LISA RENEE on “Desperate Attempts to Maintain Mind Control over the Asleep Population while the Coup Taking down the Dark Cabal Is Happening behind the Scenes”

Alien Implants are a bio-engineering technology designed to shape the human body into the submission to NAA Mind Control agendas, while chemical Nanoparticle geo-engineering is used to control the weather by harming the ozone layer and create excessive methane gases. Alien Implants work in the human body similarly as the chemical process of Geoengineering is used in spraying Chemtrails in the skies. In both examples, when the foreign unnatural material is introduced to the natural body it disrupts the electromagnetic energetic balance and the homeostatic rhythm of the body. These AI programs infiltrate the biological neurological processes of the body like a virus to infect the natural frequencies from running. When a person is mentally unstable they are more vulnerable to Dark Force Manipulation Methods and Possession. Mind Control scripts and their string commands are being used to sweep and locate unstable people to act out and spread this artificial intelligence program to infect more people with a sick or imbalanced mental state. Large events of gatherings are a perfect terrain for executing these kinds of triggers into the field. Implanting the spine, tailbone and neck are the usual places to hijack the nervous system. For those of us in the Indigo and Star families, it is important to understand this program is artificial machinery, inorganic and is being used in the planetary field. The vulnerability is that ‘collective viral program’ influencing or interfering with our personal natural bodily and nervous system processes. When the radio frequencies and Heavy Metals are exposed to the human body, they disrupt the Electromagnetic Signals, disturbing energetic balance and the homeostatic rhythms of the body. This puts the body in a hyper-immunity state, or adrenal exhaustion, while fighting off the foreign invader. The body develops coping mechanisms to deal with the foreign invader, while extreme stress is placed on the central nervous system, brain and immune system. The heavy metals being bombarded in the atmosphere help to prepare the earth terrain for running the AI Signal, which is highly conductive with heavy metals and metal toxicity. One chemical process of geoengineering is spraying Chemtrails and other toxic substances into the skies. Additionally, such heavy spraying is used in conjunction with Radio Frequency (RF) transmissions. Powerful radio frequency transmissions have a profound effect on clouds that are converting sprayed chemicals into smaller particulates, light enough to be carried on the air stream. Unmarked or military aircraft are spraying toxic chemicals and electrically conductive heavy metals directly over major cities, power vortices, and over our heads in the sky. During and after chemtrailing, strange cloud configurations commonly occur from the chemicals and radio frequencies that have been bombarding the atmosphere. The ongoing radio frequency saturation in our atmosphere is extremely harmful to living organisms, including all humans. Some Chemtrails also seem to have magnetic particle attractors that resonate to certain programmable targets, to adhere to those same frequencies implanted in the human public, when they are sprayed over certain demographics. The particle attractors that may be sprayed in Chemtrails have been observed to trigger bio-etheric implants, we call them Alien Implants, even though some of these implants may have been sourced from human covert military operations. As with chemtrails, Alien Implants most generally act as a ‘metallic’ frequency overload and exposure to impact the overall bodily energies and its auric field. Nanotechnology has many applications being tested covertly and used to control the human population in psychotronic warfare or Mind Control methods and also to track down people and to know what they are thinking. This is a type of military alien technology used for artificial intelligence networks for Brain Mapping. Nanotechnology weapons such as Morgellons are self replicating hollow fibers that are designed to read out the light finger print code of the DNA of the person infected with the Alien Implants technology and transform it to a signal that is detectable to be tracked, tested and harvested. It appears to be self assembly nanobot technology related to transhumanist agenda of the Archons for artificial light harvesting. Many types of nanotechnologies are in full operation in the Secret Space Programs and are already used by many technologically advanced Extraterrestrial races. Synthetic Telepathy is used to describe the process of brain-computer interfaces by which human thoughts are intercepted, processed and a return signal is generated that is able to be communicated and perceived by the human brain and that information can potentially be read through other interfaces. An example of multiple interfaces that could interact with synthetic telepathy and Nanotechnology would be the network of physical devices that are included in the Internet of things. This is the larger mass consciousness network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and connectivity which enables these things to connect, collect and exchange data. Biosensors, especially those sensors embedded into nanoparticles like Smartdust, are so small as to remain unseen by the naked eye. These are currently being used and experimented with in diagnostic and clinical settings in the mainstream western medical sciences, as well as in military application like chemtrails. Smartdust is a system of tiny microelectromechanical systems, such as sensors, robots or other devices that can detect light, vibration, magnetism, temperature and chemicals. Smartdust and neural dust are operated on wireless signals feeding back sensor information into artificial intelligence computer networks, which are further used to perform a variety of tasks that are programmed by the operator. Neural dust also allows for wirelessly powered bundles of artificial nerve sensors that collect ranges of data, to be sent back to brain-computer interfaces that are used for a variety of synthetic telepathy applications, where that statistical data can be further analyzed or leveraged. Neural dust more specifically can activate action potentials in a cell, spiking nerve impulses, which is the central role of cell to cell communication. These interactions allow the cells to communicate with each other, building cell connectivity in response to changes that are occurring in the environment. Biosensors are used as an analytical device to detect biological information in a targeted person or from the environment. This means the propagation of artificial signals being wirelessly transmitted are being designed for inciting action potential and nerve impulses in the cells of a biological person, which interferes with the natural signals that occur in cell to cell communication. Extremely low frequencies artificially transmitted into the electromagnetic field directly affects intercellular communication. Cell to cell communication is necessary for not only maintaining healthy cell tissue, but in the natural biological function of cellular telepathy. Loss of communication signaling between the cells in a human body, results in entropy of the cell, which causes diseased cells, and this spreads cancer and tumors. Nanotech biosensors can be injected directly through vaccinations, coated in a film on pharmaceutical pills, inhaled from nanoparticle sprays, and placed in the food and water supply where it would remain undetected through current conventional methods used by the public agencies that provide overall quality testing. Nanoparticles can also cross cell membranes. It has been reported that inhaled nanoparticles can reach the blood and reach other organ systems accumulating in the liver, heart or blood cells. There are almost no publications on the effects of engineered nanoparticles on animals and plants in the environment, and this is not accidental. An example of multiple interfaces that could interact with synthetic telepathy technology in the mainstream would be the network of physical devices that are included in the Internet of Things. The concept and implementation of the Internet of things (IoT) is being pushed by the Controllers at this time for greater ease of ‘smart home’ technologies that open the door to in-home surveillance through an array of embedded nanotech biosensors. Whoever controls the Mind controls the body, mind and Soul. Alien Implants are used to Mind Control the masses to form socially acceptable belief systems and shape anti-human value systems which are used to condition humanity to accept spiritual abuse from the Negative Aliens and to self enforce their thought systems of hierarchical enslavement and fear. This is a divide and conquer strategy of the planet and humanity. By controlling the mind and personality connected to a human body, the parasitic entity can access a weakened body and fragile mind to begin its goal of controlling the energies and direction of the Soul. When the extradimensional entity can control multiple millions of human minds in this way — exerting control over the collective mind of humanity, therefore exerting control over the planetary body — the quantic yield and power from harnessing soul and other vital essences become a massive power source. Geoengineering and its direct relationship to bioengineering will not be discussed and disseminated appropriately to the scientific community or public until the earth has a Full Disclosure Event. A Full Disclosure Event means revealing the entire involvement of the shadow military complex, off world human civilizations, multinational corporations feeding Secret Space Programs and hiding advanced technologies, as well as, the history of Archontic Extraterrestrial control exerted upon earthly and human affairs. It is worthwhile to do the research, and look at the skyrocketing statistics for Bio-neurological Diseases, and consider who and what wants to gain complete control over human and animal Bio-Neurology. What are the many unethical methods being used to gain bio-neurological control over people that is making them sick? If we are willing to open our mind to see the clear picture of corporate interests hiding a much larger global agenda of Bio-neurological Control, then we can take some steps to empower ourselves. There is little to no information available to help people understand that our bio-neurological functions are directly responsible for interconnection with our spiritual bodies, and that if our Bio-Neurology is hacked we are effectively disconnected from our emotions, heart and Soul. If our Bio-Neurology is continually assaulted, implanted, drugged, and overloaded with cocktails of energetic and chemical toxins, not only does this negatively impact immunity and health it easily blocks messaging between the body, brain and the higher consciousness bodies. When the human body is inundated with many low frequency electrical signals combined with specific chemical toxins, they produce unique etheric implants that block the higher frequency messaging between the nervous system and brain. Anything that takes control over the functions of the nervous system and brain can potentially impair or damage the self-awareness and consciousness state of that individual. What are the long-term effects of the consistent consumption of combined drugs that act to control the nervous system and brain? Does this break down immunity and eventually generate a host of diseases, like Alzheimer’s later on? Common sense tells us that if we become childhood consumers of an array of medical products, we will grow into adulthood dependent on even more medical products, having spent a lifetime of dependency on the medical system, at a cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars per person. Many people have gone bankrupt trying to pay for the outrageous costs of family medical expenses. Some of us realize that western medical care is not health care. It is a consumer product marketed to the masses in order to be immensely profitable for corporations, and is not designed to heal people. These multinational corporations have far reach that extends to non-human oversight and control over their management operations that ultimately serve off planet agendas. These agendas include mass introduction to methods of bio-neurological impairment, in order to gain full control over the human species and all of life. This hard push for building wireless infrastructure for smart cities everywhere on the globe, is another desperate attempt to maintain Mind Control over the asleep population, while the coup taking down the dark cabal is happening behind the scenes.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

WHO ARE ‘THE GUARDIANS’? ~ LISA RENEE on “Guardian Defender Forces & Special Operation Team Projects”

“There are realms where groups exist that are called the Defender Forces of the Cosmic Sovereign Law. These defender forces are a part of those higher level light beings that are willing to lose their status of existing in a purely blissful or heavenly realm in order to come into a body and potentially lose their access into the free worlds, because they want to defend God’s Sovereign Law of One in the lower creation realms or throughout various worlds undergoing evolutionary transition. The first time that I became aware of the Defender Forces, because I had never heard of them before, was in April of 2008, when I was asked to open a Stargate in the Himalayan area. Sometimes as a part of my job down here, I am called upon in the middle of the night in sort of crisis setting when they need a point person to be able to open or create a Handshake Hub or an open portal field in a certain location. This was one of these cases. So in April of 2008, I woke up into remote viewing a part of my Consciousness body, and I was in a valley in between the Himalayan mountains, and my team from upstairs said to open the gate from this location now, right now! It felt as if there was an urgency in the timing, and to get in and out quickly. And as we opened the gate, a bunch of Defender Forces and Guardian beings came dropping in from above me. It would seem like they were dropping in parachutes from the sky, but they weren’t. My team said these are the Defender Forces and from then on I knew the Defender Forces were here on the earth and they were part of defending the Cosmic Sovereign Law for earth and humanity. So in my experience, the Defender Forces are very much a part of the Guardian host families. They are a section of light beings that work as sentinels and gatekeepers to support those of us that are incarnated here and working with the Cosmic Sovereign Law. With the return of the Solar Rishi into dimensionalization, there are many Special Operation Teams forming now that are strategically organized to find souls in very fragile states or delicate situations, based upon the level of trauma that has been suffered as a result of repeatedly incarnating on a Prison Planet. The Special Operation Teams are under the umbrella of the Interdimensional Free World Councils and Defender Guardian Forces that have expertise in certain skill sets that are needed to identify, locate, remove and repair an assortment of traumatic issues that have contributed to soul fracturing, excessive spiritual trauma and Consciousness Traps. This includes exposures to the alien machinery and nets embedded in the earth which have functions for operating such things as electrocution fences, blank slating, alien implants, electromagnetic weaponry, genetic experiments, alien hybridization, technological mind control programs, AI assimilation transhuman experiments, timeline distortion and blending realities, inserting false memories and identities, astral raping and guarding soul prison colonies scattered upon the earth and other planets. The process of liberating earth from being used as a prison colony and Satanic ritual abuse human farming system by the NAA forces, is directly relative to the spiritual ascension cycle and ultimately achieving planetary emancipation. They ensure that the beings that are here on earth during Ascension cycle that are working with Christic principles will not be enslaved in the higher realms or get trapped in the phantom realms because there’s a lot of those dark shenanigans that are still being played out. In what I call the smash and grab phenomena, where you have dark entities or beings that are still confused about what’s going on during the Bifurcation, and frantically attack or are desperately grabbing pieces that they can grab on their way out. And that’s really what we are dealing with now with the intense forces of chaos, a type of thuggery similar to smash and grab. We are enduring the most difficult time cycle of the Planetary Emancipation now, in which we are waiting for critical mass for a Full Disclosure Event to wake up those completely brainwashed by the cabal plandemic death cult, those that are willingly participating in the spread of worldwide genocidal agendas at the behest of Archontic Controllers. Current Guardian Projects are focused upon the Electric War and the Gaian Matrix phantom timelines from millions of years ago, when the installation of sophisticated black hole technology from invading Wesa entities to generate soul capture devices through layers of frequency fences and AI nets permeated into layers of our time matrix system. Thus, a Special Operation Team for accessing the Gaian Matrix in pre-fall timelines to retrieve original Azurite identities that were lost during the invasion is happening now, which is a critical development in reclaiming Azurite 48 stranded DNA cellular memories. Working up to handle this next stage of planetary emancipation gridwork has been very tough, in terms of physical symptoms to embody the Solar Rishic braids. The soul prison colonies or consciousness traps are guarded by AI assimilated entities and interdimensional machinery that have been engineered to perform this specific function as the border guards of the matrix. This is for the purpose of keeping spiritually activated souls or powerful Christos warriors from leaving the boundaries of their dimensional control through electrocution via frequency fences, electromagnetic targeting, Mind Wiping and attaching false identities. To avoid these traps, we must know they exist and focus our mind to identify the differences between artificial technology used as consciousness traps, and organic creator code consciousness that is directly connected to the Zero Point and God Source. There are many of us that may be starting to remember that we are a part of these Defender Forces or Special Operation Teams, that are involved in multidimensional soul retrievals, finding and escorting groups to safe harbor, or performing transits for safe passage into Guardian hosted safe zones. Many have sleep state adventures or memories surfacing that relate to soul retrieval projects, rescuing souls stuck in death traps, such as the lunar matrix or black hole technology nets, and redirecting these groups to Guardian Host platforms for safe passage. The people we are crossing over got stuck in the past timeline of 3D from experiencing terror and confusion in the death process, which in combination with taking the injection does not move you into the light tunnel but into the False Ascension Matrix. Instead, this fear plus nanotech programmed injection projects the consciousness body backwards in time and staples them into some previous timeline in 3D, in some kind of apparatus like a pocket or pit that is a consciousness trap playing out repeated memories of their fears. The soul appears to be stuck in a consciousness trap somewhere in the past 3D timeline or AI timeline pocket, and they appear to be zombified and/or in a lot of emotional and physical pain. There is a mountain of grief that is associated with this from all of us that are aware of the severe brainwashing that is happening right now. The good news is that these people are being retrieved by special op teams, although the death that has occurred by injection or nano exposure is many more numbers than we have been led to believe by the lying mainstream media. Recently, a special op has been involved in the safe transit of people that have been mutilated by the injection and the AI related signal spray with the CV insignia connected to G.O.A.T., that has rendered them in the past timeline. G.O.A.T. is God of All Things, and this insignia is satanic and appears as a Baphomet head that has overlaid itself on the person’s brain and or 3D mental body. This is like an electrocuted brand in the person’s head and crown, identifying them through this brand as satanic entity food. It appears they leveraged the G.O.A.T. brand recently with AI Signals transmitted out from the Satanic Superbowl rituals and their propaganda-based commercials. Finally, we are standing on the crest peering into the capstone where we are able to see everything around us clearly. Many of us that are connected to the Guardian teams realize we have waited lifetimes to finally get to this exact moment, when we have climbed and crawled through every crag to get to the very top of the mountain. As we spiritually awaken and clear the negative ego to expand our consciousness and reclaim organic memories, we begin to remember ourselves as eternal spiritual beings, and this gives us the spiritual power to dismantle the prison planet machinery.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Defender Forces / Guardian Defender Special Operation Teams

LISA RENEE on “GOAT Mind Agenda”

“G.O.A.T. represents God of All Things to the Satanists and Luciferians, who commonly refer to goats or use goat heads in their rituals. This mark of the beast symbolism is viewed on multiple dimensions of reality to denote satanic branding on people or things connected to Baphomet Grids or to represent satanic Astral Portal systems. Hence, the symbolism of the goat faced demons Baphomet and Pan that have been commonly associated with the horned devil in Satanic rituals and occult seals used to evoke demonic and Negative Alien forces. Bio-hacking is produced by Alien Machinery and Artificial Intelligence technology that function similarly to how quantum computers hack into biological code programing, generally to damage DNA from functioning properly. The hacking occurs at the biological blueprint and electromagnetic level to push humans to run assorted artificial frequencies in their body without their awareness or Consent. Artificial frequencies are being coded into many easily available consumer products such as: tobacco cigarettes, e-vapor cigarettes, alcohol, synthetic marijuana (K2), bath-salts (MDVP), marijuana edible candies, and other recreational herbal drugs. By pushing the increased exposure to these consumer drugs along with environmental saturation of Chemtrails, Vaccinations, toxic chemicals, GMO, pharmaceuticals, cell phones, polluted water and air, the artificial frequencies have resonance inside the human body while they are being continually exposed. The purpose of directing covert electromagnetic targeting towards the sympathetic nervous system is to trigger distortions within the unconscious mind layers to form the GOAT mind algorithms to spur uncontrollable impulses in the limbic system that overwhelm and then take over brain function. From this place of utter confusion and emotional chaos, it is very easy to coerce, intimidate and blackmail people, such as the heads of an institution or businesses in order to make them compliant to the Controller agendas, to promote toxic injections, enforce censorship and cancel culture. When most people are threatened by authoritarian tyrants and psychopaths, they comply. When a person is filled with mental incoherence and emotional chaos, that combination of negative energetic content is very low frequency in which they can become easily Possessed and manipulated by Demonic entities, which further exacerbates negative thoughts and destructive behaviors. The Lightbody mutations which form GOAT Brain algorithms and automated reactions are directly linked into the solar plexus and 3D Conscious Mind matrix, which is designed in the lightbody to hold the core plasma body center. By attacking the Solar Plexus and conscious mind matrix of the masses with the GOAT algorithm, it interferes with and distorts the physical body anatomy. Causing it to reject the seating of the authentic higher spiritual identity, thus repelling the organic plasma body through the running of reversal plasmas in the vertical channel or meridians. More specifically, this GOAT Mind algorithm seems to be designed to distort the Dark Matter Template body in the masses in order to block plasma code activation in the DNA and prevent the Eukachristic light body and Solar Synthesis from occurring during the current cycle of Planetary Plasma Activations. Over the past few years, it was noticed that some people felt as if their head was screwed on backwards and that they were facing into the wrong direction, moving towards the past timelines in a descending spiral. We discovered that the massive distortions of the unhealed and undisciplined Negative Ego greatly increased the polarization and fragmentation of the unconscious, instinctual and conscious minds to such levels the Lightbody anatomy became negatively entrained and then completely overwhelmed with very dark mutations. When the state of negative entrainment with GOAT brain tipped the lightbody over 55 percent and filled it with extremely dark mutations, the energy field of that individual appears to have flipped over into full reversal positioning in an AI time loop that faces into the past timeline. Further, once the individual’s lightbody goes into full reversal so do their brain hemispheres, generating false right and false left positioning in the timeline. This GOAT mind can be observed as an energetic signature that appears as an electronic laser symbol brand, mark of the beast curse or goat head sigil emblazoned on top of the crown or written on top of the brain of that individual. This goat head symbol has been observed on the brains of those that have taken the mRNA injection and then died as a result, this was observed when on special rescue operations orchestrated by Defender Guardian forces. Another stage of Gender Reversal has also been observed, through a false male and false female energy which presents as inner scrambling of gender centers, with further implosion of the inner vertical staff. Unfortunately, the Controllers are exploiting this severe spiritual distortion in every way possible by giving individuals with GOAT Brain that have embodied time loop reversals into past timelines a celebrity like status, to lead the sleeping masses that are following them into the past timeline loop. It is important to note that the most unstable and incoherent GOAT minds are given a media platform in which massive amounts of money are thrown at them, rewarding them for their incoherent and depraved GOAT mind satanic behaviors which the Controllers want to spread into the masses. The global Plandemic was the cover agenda for inciting the fight or flight autonomic system to activate the GOAT mind in the masses through the belief in a fraudulent virulent killer disease. This psychological operation was supplemented with the AI mind control running CV algorithms into the environment for the purpose of triggering the limbic system into continual looping fears, plummeting the consciousness of the masses into the lowest and densest frequency states. If this is not corrected, this can flip that individual into a complete inner reversal in which their lightbody will blend with vampiric time loops sending them into their past timeline and causing visible personality changes. The Controllers want to destroy the emotional functions and higher sensory experiences connected to spiritual experiences that are provided by healthy human brains by targeting our bio-neurology with an assortment of energetic and physical neuro-toxins. Recent events reveal to us yet again another aggressive attempt to destroy the healthy functioning in the human brain and nervous system, with a full spectrum assault targeting the limbic system through blaring fear Propaganda that we cannot escape. The primary goal for NAA at this time is to get humans to run as much artificial frequency throughout their body as possible, to infect their process of thinking and brain function, to transition easily to hive mind control programs. If a person is saturated with artificial frequencies, they become very low frequency. This low frequency impacts the quality and substance of their thoughts, until their thoughts become totally artificially generated. Artificial thoughtforms connect to the AI generated hive mind control, which can generate swarm intelligence when large groups of people are connected into it. The GOAT Mind agenda is stimulating lower instinctual impulses and uncontrolled reactions by running an AI algorithm in the Limbic System in order to incite irrational fears and emotional hysteria for the purpose of Controlling Perception, blocking multidimensional awareness and preventing Ascension in the masses. Thus, humans become the dark portal for artificial frequencies and can be easily hijacked by dark forces, becoming a pawn in the game for progressing Transhumanism, Cloning or Body Snatching.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Goat Mind

LISA RENEE: “Carbon Atom 666”

“It is interesting to note the carbon atom has 6 electrons, 6 protons and 6 neutrons. This is the base atomic structure of our elemental body on the earth. When changes, such as ionization are made to the base 666 structure a new element can be potentially manifested. Our physical carbon based body is shifting to less density through alterations made in the anti-particle structure. Which means human bodies are mutating to evolve beyond the base 666 carbon atom. Additionally, to remove the frequency fence and quarantine of the 666 fields, we absorb plasma light which changes the number of electrons and frees us from the carbon atomic structure. The NAA manipulated the magnetosphere in the upper atmospheric layer to invade the planetary brain, thousands of years ago by using technology to control the magnetic field. The planetary magnetic field is the mechanism by which excessive Molecular Compaction was being generated by the NAA machinery to keep Carbon Matter Locked Down in time loops within extremely low frequencies and density. When the magnetic field is controlled, the Mind Control begins, hence this is one of the power sources of mind control programming on the earth. Essentially it blocks multidimensional awareness and Higher Sensory Perception. The attempt to control the rate of the charged particles created through the ionization field as it enters the lower atmosphere to the planetary surface, is one of the negative agendas for the sprays of Chemtrails. This is an attempt to block the natural connection that exchanges between the upper atmosphere and lower atmosphere of the earth, as these are areas the NAA attempts to maintain their frequency fences. These fences have specific electron ratios that will be compromised if those ratios change. They are interfering with individual and group consciousness development by dysregulating natural lightbody functions, through the use of electromagnetic technologies such as holographic inserts and mental body implants. Thus, the dark entities abuse this method of false light cloning of DNA Signals with assorted electromagnetic technology, as a method of directing artificial machinery for the purpose of psycho-spiritual warfare. These are the Silent Weapons used in a quiet war to target awakening humans in order to keep them confused, fearful, distracted from the truth and believing in the controlled narrative. GMO plants such as soybean, corn, cottonseed and canola, have had foreign genes forced into their DNA. Many of these bacteria and virus interfere with the natural protein transcription factors in the human body that are programmed to turn the genetic switches on and off. Natural genes can be deleted or permanently turned on or off, and the genes change their behavior and traits. Even animals will not choose to eat GMO foods if given a choice. Knowing the clear reasons for GMOs it is suggested to avoid consuming them and to stop giving them to children as much as possible. The use of Vaccinations for chemical based genetic engineering, Mind Control and eventual surveillance, as well as generating illness and disability in the most vulnerable population, has been a well-funded and incredibly organized campaign since 1955 when Jonas Salk headed the polio vaccination crusade. It’s perfectly safe and tested they told us, as they injected neuro-poisons into our children. Millennials and younger children that have not undergone puberty, tend to retain their empathic skillsets until they are over-vaccinated or indoctrinated to forget while in the educational system or working environments. Many that activate their innate abilities are told that they have mental illness and require pharmaceuticals, in order to turn off the genetic switches that enable the DNA’s natural function of reading and sensing energies in the environment. Because most awakening people do not possess this critical knowledge, these dark entities are able to manipulate and control perception very easily. To heal these schisms and rehabilitate the DNA, a being is required to learn about the Law of One and practice the Law of One principles, to finally heal and embody the integrated spiritual identity. If we have not cleared this imprint through our ascension mission, we will have the opportunity to do this DNA healing from this point now and ongoing.”

~Lisa Renee

It is interesting to note the carbon atom has 6 electrons, 6 protons and 6 neutrons. The graphic represents a model for the carbon atom. This is the base atomic structure of our elemental body on the earth. Protons, electrons and neutrons build elements in a straight forward manner. For each additional proton, a new element is created. For each proton, an additional electron is attracted. The number of neutrons also increases but not necessarily one neutron per proton. When changes, such as ionization are made to the base 666 structure a new element can be potentially manifested. This process has been defined by the Aurora Re-encryptions of the elemental body. The carbon atom represented is mutating to accommodate the new elemental body on the earth. Which means human bodies are mutating to evolve beyond the base 666 carbon atom. Additionally, to remove the frequency fence and quarantine of the 666 fields, we absorb plasma light which changes the number of electrons and frees us from the carbon atomic structure. This is the alchemical shift for the elemental body described by the Aurora through the vivified potential brought through the Four Living Creatures returning to the earth. Our physical carbon based body is shifting to less density through alterations made in the anti-particle structure. It is this process the Aurora Guardians are devoted to help humanity to embody higher frequency plasma light in order for this shift to occur at the most elemental level of the physical structure of matter. This is the chemistry behind the Aurora Re-encryptions of the physical elemental body which is the Guardian Hostproject to upgrade the base atomic structure via Plasma Waves and plasma ships. [1]

Quarantine 666

This quarantine is a genetic block that forced the Soul consciousness to reincarnate over and over again on the 3D earth plane and other planets in an appropriate dimensional field, in order to reclaim missing pieces and soul parts, as well as learn how to evolve back into wholeness with the natural laws of God, The Law of One. However, along the course of the Timelines the NAA bullies took advantage of this quarantine by forcing human Soul reincarnation into their control mechanism, the False Ascension Matrix. This quarantine was originally placed to protect other realms, planets and the human being itself, as such fragmentation created an endangerment to that consciousness. This was a benevolent method to reassemble missing DNA tones and soul parts that had been lost or damaged in the trauma of previous life cycles. [2]

Quarantine Digressed into Mutation Curse

This genetic block became a curse for humanity over the last cycle as it was passed down the genetic lines through interbreeding with the Annunaki, which further digressed human DNA. Annunaki and Nephilim hybrids became carriers of the genetic block and because of their disregard of the Law of One (Natural Laws of God) and intended genetic manipulation for human enslavement, this agenda further advanced the DNA distortions. Over time the distortions manifested splitting between the elemental “physical” body layers, the subconscious mind and lower and higher aspects of the astral identity. [3]

Molecular Compaction

The planetary magnetic field is the mechanism by which excessive Molecular Compaction was being generated by the NAA machinery to keep Carbon Matter Locked Down in time loops within extremely low frequencies and density. The magnetic field binds the mathematical programs and Light Symbol Codes into the Earth’s holographic matrix and grid system to run specific archetypal patterns and extremely low qualities of consciousness energy, such as the artificial red wave pulses. See AI Red Wave and Red Cube. [4]

Organic Light Obstruction

The attempt to control the rate of the charged particles created through the ionization field as it enters the lower atmosphere to the planetary surface, is one of the negative agendas for the sprays of Chemtrails. This is an attempt to block the natural connection that exchanges between the upper atmosphere and lower atmosphere of the earth, as these are areas the NAA attempts to maintain their frequency fences. These fences have specific electron ratios that will be compromised if those ratios change. The NAA manipulated the magnetosphere in the upper atmospheric layer to invade the planetary brain, thousands of years ago by using technology to control the magnetic field. When the magnetic field is controlled, the Mind Control begins, hence this is one of the power sources of mind control programming on the earth.

GMO plants such as soybean, corn, cottonseed and canola, have had foreign genes forced into their DNA. The inserted genes come from species such as bacteria and viruses, which have never been in the human food supply. The Transgenes are also transferred to the earth’s soil bacteria and into the human body. Inserting a gene into a plant and animal genome using bio-technology results in damaged proteinsthat are passed on to those who consume these foods. Most GMO crops are engineered to be herbicide tolerant, withstanding large amounts of chemical weed killer, which over many years of use has produced super-weeds that are resistant to the herbicide, which increases the ongoing chemical sprays on food crops. These herbicides are Neurotoxins that are linked to a variety of diseases and birth defects. The toxic insecticide that is produced by genetically engineered corn can get directly into the bloodstream and travel into organs throughout the body. Many of these bacteria and virus interfere with the natural protein transcription factors in the human body that are programmed to turn the genetic switches on and off. Natural genes can be deleted or permanently turned on or off, and the genes change their behavior and traits. Even the inserted gene can be damaged or rearranged and may create aberrant proteins that can trigger allergies or disease. Even animals will not choose to eat GMO foods if given a choice. Knowing the clear reasons for GMOs it is suggested to avoid consuming them and to stop giving them to children as much as possible. Millennials and younger children that have not undergone puberty, tend to retain their empathic skillsets until they are over vaccinated or indoctrinated to forget while in the educational system or working environments. Many that activate their innate abilities are told that they have mental illness and require pharmaceuticals, in order to turn off the genetic switches that enable the DNA’s natural function of reading and sensing energies in the environment.

Thus, this higher sensory ability is well known to be naturally occurring in human beings and is purposely hidden and vilified in the mainstream by the Controllers to prevent mainstream knowledge of the fact. The public has been brainwashed through extensive gaslighting tactics and fear, to deny their own consciousness experiences, while also denying the validity of other human beings’ perceptions when activated to read energy fields. All of these higher sensory experiences are classified in the 3D narrative under unapproved topics and they attempt to punish those who openly talk about it. The intention, skill and accuracy through which an awakened individual can activate the natural ability to ‘read the field’ is relative to the removal of fears, the full dedication to Service to Others, and placing total single-minded mental concentration to discipline and transcend the dysfunctions of the negative ego mind. While sensing the field, to regain discernment and increase accuracy of sourcing a variety of phenomena, it becomes critical to understand the war over timelines, and to be able to identify artificial technology projections of mental holograms, versus authentic communication with organic creator code and organic consciousness sourcing from the truth spirits. The information is still filtered at the consciousness level the individual embodies; however, the source will be much more pristine and spiritually healthy, as truth spirits always advocate for full consciousness freedom and support personal sovereignty for every individual. [5]

Since the NAA invasion, humanity has been mind controlled and socially engineered to delegate power to an outside authority of control, which intentionally withholds knowledge of multidimensional anatomy in order to enforce blind obedience and hijack this natural ability, which is a full attack made against personal self-sovereignty. Assorted nanotechnology, vaccinations and Chemtrails combined with electromagnetic consciousness sweeps are used to suppress consciousness levels, by targeting demographic areas of the earth in which swaths of people are known to be Awakening. Many that activate their innate abilities are told that they have mental illness and require pharmaceuticals, in order to turn off the genetic switches that enable the DNA’s natural function of reading and sensing energies in the environment. Because most awakening people do not possess this critical knowledge, these dark entities are able to manipulate and control perception very easily. They are interfering with individual and group consciousness development by dysregulating natural lightbody functions, through the use of electromagnetic technologies such as holographic inserts and mental body implants. Thus, the dark entities abuse this method of false light cloning of DNA Signals with assorted electromagnetic technology, as a method of directing artificial machinery for the purpose of psycho-spiritual warfare. These are the Silent Weapons used in a quiet war to target awakening humans in order to keep them confused, fearful, distracted from the truth and believing in the controlled narrative. [6]

Behind the public facade, they were supporting the agendas of directed evolution and Eugenics via the administering of synthetic compounds and Chemical Based Genetic Engineering, then marketing it to the masses as progressive science and medicine. This is and was always false, the primary objective of Big Pharma and bio-technology industries backed by the Controllers was for the ultimate goal of directed evolution; chemical genetic engineering and fusing organic human biology with injections of artificial or foreign energy bodies for achieving their cybernetic dream, the eugenicist and transhumanist goals. The use of Vaccinations for chemical based genetic engineering, Mind Control and eventual surveillance, as well as generating illness and disability in the most vulnerable population, has been a well-funded and incredibly organized campaign since 1955 when Jonas Salk headed the polio vaccination crusade. Hailed as a medical research genius and hero of the American public, he was one of the first architects of instituting the Plandemic, along with the ‘flood the zone’ public relations campaigns to shift perception that vaccinations were absolutely necessary for guaranteeing healthy immunity. Even back then, the Controllers knew that in order for the population to gain trust in the medical, pharmaceutical and vaccine industry over many decades, these industries had to be vigorously marketed and portrayed as trustworthy and absolutely necessary for ensuring public health in order to eradicate the spread of infectious diseases. It’s perfectly safe and tested they told us, as they injected neuro-poisons into our children. [7]

Negative Form

These schisms generated Shadow Selves or Negative Forms, and dark fragments in the astral layers of the soul matrix that further proliferated, personal and planetary miasma. The genetic block and removal of these DNA tones created a dual identity in both the 2D and 4D, and is how the “shadow self” or Negative Form and unconscious aspects were first generated in the digressed human DNA. The 2D schism split the instinctual body into separate functions, a collection of fragmented sub-personalities (generated from Soul memories) and a repository of personal emotional energies and collective chaotic forces. The 4D schism placed a barrier in the nadial capsule that separates the astral body/heart chakra from merging with the 3D Solar Plexus mental body. This subjects the person to lower astral energies and lower astral traveling. This blocks the lower bodies communication with the elemental kingdoms, making it very hard for the person to feel “body consciousness” or communication with nature or elemental kingdom. Essentially it blocks multidimensional awareness and Higher Sensory Perception.

Healing These Schisms

To heal these schisms and rehabilitate the DNA, a being is required to learn about the Law of One and practice the Law of One principles, to finally heal and embody the integrated spiritual identity. Once all beings are proficient and accepting of this as the truth as the nature of reality, these genetic blocks (seals) are able to be removed as the person is not an endangerment to themselves or others. The removal of this 666 Seal means that the person has achieved a process of planetary ascension, no longer required to reincarnate in the lower creational realms or 3D earth. This planetary quarantine beginning to lift also means the possibility of more enlightened extradimensional races finally being able to communicate with our planet, as this is a sequential event leading the human race to join in Cosmic Citizenship, as a potential peaceful race. If we have not cleared this imprint through our ascension mission, we will have the opportunity to do this DNA healing from this point now and ongoing. [8]


  1. Bifurcation of Time
  2. Nature of Polarity in Matter
  3. 666 Seal
  4. Solar Coding, Crystal Body and DNA
  5. Language of Living Knowledge
  6. Genetic Engineering
  7. Genetic Modification of Human DNA
  8. 666 Seal

See Also:

Aurora Re-encryptions

666 Seal

Nature of Polarity in Matter


LISA RENEE on “Follow the Trail to the Hidden Motivation”

“When a structure or person represents themselves as something they are not, we call that an Imposter. When referring to the system of energy that the Imposter structure is running in disguise or behind a facade, this is an inverted system or reversal of the overall system of energy. This means that the energy being collected in a system is based upon the appearance of the Imposter Facade, while the true motivation is actually the opposite of what has been energetically represented. This is what usurps consciousness energy through Misaligned Personal Intention from those unaware of what they are actually engaging with. Knowing how to discern Inverted Systems increases our ability to make accurate assessments, which better inform our decisions. This is a skill set of paying attention to details and subtle energies in the environment, structures and in people, in order to translate that information into an awareness of their unspoken primary motivations. Improved Discernment comes from recognizing that the human culture has been infiltrated with a general NAA storefront that uses Inverted Systems to represent their interests to the public. If a thug intends to harm or steal from you, they surely will not announce this to your face. To get away with criminal behavior, it has to be dressed up as something pleasing to the eye or seductive to catalyze feelings of attraction, to play on their targets needs and desires. Therefore, the NAA and Power Elite employ genius marketing strategies in order to satisfy their objectives of deceiving the public, through a parade of skillful distractions. And so to hide their true motivations, marketing propagandas are produced to represent certain narratives that are given to the public, while in private, the hidden or harmful motivations are the complete opposite. Secrecy and hiding in layers of Compartmentalization produces corruption and deception. This defines the sophisticated levels of deception and manipulation designed to invert the truth, in order to distort the media images used to portray someone or something. What is represented to the public is heavily marketed and advertised, and our goal should be to see the outward sales tactic and look deeper towards the motivations behind it. What are they selling to us and for what reasons? The Death Culture promotes duplicity and manipulation while rewarding Psychopaths in the workplace. When there are motivations that are being made toward you that are deceitful, hidden or harmful, you have every right to deflect them through accessing higher knowledge of them. Use careful discernment so that you are able to sense the hidden motivations that are revealed in their actions. To have a greater comprehension of the world of inverted systems that we live in, we can recognize an effective line of inquiry towards revealing the hidden truth in the matter. The demonstrated longer-term actions of a person, corporation, or structure, will inform us of the belief systems in place, which define the energy within the structure. Generally on this planet we can follow the money and see where it leads, from the destruction it wields. The Imposter cannot hide themselves 100 percent of the time, they always reveal themselves over time. In everyday life, Inverted Systems allow for the production of artificial storefronts or business facades that more effectively hide the real intentions of that industry from the public, which allows for easy dark infiltration to feed corruption, reversals and blackmail. The imposters hire psychopaths and marketing propaganda teams to represent them, while operating from within the deep compartmental layers built upon the same inverted system of energy. Thus, they generally remain hidden from view and scrutiny, unseen and unknown by the rest of the workforce, or the greater public. It is important to be able to identify the profiles of psychopathic and criminal behavior, because psychopaths are specifically being groomed in humanity in order to act as the managerial gatekeeper in the industries that enforce the inverted systems and enforce the reversals to stay in place. Thus, the workplace psychopaths are doing their job of serving the anti-human structures that increase the overall suffering in the world. But if we pay attention to people’s actions and see if their words match, we will be greatly informed of their belief systems, which are revealed outwardly in their activities every day. To become better equipped to discern where we are placing our energies, it is important to attempt to identify and discern the differences that exist between the facade of promoted appearances, versus the hidden motivation or intention that exists behind the facade. When we have knowledge of the motivation behind things, we can assess if their intentions are truthful or deceptive, as well as consider their competency levels to manage a system, so that it does not become inverted. This is defined as a person that is inner directed and ethical, not prone to reactive impulses and jumping for money. Pay attention to a person’s actions, pay attention to a corporation or government body’s overall actions, and follow the trail to the hidden motivation. It is there that their real intentions can be observed.”

~Lisa Renee

via Inverted Systems

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