to the Rise of Arthur and the Reseating King Arthur and Queen Guinevere in the Albion Lightbody and Stargates located in United Kingdom and Ireland. The Sirius and Canopus relationship with Avebury Henge are the DNA spiraled transmissions of the gold and silver braided energy of the unified masculine and feminine, which are designed to run this braided silver-gold current into the Michael-Mary lines, in order to birth the Cosmic Egg which hatches the solar initiation into the Pearl Activation. The Easter Pearl Activation began the first of three events for Cosmic Dragon Awakening which included the birthing of a White Diamond Elohei Lyran Sun into 11D Aveyon and the reunification of the Triple Solar Masculine Christos template through the Cosmic Holy Father Rod Code, which forms the Universal Rod Trinity shield for Cosmic Christ Suns, Cosmic Christ Michael-Metatron-Melchizedek. The Solar Logos White Elohei Sun is the emanation of the Cosmic Mother Dragon of the 1st Emerald Sun, in which all of the feminine and masculine counterparts of Michael-Metatron-Melchizedek Solar Dragon family that were cloned or enslaved through the Alpha Draconis network are being recovered and reunited with their Hierogamic Partner via the Cosmic Emerald Order Ankh Body. This is called the Pearl Activation as a solar anointing of the marriage union between the pineal and pituitary glands which opens the solarization process of the human lightbody, the transfiguration of lunar to solar consciousness made in the Robes of Glory. When we allow our Ego/Personality to be shattered and fully withdraw its control over us, we are released into our true spiritual nature. The human body is designed as a replica of the Universe, and we are asleep in the microcosmic egg until we wake up and begin to unite with the macrocosmic egg of the Universe. The human body is embedded in multiple dimensions of invisible worlds that make up our microcosmic egg or auric body shell. Our microcosmic egg enters conjunction with the macrocosmic egg when we spiritually awaken into the later parts of Monadic activation. It is during the Monadic Spiritual Initiation that the invisible worlds, incredibly, start to be made visible to that person. As the ego body is rejected and slayed, we begin to break through the layers of our auric shell into the Cosmic Egg. When this connection is made with our True Holy God Cosmic Elohei Parents, we are blessed with their Hierogamic Union or Sacred Marriage, which births the Solar Egg and Golden Embryo within our aura. The Golden Embryo is birthed inside our human body and the seed germinates within our hara complex to recreate our identity in Cosmic Christ Consciousness. This has also been referred to as the Solar Sacrum, which purges the Lunar principle of the feminine. This Solar Egg holds the Golden Embryo in the aura that gradually births the Golden Child of Christ Consciousness within a human body. When the Golden Embryo is seeded in the Solar Egg, the Lunar reflected light and its many shadow forms will start to gather into what’s called the Buddhic Egg. The liquid copper frequency blooms protective plasma flowering shields in the astral-sacral energies of the human lightbody, and braids within the inner vertical channel into the heart chambers which generates a unification of male-female heart twinning within the copper rose gold circuitry. The Hierogamic Crown or Hieros Gamos Crown represents the unification of the masculine and feminine. This can occur both individually, and also in a Sacred Marriage relationship with another human. Within the process of embodying the Hieros Gamos the masculine and feminine crowns merge to share one unified crown. This is the third level of Sacred Marriage called Hieros Gamos in our Ascension Vehicle, the hydroplasmic liquid light of the Risen and Embodied Christos-Sophianic Principle. Together, the Androgynous pair share one merged Double Diamond Sun Body and One Hierogamic Crown. Last year, Solar Female Christ Mary Sophia was reawakened as the first emanation of the Triple Solar Goddess returning into her female Solar Dragon form to reclaim her rightful place as the Solar Feminine Christ, joining with her sacred husband Christ Michael in the first stages of their Hierogamic Union. Whereby their heavenly coupling in their Cosmic Christos-Sophia solarized marriage bed produces a Cosmic Christos offspring for the Earth, which takes form as the hatching of their Cosmic Golden Dragon Egg.”

~Lisa Renee

~via God Egg / Dragon Eggs / Pearl Activation / Solar, Buddhic and Cosmic Egg / HG Crown

Photos: Ascension Avatar (4-22-2019)

LISA RENEE on “Easter Event, Cosmic Dragon Egg and Pearl Activation”

“The Christian holiday of Easter is the first Sunday after the first full moon that occurs after the Spring Equinox and symbolically represents the resurrection of Christ. Although eggs have been a symbol of fertility and rebirth, in the religious context easter eggs came to symbolize the empty tomb of Jesus from which he was resurrected. The Church of Rome imposed its beliefs to coerce and convert those who remembered the ancient cultures and histories, in order to destroy much of the original Celtic traditions and festivals that were connected to the Mother Goddess and original Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings. Thus, they hijacked the same Celtic festivals and pagan celebrations through the use of the lunar calendar and by adding their own symbols and bloodied martyrs so these same festivals could be considered to be ‘Christianized’ and approved by the pope. Further adding in imposter overlays of dogmatic patriarchal domination upon these same traditions in order to mimic the celebratory rituals of the Goddess and harvest their powerful energies that were connected to certain cosmological alignments that are greatly impactful to the planetary grid network. Last year, Solar Female Christ Mary Sophia was reawakened as the first emanation of the Triple Solar Goddess returning into her female Solar Dragon form to reclaim her rightful place as the Solar Feminine Christ, joining with her sacred husband Christ Michael in the first stages of their hierogamic union. His divine counterpart Solar Female Christ Mary Sophia, also a Solar Dragon King, will be referred to from now on as the 13th Solar Dragon Queen or 13th Maji Grail Queen. This celebratory moment in time begins the first emanation of the Triple Solar Goddess returning into her female Solar Dragon form in matter to reclaim her rightful place as the Solar Feminine Christ, joining with her sacred husband Christ Michael in Hierogamic Union. We have learned the location of their sacred hierogamic union wedding into Cosmic Dragons is taking place on the Saint Michael Line and Avebury henge during the upcoming Easter holiday. This is called the Pearl Activation as a solar anointing of the marriage union between the pineal and pituitary glands which opens the solarization process of the human lightbody, the transfiguration of lunar to solar consciousness made in the Robes of Glory. As Solar Christ Mary returns into our world as the Cosmic Dragon, so do these buried histories rise into the awareness of the ancient Essene Celtic Church sacred texts of the Pearl Activation, along with many of the hidden cellular memories of our long-forgotten past. Now it is time to reveal the return of the Cosmic Mother Dragon Mary that is his divinely wedded wife. The Benedictine monks in the 7th century that were dedicated to Mary’s Dragon Teachings were responsible for building many of the churches and abbeys upon the Saint Michael line with the intention of maximizing spiritual communication links from the heavens with the parishioners. The Saint Michael’s Dragon Line completely encircles the Earth. This well-known Dragon Line connects the many sacred places that were dedicated to Saint Michael in the southern areas of the United Kingdom. The major epicenter for the Easter activation is Avebury transmitting the planetary Pearl Activation, further linking these solarized energies into Glastonbury’s Tor, Burrow bridge Mump, Saint Michaels Light Tower and to the furthest southern point of Saint Michael’s Mount. The Sirius and Canopus relationship with Avebury Henge are the DNA spiraled transmissions of the gold and silver braided energy of the unified masculine and feminine, which are designed to run this braided silver-gold current into the Michael-Mary lines, in order to birth the Cosmic Egg which hatches the solar initiation into the Pearl Activation. Whereby their heavenly coupling in their Cosmic Christos-Sophia solarized marriage bed produces a Cosmic Christos offspring for the Earth, which takes form as the hatching of their Cosmic Golden Dragon Egg.”

~Lisa Renee

Photos: Ascension Avatar (7-19-2019/ 7-25-2019)

Photo: Ascension Avatar (7-19-2019)

Photo: Ascension Avatar (7-25-2019)

Photos: Ascension Avatar (7-4-2018)

Photo: Ascension Avatar (7-4-2018)

Photo: Ascension Avatar (7-4-2018)

Photos: Ascension Avatar (7-4-2018/ 7-19-2019/ 7-25-2019)

Photos: Ascension Avatar (7-4-2018/ 4-22-2019)

Photos: Ascension Avatar (7-4-2018/ 4-22-2019/ 7-19-2019/ 7-4-2018)

Photos: Ascension Avatar (4-22-2019)

Photo: Ascension Avatar (4-22-2019)

Photo: Ascension Avatar (4-22-2019)

Photo: Ascension Avatar (4-22-2019)

Photo: Ascension Avatar (4-22-2019)

Photo: Ascension Avatar (4-22-2019)

~via Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings

LISA RENEE: Time Shift Blog ~ “Awakening Beyond Humanity as Sinners”

“Since the Atlantian Flood, humanity has been under an amnesiac hypnosis and forcibly mind controlled to forget their true origins in favor of the Negative Alien invasion’s Propaganda used to promote a false historical narrative, along with promoting a jealous and angry patriarchal God to be worshipped in violent religions. Organized religions have been put in place as the primary Mind Control method to serve the ultimate objective and purposes of the Negative Alien Agenda, to gain control over earth during the Ascension Cycle. The people of earth have been manipulated for centuries into warring and killing each other in the name of the False Alien Gods in order to constantly carry out human Blood Sacrifices and help to maintain division between the 12 Tribes. Violent religions and the New Age hijack have constantly been using humans as pawns in the negative alien’s conquest game, which is designed to generate consistent fears and spiritual terrorism into the minds of the earth population in order to attempt to eventually manifest the Armageddon scenario. Most all of the religious texts available to the masses have been heavily manipulated as fictionalized vehicles used to promote propaganda-based mind control for the purpose of consciousness subjugation and spiritual oppression of human beings. To control the belief systems in the religiously minded, there has been a mass promotion that traditional holy doctrines represent the absolute word of God and that nothing in them can be questioned. Sadly, this is a cruel deception designed to fully confuse individuals about the nature of reality and the nature of their direct relationship with God, the Inner Christos spirit. The Living Eternal God Spirit is not contained within the confines of words written within a book, but is found within the flow of loving kindness that exists in the sacred heart of each living person, as well as the organic consciousness of a place or thing. We should be reminded that in our future there is no organized religion with a God at the top controlling the masses, this is effectively taking an anti-God stance by rejecting the truthful nature of spiritual reality. The science behind our human soul anatomy, intelligent consciousness and spiritual reality will reveal our divine blueprint and purpose in such positive and life affirming ways, the heart felt desire for expressing loving reverence for life becomes the primary understanding of the true existence of God, which is the main cause of spiritual revelations and the personal desire for spiritual practices in which to pursue truth and beauty in all of its living light forms to expand into higher consciousness. For the loving and kind hearted, this will be a marvelously happy time to co-create anew in the truth frequency, in a global awakening and spiritual renewal that fosters meaningful connections and highlights the divine purpose of our lives on an ascending planet.”

~Lisa Renee

Upon the Atlantian Cataclysm, the Founder Records were captured and inverted for the purposes of falsifying the historical records about the alien invasion events. Truthful accounts about the alien invasion were twisted into a ‘humanity as sinners’ narrative, in order to set forth an assortment of religious mind control dogmas throughout the world religions. The Thothian groups groomed their preferred illuminati race lines with hermetic knowledge and partially falsified information to begin the indoctrination of humanity, to worship Annunaki Hybrid Fallen Angelics or Luciferian entities as the one true God. Esoteric knowledge of the Universal Laws was given to the secret societies and ruling classes through Thothian based Hermeticism, some revealing Lucifer at the top of the pyramid of control, while the common man was intentionally subjected to the slavery mindset that was embedded in the salvationistic theology of most organized religions. Since the Atlantian Flood, humanity has been under an amnesiac hypnosis and forcibly mind controlled to forget their true origins in favor of the Negative Alien invasion’s Propaganda used to promote a false historical narrative, along with promoting a jealous and angry patriarchal God to be worshipped in violent religions.

Therefore, the NAA methodically set forth a series of new religious mind control dogmas from the Council of Nicea timeline, such as spreading disinformation that the Annunaki are the Creator Gods of humanity, and promoting the worship of the False Father Alien God disguised behind many names, supposedly revealed in sacred manuscripts claiming to be the absolute Word of God. Two examples of this are the Annunaki Jehovian group, and the Annunaki Yahweh Collective. Thus, it is important to understand that the world religions of today have been set into motion by the NAA intruding races, and are being controlled at the top by primarily anti-human forces representing themselves as imposters of Christ or a False Father God.

Most all of the religious texts available to the masses have been heavily manipulated as fictionalized vehicles used to promote propaganda-based mind control for the purpose of consciousness subjugation and spiritual oppression of human beings. To control the belief systems in the religiously minded, there has been a mass promotion that traditional holy doctrines represent the absolute word of God and that nothing in them can be questioned. Sadly, this is a cruel deception designed to fully confuse individuals about the nature of reality and the nature of their direct relationship with God, the Inner Christos spirit. The Living Eternal God Spirit is not contained within the confines of words written within a book, but is found within the flow of loving kindness that exists in the sacred heart of each living person, as well as the organic consciousness of a place or thing. The perpetrated manipulation of human consciousness into mind-controlled religion has been a long-term agenda that has been active since the Atlantian Flood, and is another aspect of comprehending the aggressive coverup of any evidence of the Atlantian Conspiracy. All human history before the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion has been obliterated from the history books, and we are given a false narrative about human origins and fed ongoing coverups and lies about ancient civilizations.

Organized religions have been put in place as the primary Mind Control method to serve the ultimate objective and purposes of the Negative Alien Agenda, to gain control over earth during the Ascension Cycle. The people of earth have been manipulated for centuries into warring and killing each other in the name of the False Alien Gods in order to constantly carry out human Blood Sacrifices and help to maintain division between the 12 Tribes. Violent religions and the New Age hijack have constantly been using humans as pawns in the negative alien’s conquest game, which is designed to generate consistent fears and spiritual terrorism into the minds of the earth population in order to attempt to eventually manifest the Armageddon scenario.

We should be reminded that in our future there is no organized religion with a God at the top controlling the masses, this is effectively taking an anti-God stance by rejecting the truthful nature of spiritual reality. The science behind our human soul anatomy, intelligent consciousness and spiritual reality will reveal our divine blueprint and purpose in such positive and life affirming ways, the heart felt desire for expressing loving reverence for life becomes the primary understanding of the true existence of God, which is the main cause of spiritual revelations and the personal desire for spiritual practices in which to pursue truth and beauty in all of its living light forms to expand into higher consciousness.

Thus, this phase of global awakening may come with surreal surprises or shocking events that may be especially difficult on those groups of people that have been indoctrinated with assorted religious beliefs and intellectual dogmas that are found to not be in alignment with forthcoming revelations that will hold many evidential truths. It is increasingly important to release the egoic need to be right and find the humility required in order to be willing to uncover deceptions or errors in our thinking and beliefs, especially when it has been proven to be wrong. Instead of promoting circular debates with confirmation bias based on repeating biblical or religious narratives that are not interested in sincere truth seeking, along with the incessant need to judge others if they are being saved or not, it is much more important to cultivate personal integrity and heart-based authenticity for creating deeper spiritual connections between ourselves and others. To develop or maintain our direct connection with God and Christos, we must be willing to seek the truth as the top priority, to practice compassion for ourselves and others, and be humble so we are willing to be corrected when our thinking or beliefs are proven to be erroneous and false. 

Although the return of the Cosmic Father seems to bring on the societal collapse of the major cornerstones of the 3D civilization as we have known it, within the ending of the tyrannical rulers of the False Father Alien Gods and their many representatives that intentionally lied to humanity in order to enslave them, the silver lining will bring hope and joy through the truth frequency as it is finally being restored in human global affairs. There appears to be a parallel transitory infrastructure that emerges rather quickly in its place to support fundamental human needs across the globe, which has otherworldly originations and interdimensional architecture carried out by genuinely humanitarian races that follow the Law of One.

For the loving and kind hearted, this will be a marvelously happy time to co-create anew in the truth frequency, in a global awakening and spiritual renewal that fosters meaningful connections and highlights the divine purpose of our lives on an ascending planet. Yet it will also be filled with despair and misery for those groups who are overly attached to the 3D reality delusions, religious dogmas and controller system as it collapses, such as the power elite mindset that believe they are above the law and had purposely set out to destroy angelic humanity and enslave this creation for their own personal benefit. In this way, the surprise ending is not a joyful event for everyone.

Dearest Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father, may you swiftly reclaim all that is truly yours in this creation as the organic living light consciousness you originally intended, as one heart, one love and for all in unity. We love you with all of our sacred crystal hearts.

May peace be with your heart, mind and body during these chaotic and challenging times.

With Many Blessings for Awakening, 

Lisa Renee

(Source: Ascension Glossary, Humanity as Sinners)

~via Time Shift Blog – Published February 12, 2024