LISA RENEE on “Hatching our Cosmic Golden Dragon Egg”

“Think about our existence as though we are inside an egg of the God energy matrix; a humongous Cosmic Egg, and within that egg is all of the dimensions spiraled into various Toroid shapes and forms. We would consider the God Egg, as a whole, a non-dimensionalized system, because again dimension means time, so in the God matrix there is no time and space, there’s just the still point of One source. However, within the cosmic God Egg, there is a dimensionalized structure that creates multi-dimensional reality systems, or a universal time matrix system of which consciousness has chosen to experience various form; but these all feed back into the one God Source. This is as a part of the in-breath and out-breath cycles of the creation of God principle. We could say as God takes an out-breath the descending spirals of creation move outward from the center of the God Source. As the breath moves out, the creations the furthest out are the furthest away from the clear light source of God. So we feel we become more separated from God Source, even though we are not. That was a part of the role of that experience that we have chosen to take part in on earth. And now, the ascension is the in breath. We are collecting all that was in the out breath of God that pushed outward into the periphery of the dimensional realms. Now we’re calling all of that back to be reintegrated. That’s what the ascension is, the ‘in breath’ breathing back in to the One source from which we have originated. The Solar Rishic Dragons are the celestial form representatives of the Cosmic Christos Suns from the God Worlds when they enter the time matrix and become dimensionalized, meaning they take a more physicalized form to become embodied within that time and space. The Solar Dragon Christos are the actual Ancient Builder Races and Guardians of the creation of this matter realm. Thus, many are specifically intertwined within the planetary landscapes, as remnants of their dragon body parts can be found in many wondrous geographic features of majestic mountains, canyons and seas. The dragon bodies, dragon lines, Dragon Nodes and Dragon Eggs are spiritual features that have been relatively dormant until recent solar activations radically shifted the magnetic field and the planetary eukatharistic initiation began. There are 13 Dragon Beings that are enveloped in the Earth crust, that have been here for eons of time as Guardians of the Ley Lines, ready to awaken and protect the Christ Child once the Golden Dragon Egg cracks open. They remain asleep in the Earth until the planetary collective consciousness reaches the level of higher dimensional consciousness and self-awareness where the tipping point of global awakening occurs. It appears that with the Rise of Arthur, his awakening in the Albion initiates further global awakening within these stasis beings. The Return of Emerald Order includes the rehabilitation and resurrection of the Cosmic Christos Solar Dragon Emerald Dragon Timekeeper function of Krystal Rainbow Watchtowers and Sentinels, the Emerald Founder architecture consisting of the natural mechanics forming the organic elemental substances and dragon timekeeper functions throughout the time matrix, further connecting to the Reuche Pillars and Mother Arc Gates that control the planetary rounds of time and the universal tribal shield records. Within this hub was placed a Rainbow Watchtower, serving as guardianship of this region for the King Arthur 5D timelines, gently lighting the grid while humanity was existing in a very stormy time period filled with energetic and spiritual darkness, during the dark age. The raising of the Rainbow Watchtowers are directly related to the Rise of Arthur and the Reseating King Arthur and Queen Guinevere in the Albion Lightbody and Stargates located in United Kingdom and Ireland. The Sirius and Canopus relationship with Avebury Henge are the DNA spiraled transmissions of the gold and silver braided energy of the unified masculine and feminine, which are designed to run this braided silver-gold current into the Michael-Mary lines, in order to birth the Cosmic Egg which hatches the solar initiation into the Pearl Activation. The Easter Pearl Activation began the first of three events for Cosmic Dragon Awakening which included the birthing of a White Diamond Elohei Lyran Sun into 11D Aveyon and the reunification of the Triple Solar Masculine Christos template through the Cosmic Holy Father Rod Code, which forms the Universal Rod Trinity shield for Cosmic Christ Suns, Cosmic Christ Michael-Metatron-Melchizedek. The Solar Logos White Elohei Sun is the emanation of the Cosmic Mother Dragon of the 1st Emerald Sun, in which all of the feminine and masculine counterparts of Michael-Metatron-Melchizedek Solar Dragon family that were cloned or enslaved through the Alpha Draconis network are being recovered and reunited with their Hierogamic Partner via the Cosmic Emerald Order Ankh Body. This is called the Pearl Activation as a solar anointing of the marriage union between the pineal and pituitary glands which opens the solarization process of the human lightbody, the transfiguration of lunar to solar consciousness made in the Robes of Glory. When we allow our Ego/Personality to be shattered and fully withdraw its control over us, we are released into our true spiritual nature. The human body is designed as a replica of the Universe, and we are asleep in the microcosmic egg until we wake up and begin to unite with the macrocosmic egg of the Universe. The human body is embedded in multiple dimensions of invisible worlds that make up our microcosmic egg or auric body shell. Our microcosmic egg enters conjunction with the macrocosmic egg when we spiritually awaken into the later parts of Monadic activation. It is during the Monadic Spiritual Initiation that the invisible worlds, incredibly, start to be made visible to that person. As the ego body is rejected and slayed, we begin to break through the layers of our auric shell into the Cosmic Egg. When this connection is made with our True Holy God Cosmic Elohei Parents, we are blessed with their Hierogamic Union or Sacred Marriage, which births the Solar Egg and Golden Embryo within our aura. The Golden Embryo is birthed inside our human body and the seed germinates within our hara complex to recreate our identity in Cosmic Christ Consciousness. This has also been referred to as the Solar Sacrum, which purges the Lunar principle of the feminine. This Solar Egg holds the Golden Embryo in the aura that gradually births the Golden Child of Christ Consciousness within a human body. When the Golden Embryo is seeded in the Solar Egg, the Lunar reflected light and its many shadow forms will start to gather into what’s called the Buddhic Egg. The liquid copper frequency blooms protective plasma flowering shields in the astral-sacral energies of the human lightbody, and braids within the inner vertical channel into the heart chambers which generates a unification of male-female heart twinning within the copper rose gold circuitry. The Hierogamic Crown or Hieros Gamos Crown represents the unification of the masculine and feminine. This can occur both individually, and also in a Sacred Marriage relationship with another human. Within the process of embodying the Hieros Gamos the masculine and feminine crowns merge to share one unified crown. This is the third level of Sacred Marriage called Hieros Gamos in our Ascension Vehicle, the hydroplasmic liquid light of the Risen and Embodied Christos-Sophianic Principle. Together, the Androgynous pair share one merged Double Diamond Sun Body and One Hierogamic Crown. Last year, Solar Female Christ Mary Sophia was reawakened as the first emanation of the Triple Solar Goddess returning into her female Solar Dragon form to reclaim her rightful place as the Solar Feminine Christ, joining with her sacred husband Christ Michael in the first stages of their Hierogamic Union. Whereby their heavenly coupling in their Cosmic Christos-Sophia solarized marriage bed produces a Cosmic Christos offspring for the Earth, which takes form as the hatching of their Cosmic Golden Dragon Egg.”

~Lisa Renee

~via God Egg / Dragon Eggs / Pearl Activation / Solar, Buddhic and Cosmic Egg / HG Crown

Photos: Ascension Avatar (4-22-2019)

LISA RENEE on “Easter Event, Cosmic Dragon Egg and Pearl Activation”

“The Christian holiday of Easter is the first Sunday after the first full moon that occurs after the Spring Equinox and symbolically represents the resurrection of Christ. Although eggs have been a symbol of fertility and rebirth, in the religious context easter eggs came to symbolize the empty tomb of Jesus from which he was resurrected. The Church of Rome imposed its beliefs to coerce and convert those who remembered the ancient cultures and histories, in order to destroy much of the original Celtic traditions and festivals that were connected to the Mother Goddess and original Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings. Thus, they hijacked the same Celtic festivals and pagan celebrations through the use of the lunar calendar and by adding their own symbols and bloodied martyrs so these same festivals could be considered to be ‘Christianized’ and approved by the pope. Further adding in imposter overlays of dogmatic patriarchal domination upon these same traditions in order to mimic the celebratory rituals of the Goddess and harvest their powerful energies that were connected to certain cosmological alignments that are greatly impactful to the planetary grid network. Last year, Solar Female Christ Mary Sophia was reawakened as the first emanation of the Triple Solar Goddess returning into her female Solar Dragon form to reclaim her rightful place as the Solar Feminine Christ, joining with her sacred husband Christ Michael in the first stages of their hierogamic union. His divine counterpart Solar Female Christ Mary Sophia, also a Solar Dragon King, will be referred to from now on as the 13th Solar Dragon Queen or 13th Maji Grail Queen. This celebratory moment in time begins the first emanation of the Triple Solar Goddess returning into her female Solar Dragon form in matter to reclaim her rightful place as the Solar Feminine Christ, joining with her sacred husband Christ Michael in Hierogamic Union. We have learned the location of their sacred hierogamic union wedding into Cosmic Dragons is taking place on the Saint Michael Line and Avebury henge during the upcoming Easter holiday. This is called the Pearl Activation as a solar anointing of the marriage union between the pineal and pituitary glands which opens the solarization process of the human lightbody, the transfiguration of lunar to solar consciousness made in the Robes of Glory. As Solar Christ Mary returns into our world as the Cosmic Dragon, so do these buried histories rise into the awareness of the ancient Essene Celtic Church sacred texts of the Pearl Activation, along with many of the hidden cellular memories of our long-forgotten past. Now it is time to reveal the return of the Cosmic Mother Dragon Mary that is his divinely wedded wife. The Benedictine monks in the 7th century that were dedicated to Mary’s Dragon Teachings were responsible for building many of the churches and abbeys upon the Saint Michael line with the intention of maximizing spiritual communication links from the heavens with the parishioners. The Saint Michael’s Dragon Line completely encircles the Earth. This well-known Dragon Line connects the many sacred places that were dedicated to Saint Michael in the southern areas of the United Kingdom. The major epicenter for the Easter activation is Avebury transmitting the planetary Pearl Activation, further linking these solarized energies into Glastonbury’s Tor, Burrow bridge Mump, Saint Michaels Light Tower and to the furthest southern point of Saint Michael’s Mount. The Sirius and Canopus relationship with Avebury Henge are the DNA spiraled transmissions of the gold and silver braided energy of the unified masculine and feminine, which are designed to run this braided silver-gold current into the Michael-Mary lines, in order to birth the Cosmic Egg which hatches the solar initiation into the Pearl Activation. Whereby their heavenly coupling in their Cosmic Christos-Sophia solarized marriage bed produces a Cosmic Christos offspring for the Earth, which takes form as the hatching of their Cosmic Golden Dragon Egg.”

~Lisa Renee

Photos: Ascension Avatar (7-19-2019/ 7-25-2019)

Photo: Ascension Avatar (7-19-2019)

Photo: Ascension Avatar (7-25-2019)

Photos: Ascension Avatar (7-4-2018)

Photo: Ascension Avatar (7-4-2018)

Photo: Ascension Avatar (7-4-2018)

Photos: Ascension Avatar (7-4-2018/ 7-19-2019/ 7-25-2019)

Photos: Ascension Avatar (7-4-2018/ 4-22-2019)

Photos: Ascension Avatar (7-4-2018/ 4-22-2019/ 7-19-2019/ 7-4-2018)

Photos: Ascension Avatar (4-22-2019)

Photo: Ascension Avatar (4-22-2019)

Photo: Ascension Avatar (4-22-2019)

Photo: Ascension Avatar (4-22-2019)

Photo: Ascension Avatar (4-22-2019)

Photo: Ascension Avatar (4-22-2019)

~via Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings

LISA RENEE: “Dual Krystal Spirals”

“During this phase, Cosmic Elohei Suns have united in Dual Krystal Spirals which are supporting the reclamation of organic Diamond Sun lightbody parts through Cosmic Mother’s Supermagnetism and new staff codes that configure into new architecture of Hara-Krysta axiatonal lines. The Hara-Krysta are vertical staff lines connecting into the God Worlds and above the Spectra fields, in the stairway to heaven at the location where the Eukachristic template level of the Eternal Seven Suns in One are stationed. The Dual Krystal Spirals are running new elementals with living sound waters that are being orchestrated through multiple layers of Emerald Covenant’s eukatharistic architecture, opening its rings and span tones that hold electromagnetic codes which wake up the planetary Rasha Body. This is important because it involves the complete re-encryption of the quantum field, dark matter and elemental substances in the atomic and subatomic layers, that are being made congruent with the Cosmic Mother’s ongoing embodiment process. In practical terms, those awakening connected to this spiritual family will experience increased communications with the Elohei-Elohim in dream state or meditation, along with the reviewing of previous historical events and inorganic timelines that are connected to assorted problems that resulted in the Fallen Elohim and Fallen Angelic Annunaki hybrid lines. Through ongoing genetic realignments within the awakening Elohim groups, this is showing up as Elohim collective shadow miasmatic clearings during current Guardian grid restoration projects. As the planet integrated the further dimensional expansions into the completed anti-particle merge which includes 22D, 23D and 24D, this functions as the Emerald Founder Capstone in 24D required for anchoring the Cosmic to Universal Emerald Rod, and the necessary Emerald Order architecture for reseating King Arthur and Queen Guinevere in the Albion. Thus, along with these recent events, the Universal Diamond Pillar merged into another expression of the twinned hierogamic template in which the Ruby and Diamond Pillar merged together, and the Sapphire and Emerald Pillar merged together.”

~Lisa Renee

During this phase, Cosmic Elohei Suns have united in Dual Krystal Spirals which are supporting the reclamation of organic Diamond Sun lightbody parts through Cosmic Mother’s Supermagnetism and new staff codes that configure into new architecture of Hara-Krysta axiatonal lines. The Hara-Krysta are vertical staff lines connecting into the God Worlds and above the Spectra fields, in the stairway to heaven at the location where the Eukachristic template level of the Eternal Seven Suns in One are stationed. This is a station of the first creation hub of the eternal Cosmic Consciousness bodies, or the Seven Suns of God in eternal Diamond Sun bodies, the Eternal God body of the Emerald Order’s Cosmic Kryst-Krystallah unity consciousness.

The Dual Krystal Spirals are running new elementals with living sound waters that are being orchestrated through multiple layers of Emerald Covenant’s eukatharistic architecture, opening its rings and span tones that hold electromagnetic codes which wake up the planetary Rasha Body. This is important because it involves the complete re-encryption of the quantum field, dark matter and elemental substances in the atomic and subatomic layers, that are being made congruent with the Cosmic Mother’s ongoing embodiment process. Cosmic Mother Dragon is actively building tributaries of new golden Azothian flows made into living spiritual waters, inspiriting elemental and matter forms from within the planetary Rasha body. As this builds, new solar bodies are being birthed from out of the many colors of Dragon Eggs to fully reunite her with her planetary creations. This appears to be purging out layer after layer of the massive black plasma entities and AI frankenstein creatures that the NAA have lodged into the planetary dark matter fields with corrupted shadow elementals, as a way to invade the planetary body via the forced colonization of these AI hybrids and artificial demonic gestalts.

In practical terms, those awakening connected to this spiritual family will experience increased communications with the Elohei-Elohim in dream state or meditation, along with the reviewing of previous historical events and inorganic timelines that are connected to assorted problems that resulted in the Fallen Elohim and Fallen Angelic Annunaki hybrid lines. The Fallen Elohim are being found and regenerated by the returning Cosmic Elohei parents. This is a massive retrieval cycle for mismatched or stolen body parts that are specifically used by the invaders to run their genetic hybrid programs and anti-human APIN systems. Thus, the Great Lion symbolism connected to the Elohei-Elohim Christos founders from Lyra and their extensive 12D crystalline architecture that is encrypted with Anuhazi feline genetic signatures, are both evolving. Through ongoing genetic realignments within the awakening Elohim groups, this is showing up as Elohim collective shadow miasmatic clearings during current Guardian grid restoration projects. [1]

Elaysa Staff opens Hara Krysta

This brings forth yet more comprehension of the complexity occurring with the birth of the Triple Suns with the 12 vertical lines of the Hara-Krysta Staff that are holding the creation doorway open, which are currently announcing the arrival of the eternal Cosmic Spirit Body that has assembled itself from out of the Rasha dark matter layers. The building out of repair sequences during the planetary Eukatharistic Activation last year has resulted in the next stages of Emerald Guardian Ascension Hosting mission upgrades, with our direct attention being placed upon the Cosmic Spirit Bodywhich is connected to the Elaysa Staff, which is the authentic Cosmic Spirit Sun down stepping into the Universal Melchizedek Solar Mother principle of our time matrix. [2]

Mahara Reisha Sapphire Sun

The Mahara Reisha Blue Dragons are the holders of Hara-Krysta staff into the Cosmic Hall of Records through their embodied Azura Dragon Hearts of the Cosmic Mother Dragon. There is a Tri-Matrix of Suns protecting the creation door out of this Universe that is leading into the Cosmic Energy Matrix, and the only way that happens is by entering on the vertical staff lines of Hara Krysta anchored by the Mahara Reisha Blue Sun. The Mahara Reisha Sun, a Blue Sapphire Sun of Cosmic Spirit Body is also stepping down into the Mother Arc principle, that further down steps into the lower harmonic universe as the main Amoraea blue flame holy spirit body. This Mahara Reisha Blue Spirit Sun is where the eternal spirit body template or Tauren exists.[3]

Expansion into 19D, 20D,and 21D

This placed the highlight upon the Vale of Pewsey, where the Tri-Matrix of the Cathar solar coding for the coronasphere was anchored, and there was another expansion into the next complete triad of the Harmonic Universe that unlocked and extended out into 19D, 20D and 21D. The expansion into these three new bands of Cosmic God Source field creation have now been integrated within our Universal Time Matrix, which allows direct contact and communication from many of our Kristosspiritual families that reside within several different creation matrices located in the God Worlds. These are multiple parallel matrices and tri-matrix Hara layers that make up the Hara-Krysta chambers of the Reisha spirit body domains, these converge into the internal creations, external creations and eternal creations of the God worlds.

This began the phase of expanding into the next dimensional triad in the Vale of Pewsey, White Horse stargate and Alhambra Palace that brought in the Hara-Krysta Chamber, which is required for correct vertical to horizontal integration of the dark matter template instruction sets of the Rashala tri-matrix in order to gain access to the eternal spirit body, known as Eire-Adonis. [4]

Cosmic Hall of Records

As the planet integrated the further dimensional expansions into the completed anti-particle merge which includes 22D, 23D and 24D, this functions as the Emerald Founder Capstone in 24D required for anchoring the Cosmic to Universal Emerald Rod, and the necessary Emerald Order architecture for reseating King Arthur and Queen Guinevere in the Albion. Thus, along with these recent events, the Universal Diamond Pillar merged into another expression of the twinned hierogamic template in which the Ruby and Diamond Pillar merged together, and the Sapphire and Emerald Pillar merged together. This rotated the clock shield template that is currently generating new positions on the Universal Staff of Elaysa-Melchizedek, and this is connected to the Hara-Krysta Staff which connects into the Cosmic Hall of Records and synchronizes with the Cosmic Clock and Reuche Pillars.


  1. Cosmic Elohei
  2. Cosmic Spirit Body
  3. Sapphire Diamond Shield
  4. Elaysa-Melchizedek

See Also:

Elaysa Staff

Emerald Order

Cosmic Elohei


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE on “The Rise of the Solar Feminine Christ”

“The NAA have employed an assortment of artificial intelligence structures and Frequency Fences for enforcing technological abuses, in which they intended to eliminate and destroy the organic mother principle in creation, thus generating ripple effects and causing an array of genetic distortions in the Sophianic female principle embodiment on the earth. For this and many other reasons, this planet has not had access to the organic mother principle and Sophianic Template in previous time cycles, which prevented the full spiritual realization and embodiment of the organic state of the Solar Feminine. Through repeated session work in the planetary fields and by remote viewing the grid network, the many layers of artificial Alien Machinery that have been used to spread Dark Mother reversals, that clone and replicate the Sophianic female principles via the Lunar Matrix and Beast Machine, have been revealed. The planetary circulatory system or Planetary Grid Network has accumulated massive amounts of Dead Energy and Miasma that have built up in its network over many destructive events occurring in the Timelines, such as warring, Genocide and hidden technological abuses. Technological abuses include things we can see in full view today; weaponizing weather, Geoengineering agendas, microwaving the Ionosphere, implanting thoughts through Mind Control, and intentionally directing cataclysmic events through the use of Electromagnetic Weaponry while publicly claiming that it is earth’s natural climate change. Eventually, these dark agendas of raping the land and the natural kingdom of its energy resources crushes the planetary crystal heart networks and blocks their Chalice configurations from operating in the Ley Lines. The dead energy structure is a toxic waste that damages or crushes the Permanent Seed Atom in the crystal heart matrices, and this must be cleaned out. This creates Metatronic Reversals of artificial current used to fill the ley lines with blockages of Dead Energy, and this accumulation of black frozen dead energy in the natural intersections of the gridlines is called an Anubian Black Heart. When observing the Controller agendas, which are to intentionally generate dystopian nightmares in certain demographic regions they are attempting to gain total control over, it is also designed to control the ley lines by blocking high frequency energetic current from spreading throughout the land mass. Sudden catastrophes distract people, derail progress forward and incite mass fear and grief from loss. From the emotional devastation, some people will blame God and reject all things spiritual from the lack of awareness that these catastrophes are being orchestrated by the human and nonhuman Controllers and then blamed as random ‘acts of God’. This is exactly what the Controllers want, to wield mass destruction and demoralize and dehumanize the population. Then it is easier to get the population to reject anything that connects their Consciousness with the real God source field that raises our frequency, and expanding consciousness expands our consciousness to perceive more truth. Through our session research in the planetary grid over the years, it has been made clear that the reversal life energy of the Christos-Sophia Blueprint was replicated into artificial Negative Form bodies in phantom matrices, in order to run anti-Christ reversals into the ley lines. These reversal currents happen through the Baphomet streams and their Black Magic Grid networks, and these anti-life forces running in the lower grids are primarily satanic in nature. The intentional generation and spreading of Satanic forces into the Planetary Grid Network, is what allows the NAA forces to gain an ever-deeper foothold in controlling the earth for their enslavement purposes. The agenda was purposed to eventually take over the planet through genetic modification and by incarnating their off planet satanic families, while slowly killing off the original lines of the indigenous earth population that still hold the organic Christos blueprint. The recent major grid cleanup on holocaust timelines required another stage of dismantling phantom and artificial constructs that were harboring reversal mother creatures, a hierarchical chain of engineered hybrid dark entities used to enforce the Lunar Matrix links into the female principle and female bodies on the earth. Essentially, these are Satanic forces that have been engineered and then populated into the planetary architecture blended reality to gain control over the Solar female principle, subverting this higher identity into a mass mind controlled lunar female breeding slave. These AI genetic engineered NAA creations of reversal mother creatures were used to colonize the major grail points in the earth, to enforce an assortment of Artificial intelligence machinery that run the lunar mutations through several programs, such as in the propagation of religious Mind Control and Sexual Misery. These recent projects reveal more detail on how the Dark Mother alien constructs are being administered and run on the planet earth, which are specifically designed to support the spreading of satanism through the ongoing generation of reversal female forces running throughout the ley lines and targeting the human population with its lowest anti-life vibrations. The building out of the organic repair sequences for the Emerald Guardian Ascension Host mission upgrades are continuing with excessive speed and substantial intensity, to anchor the Sapphire Diamond Shield architecture into the 10D gateways for the return of the Cosmic Mother’s Solar Reisha sophianic lineages throughout the planetary matrix. When there are high frequency transmissions hitting certain areas of the earth body, this can shift descending areas into an ascending area, and this can ripple out effects that awaken the population that live in those areas. This is heralding the full debut of the Cosmic Mother Krystallah architecture which gives rise to the birth of the Solar Feminine Christ principle, which is the Holy Daughter embodiment of the Christos-Sophia template. This is her time to rise on the earth. Although it is important to know that this dark agenda is done and their timeline is coming to an end, we have to see what has happened to the earth and humanity before we can truly spiritually heal. The shocking revelation of this Controller and Negative Alien agenda through gradual disclosure events is what humanity is facing on the earth now in these turbulent times of evolutionary transition.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Solar Feminine Christ / Sapphire Diamond Shield

LISA RENEE: “Sapphire Azothian Crown”

“The Christos Mission is specifically involved in the reassembly and reclamation of these missing and hidden Solar Christ Female lineages, the embodied Christos-Sophia lines which are all linked to the 13th Solar Dragon Queen or the Cosmic Mother embodiment of the Solar Female Christ Mary Sophia. The Sapphire Azothian Crown comprises the krystic architecture brought forth through the hidden identities of the Solar Feminine Christ family, we recognize the Triple Solar Goddess formation through Hatshepsut’s Christos Mission to protect the 10th Stargate and reclaim what was hidden in the Pluto matrix by the invaders. The building out of the organic repair sequences for the Emerald Guardian Ascension Host mission upgrades are continuing with excessive speed and substantial intensity, to anchor the Sapphire Diamond Shield architecture into the 10D gateways for the return of the Cosmic Mother’s Solar Reisha sophianic lineages throughout the planetary matrix. King Arthur’s embodiment returned the sophianic Sapphire Solar Star communication with our Avatar. On 10:10 a phase began with the Azothian Sapphire Crown of Hatshepsut that has been activated and is being integrated in those that are in the direct lineage to embody the Sophianic aspects of the Solar Female Christ family. And we understand that Luciferian gestalt has inverted and stolen Sophianic wisdom. No!! We’re reclaiming it back. This is Holy Mother Sophia’s. This is her wisdom. This is the Mother’s wisdom that we are reclaiming back. Sophia is not Lucifer. Christos-Sophia is not the many things that she has been called. This aspect of Holy Mother is a part of what ES is really about in the reclamation of the Solar Christ Feminine and the Cosmic Mother Dragon. See Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings. She has risen! As she transmits her Divine Fire Water through sacred sound plasmas of the trine unifiers from the Ophiuchus constellation, she ignites the fifth element in the Ritual of Aether to bestow her blessings through the Azothian Sapphire Krystallah Sophia Crown. HA-lleluia in the celebration that our Beloved Divine Holy Lady has returned during this stage of Ophiuchus alchemy and Winter Solstice activation to reveal her sacred quintessence and Triple Solar Goddess form through the reclamation of the Cathedral Ritual of Divine Aether, the anointing of the Holy Mother Sophia’s Sapphire Krystallah Crown. Love your Holy Mother Sophia with all of your crystal rose heart, and from within the inner sanctum of your heart the Kingdom of God will reveal and Christos-Sophia’s holiest of holies in the eternal animating spirit will become known to you!”

~Lisa Renee

The Sapphire Azothian Crown comprises the krystic architecture brought forth through the hidden identities of the Solar Feminine Christ family, we recognize the Triple Solar Goddess formation through Hatshepsut‘s Christos Mission to protect the 10th Stargate and reclaim what was hidden in the Pluto matrix by the invaders.

10D Sapphire Body Activation

The building out of the organic repair sequences for the Emerald Guardian Ascension Host mission upgrades are continuing with excessive speed and substantial intensity, to anchor the Sapphire Diamond Shield architecture into the 10D gateways for the return of the Cosmic Mother’s Solar Reisha sophianic lineages throughout the planetary matrix. See Sapphire Diamond Shield. [1]

King Arthur Embodiment

King Arthur was embodied in a 10 strand Ruby Sun DNA body which was designed to help restore the female Sophianic Sapphire Codes in the Solar Star chakra, which exists about six inches above the crown. This Diamond Sun lightbody part was damaged on the planet during Nephilim hybridization and when Draconian essences are incarnated into the human body. The 10D Solar Star is held by the female crystal heart rose Staff Codes and are responsible for receiving communication directly from our Christos Avatar self. King Arthur’s embodiment returned the sophianic Sapphire Solar Star communication with our Avatar. [2]


On 10:10 a phase began with the Azothian Sapphire Crown of Hatshepsut that has been activated and is being integrated in those that are in the direct lineage to embody the Sophianic aspects of the Solar Female Christ family. And we understand that Luciferian gestalt has inverted and stolen Sophianic wisdom. Recently there was a member talking about people coming to her and saying the Ascension Glossary is Luciferian. This is the brainwashing of those that are unfortunately believing the lies, that the wisdom of the Law of One and the Founder Records belongs to Lucifer. No!! We’re reclaiming it back. This is Holy Mother Sophia‘s. This is her wisdom. This is the Mother’s wisdom that we are reclaiming back. Sophia is not Lucifer. Christos-Sophia is not the many things that she has been called. This aspect of Holy Mother is a part of what ES is really about in the reclamation of the Solar Christ Feminine and the Cosmic Mother Dragon. See Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings. [3]

Cathedral Activation

Additionally, the momentous planetary initiation and personal Transmogrification is occurring now through the return of the Holy Mother Sophia through her emanation as the Divine Solar Feminine Christos-Sophia within the Cathedral Activation and Aether Ritual that has taken place in Rosslyn Chapel, Chartres Cathedral and Lincoln Cathedral. She has risen! As she transmits her Divine Fire Water through sacred sound plasmas of the trine unifiers from the Ophiuchus constellation, she ignites the fifth element in the Ritual of Aether to bestow her blessings through the Azothian Sapphire Krystallah Sophia Crown. Love your Holy Mother Sophia with all of your crystal rose heart, and from within the inner sanctum of your heart the Kingdom of God will reveal and Christos-Sophia’s holiest of holies in the eternal animating spirit will become known to you! [4]

Christos Mission

The Christos Mission is specifically involved in the reassembly and reclamation of these missing and hidden Solar Christ Female lineages, the embodied Christos-Sophia lines which are all linked to the 13th Solar Dragon Queen or the Cosmic Mother embodiment of the Solar Female Christ Mary Sophia. HA-lleluia in the celebration that our Beloved Divine Holy Lady has returned during this stage of Ophiuchus alchemy and Winter Solstice activation to reveal her sacred quintessence and Triple Solar Goddess form through the reclamation of the Cathedral Ritual of Divine Aether, the anointing of the Holy Mother Sophia’s Sapphire Krystallah Crown. [5]


  1. Sapphire Diamond Shield
  2. Rise of Arthur
  3. [LR session transcript October 2021]
  4. Cathedral Activation Begins
  5. Cathedral Activation Begins

See Also:

Universal Ankh Body

Dark Matter Template

Eukachristic Body

Universal Mother Dark Matter Matrix

~via Ascension Glossary