LISA RENEE on “How Satanic Forces Are Used Every Day to Destroy the Heart and Soul of Human Beings”

Photo by Ascension Avatar

“To understand the polarity of the world of forces on earth and identify how Satanic force methods are used every day to destroy the feeling heart and soul of human beings, let’s review both sides of spiritually healthy behaviors (GSF) and Spiritually Abusive Behaviors. We describe these behaviors in ES as the Archontic Deception Behavior. Spiritually healthy behaviors naturally connect one with God Source and Christ and are God-Sovereign-Free Behavior. Spiritually abusive behaviors disconnect you from God and Christ and are promoted in the Archontic Deception or AD Behaviors. The Negative Aliens group consciousness body is a hive mind controlled by the Satanic forces which are similar to the phantom spaces of black void, massive gestalts of disembodied black shadow entities that troll for human bodies in order to satisfy their cravings, to suck life force energy and to experience certain physical related sensations in many kinds of realities. Entities both human and non-human that possess others’ bodies are referred to as Satanic or anti–life forces, as no other type of light being will choose to possess the body and control the free will of another being. A Christos being never will take over another’s body or attempt to assert control over any person to propagate destructive acts. Satanic anti-life behaviors in humans and non-humans are a result of being soul disconnected, of which as a result they consume and exist on other people’s soul and vital energies. The dark entity craves energy and physical experiences, and experiences those sensations through attaching to the body and nervous system of an unaware or asleep human that is carrying out these destructive actions to feed the entity, and satisfy the anxiety of deep unconscious impulses. The Satanics are addicted to material sensations and physical pleasures, many cannot incarnate on the surface of earth into a human body specifically, so they hijack the human body in the extradimensional planes, such as from in the astral layers, as a substitute body that they can exert control over. The more out of balance we are inside of ourselves, the more out of balance we are with nature, and natural laws, and thus the more diseased we humans become. Now, this is largely because of unhealthy input and unhealthy exposures. When the synaptic signaling is interrupted through toxic electrical frequencies, now, such as the technological mind control of low electromagnetic field pulsing or harmful radiation, or synaptic signaling, is interrupted through an introduction or exposure to toxic chemicals, heavy metals, such as aluminum, mercury, in Vaccinations, or strontium, and bromium, in Chemtrails, that interferes with the synapse. And the synapse will not signal. When the synapse stops functioning because it has been poisoned or interfered with in this way with a toxic chemical or heavy metal, the neuron will eventually die. Neurons generate brain signals between synapses, which connect into other brain cells. When neurons die, humans get motor neuron brain diseases like dementia, Alzheimer’s and ALS. We can exhibit assortments of all kinds of thinking disorders or personality disorders or mood disorders, bipolar or mania or chaotic, disordered thinking, an host of autistic spectrum disorders— all of this is related to dysregulated brain waves. Because the Brain Signals composed from electrical and chemical reactions are not healthy, or they are not firing correctly. Now, this is largely because of unhealthy input and unhealthy exposures. The individual may have a genetic predisposition, but overall, many problems are caused from being imbalanced and unhealthy between the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual layers, the more integrated and balanced we are throughout our multi-dimensional layers. So, as we think on this concept, from the controller’s vantage point, at the root source of all of our thoughts, the way we think, that which comprises our belief systems, our attitudes, our behaviors and our actions. More control over our emotional body is directly related to our spiritual connection. So, you can see the Controllers’ agenda, why they they have created people that are emotionally traumatized, and not competent emotionally. They don’t know how to manage their emotions. They are easily led by their emotions. They’re very impulsive through their instinctual emotions, and that has been cultivated in the masses because that blocks our spiritual connection. This is a primary strategy of programming humans into Mind Controlled Archontic Deception Behavior that originates from the Orion Group Reptoids of the NAA. Primarily, the Black Sun groups have been experimenting on humanity for many years with an assortment of Artificial Intelligence and black box quantum computing technologies for the purpose of moving the collective consciousness towards AI controlled Groupthink, which is similar to connecting human brains to the internet. This system is referred to as the Brain Net or Hive Net. The NAA want to connect all human brains to artificial intelligence systems as the means of total and complete human consciousness enslavement, in order to monitor and manipulate all electromagnetic activity of the human brain to fully collect the data for the purpose of controlling the Timelines. Targeted Individuals have been sought out by Shadow Government, black military operatives or NAA entities for the purpose of hijacking their consciousness for brain-machine learning in this covert and sinister AI experiment, in which the primary directive was to build out the Hive Net system and then generate Digital Twins as virtual representatives. A Digital Twin is an exact replica or Clone used to represent that individual’s Personality Matrix projected into another dimensional plane, usually the virtual representation is placed in a location within the Phantom Matrix. The Digital Twin is used by the NAA as a Mind Control weapon which attempts to overlay into the Lightbody, and is designed to subvert the organic Consciousness of that individual. Many times, seemingly to be an evil twin, but this is a digital twin of that individuals’ identity that is used as a Holographic Insert to abuse the inner spiritual Christos within organic human beings. Additionally, Red Cube AI technology is designed to be a genetic code crasher for Anti-Hierogamic Union or to create interference through an Alien Love Bite scenario that engages that person in heavy emotional dramas via Victim-Victimizer archetypes and mistaken identity, by keeping the inner and outer gender principles split apart. Anti-HG Technology is short for Anti-Hierogamic Technology, which is a gender splitter weapon that has been identified by gridworkers which note that it has impacts upon the Lightbody and is a form of targeting individuals with assorted Electronic harassment designed for Mind Control. This technology targets Starseed or Indigo groups that are embodying sacred marriage or hierogamic union, generally targeting spiritual couples that are motivated to serve the Christos Mission and support planetary liberation for Ascension. Targeted Individuals have been sought out by shadow government, black military operatives or NAA entities for the purpose of hijacking their consciousness for brain-machine learning in this covert and sinister AI experiment, in which the primary directive was to build out the Synthetic Hive Mind system and then generate Digital Twins as virtual representatives. And when the brain chemistry is altered, and when the brain waves have been switched or altered, this is when the brain is suggestible to insert thought forms, or instigate other behaviors for shaping or influencing or grooming that individual to carry out some harmful thoughts or criminal actions against others, in which, in mob rule, they believe they are justified as the ends justify the means. Now with all of these examples— you will find Frequency Following Response method as a type of mind control technology. This particular method of Frequency Following Response mind control is also how they may try to break up relationships, generate False Reality Delusions or turn your casual friends into enemies overnight, or working towards divide and conquer in communities or groups. When feeling pain or disappointment we have no need to lash out and harm others. When a being is soul disconnected they experience an unquenchable thirst of desire, Addiction, black depression, pain and suffering at great levels. In this painful state, we live as a slave to our instinctual feelings and desires that control our actions and behaviors as if being whip lashed by a screaming banshee. We have little instinctual control over our emotional state which leads to instant reactions of hysteria, dramas, accusations and betrayals in our relationships. But still, if this happens, it can be shocking when this kind of rupture happens so quickly to end relationships or social connections— and it can be with family members or anyone else that you may have trusted. But this is a phenomena that we may see increasing around people that are near to us. Now, the people that are unaware and that actually succumb to this implantation of thoughts are generally are weak-willed, strongly ego-based and spiritually disconnected. And if that particular emotional connection was not deep, genuine and authentic, this person may show their true colors, and it may be exaggerated and amplified, especially if they have been targeted in this way. Emotional fracturing is Soul Fracturing. When a human being is soul split, they will exhibit mental confusion and tendencies that are called, Narcissism, schizophrenia, dissociative personality, Sociopathy and an array of psychological distortions that potentially lead to insanity. Insanity is a way to define behaviors which create soul destruction, that action which ultimately disconnect the body/mind from the soul. The more soul fragmented and damaged a person’s energetic body is operating (or not operating at all), the more distorted the thoughts and behaviors become. Insanity is a diseased mind, a diseased or disconnected soul, which leads the being to choose to continually inflict destruction and harm to the self and others. If continual destructive spiritually abusive behavior is not stopped, it will damage the soul through fragmentation and genetic degradation. These deviations are manifested as Addictions, perversions and a wide array of damaging personality disorders or Alternate Identities that can be well observed in the individual as destructive to the self and destructive to others. When one is continually destructive towards the self, or others, eventually the Soul Matrix layers fragment and split. All Addictions lead to Satanic manipulation or Possessions. Insanity is a description of consciousness fragmentation that generates the existence of hell realms, and is how to easily recognize Possession through Satanic anti-life behaviors that are controlled by the possessing entity, such as one of the collective thoughtforms of Fallen Angelics. When the Soul or spiritual layers are split apart further, this produces disease in the layers and generates more and more potential energy to be harvested for the parasites. Disease in the body is the result of Soul Sickness that is related to the consequence of actions while one is living in discordance with the natural laws. Soul fragments generate more split aspects, which the Satanic Entities can use to harvest into different forms of usable energy on multiple dimensional planes. This is why they promote extreme violence and Trauma Based Mind Control, designed for soul splitting and Soul Fragmentation in the earth population — because the more fragmented and in pain people are — the more energy they can siphon. Many unconscious human beings totally unaware they are carrying Dead Energy, displaced Entities, negative Alien Implants, unaware that they suffering from are Soul Fragmentation and/or soul disconnected and Mind Controlled to limit further consciousness expansion. If this persists, combined with continued destructive behavior to the self and others that are repeated as life patterns, the person becomes sucked into a density of painfully low self-esteem, phobias, fears and Addictions. Most of the time that will include layers of astral debris, displaced Entities, impersonal elemental forces, Miasma and sometimes, includes full demonic Possession. Self-destructive behaviors destroy the heart center, it destroys the force of love within us, and over time implodes the lightbody and produces a black heart, which is a black hole in the center of the body. The black hole within or Black Heart, creates internal sickness that craves to be fed by the external world of forces, and becomes a parasite onto other living things that emanates light radiance. Thus, insanity is a description of the existence of hell realms, a person or Black Force Entity with the unquenchable thirst for energetic power it can never satiate, and the driving need to be fed by something else. Observing this pattern is how to easily recognize possession made through Satanic anti-life behaviors that are further controlled by the possessing entity. Hence, their extreme hatred is directed towards people that are fully ensouled or at spiritual stages leading them towards the spiritual ascension of the Christos-Sophianic embodiment. However, the eternal Christos being is the only being that can deliver any entity from its Satanic bondage back into the heart of the God Source creator, if it is so divinely orchestrated in alignment to the Natural Laws. When we know the difference between False Light and Eternal Light, the proof comes when challenged in the name of Christ, when a person is dedicated to the spiritual path of reclaiming the Eternal Light of the Inner Christ for themselves, all other Entities are refused access into that person’s body. The power of the Eternal Light when embodied cannot be faked, mimicked or replicated. It either is in the body or it isn’t.”

~Lisa Renee

Sources: Frequency Following Response / Groupthink / Insanity / Insanity and Hell Realms / Lunatic / Possession / Soul Possession / Soul Sickness

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