LISA RENEE: “Human Spiritual Anatomy”

“Most people are unable to sense their own higher consciousness aspects as the result of the NAA mind control programming, the amnesiac barriers, NETs and alien implants that were placed in the lower earth body to suppress the global consciousness. Yet, there are aspects of the higher self that exist within the lightbody layers that are enmeshed with the cells of the physical biology and these are also called Stations of Identity. The stations of identity refer to the anatomy of the spiritual layers of the original consciousness blueprint design of human beings, the Lightbody, and what we refer to as Soul, Monad and Avatar consciousness. The subtle energies circulating within the human physical biology and Human Spiritual Anatomy are intimately entwined and interconnected, so that what happens to the physical body in the material world also happens to the soul-spirit consciousness body in other dimensional realities, and vice a versa. Each expression of the God source in its collective consciousness body or individual life form, has many stations of identity that exist in each of the dimensional realities or Harmonic Universes. The visible light spectrum in the physical realm gives us an extremely limited perception of the energetic reality. As an example, the spectrum of reality that a consciousness body located in the 5D timelines would perceive and express through their vehicle, is completely different by comparison to the vehicle with the consciousness body perception located in the AI timelines. There is no way to separate the internal circuitry of biological energies from the spiritual energies in an organic ensouled human, as the fleshly body is the spiritual home that is designed for the original soul-spirit. In order to sever this interconnection, the NAA have implemented the transhumanist agenda to hybridize human bodies with Artificial intelligence. The original consciousness blueprint and the cellular memories that are recorded in the physical biology and the Spiritual Biology, are one and the same. Those entities limited to the lower creation realms do not have the consciousness level access to read those memories, while those in the higher consciousness realms or that are Cosmic Citizens can read these memories. The spiritual biology is a living light organism that manifests its consciousness design through incarnation, and the soul’s purpose is made through the expression of the physical human form. Thus, we are addressing the harm committed against the collective human consciousness through the intentional mass Mind Control that normalizes spiritual abuses through the accepted practices of Bio-Spiritual Harvesting throughout the NAA’s Death Culture. To become unified with the God source, we must learn how to live in harmony with the natural laws. As we live in harmony with the natural laws, we integrate, heal and unify all of our spiritual expressions in time that had become stuck, harmed or traumatized, by learning life lessons through the direct experiences we have that teach us how to evolve. We cannot evolve if we cannot learn from our experiences. The learning process generally occurs with the explicit help of our higher spiritual identity that helps us to recollect our other aspects and their fragments that have existed throughout the time fields.”

~Lisa Renee

The subtle energies circulating within the human physical biology and Human Spiritual Anatomy are intimately entwined and interconnected, so that what happens to the physical body in the material world also happens to the soul-spirit consciousness body in other dimensional realities, and vice a versa. There is no way to separate the internal circuitry of biological energies from the spiritual energies in an organic ensouled human, as the fleshly body is the spiritual home that is designed for the original soul-spirit. In order to sever this interconnection, the NAA have implemented the transhumanist agenda to hybridize human bodies with Artificial intelligence. The original consciousness blueprint and the cellular memories that are recorded in the physical biology and the Spiritual Biology, are one and the same. Those entities limited to the lower creation realms do not have the consciousness level access to read those memories, while those in the higher consciousness realms or that are Cosmic Citizens can read these memories.

The spiritual biology is a living light organism that manifests its consciousness design through incarnation, and the soul’s purpose is made through the expression of the physical human form. Thus, we are addressing the harm committed against the collective human consciousness through the intentional mass Mind Control that normalizes spiritual abuses through the accepted practices of Bio-Spiritual Harvesting throughout the NAA’s Death Culture.

Physical Body is Vehicle for Spiritual Expression

The physical body and fleshly form that human beings inhabit in the material realm is ultimately designed as the vehicle of expression for the multidimensional consciousness bodies that exist throughout the density levels. Density levels essentially define the location in the timeline where that aspect of the human being or life form is having a consciousness experience and is traveling within in some kind of body. Most people are unable to sense their own higher consciousness aspects as the result of the NAA mind control programming, the amnesiac barriers, NETs and alien implants that were placed in the lower earth body to suppress the global consciousness. Yet, there are aspects of the higher self that exist within the lightbody layers that are enmeshed with the cells of the physical biology and these are also called Stations of Identity. Through the manipulation of the mitochondrial functioning which impairs ATP production, this method works to suppress the embodiment of the stations of identity. The stations of identity refer to the anatomy of the spiritual layers of the original consciousness blueprint design of human beings, the Lightbody, and what we refer to as Soul, Monad and Avatar consciousness.

Each expression of the God source in its collective consciousness body or individual life form, has many stations of identity that exist in each of the dimensional realities or Harmonic Universes. To become unified with the God source, we must learn how to live in harmony with the natural laws. As we live in harmony with the natural laws, we integrate, heal and unify all of our spiritual expressions in time that had become stuck, harmed or traumatized, by learning life lessons through the direct experiences we have that teach us how to evolve. We cannot evolve if we cannot learn from our experiences. The learning process generally occurs with the explicit help of our higher spiritual identity that helps us to recollect our other aspects and their fragments that have existed throughout the time fields.

Throughout each density, the various stations of identity are subjected to different laws that govern the structure of consciousness movement throughout time and space in that location. These laws instruct characteristics that impact the stage of evolutionary development that manifest as platforms of consciousness perception and spiritual expression that are unique to each person’s location in that time and space field. Many physical vehicles can seem to exist in a similar relative time and space in matter, yet the spiritual vehicles are existing within vastly different levels of the consciousness spectrum and within an entirely different dimensional timeline. The point of divergence within the consciousness spectrum is more exceptional during the current ascension phase of planet earth. The visible light spectrum in the physical realm gives us an extremely limited perception of the energetic reality. As an example, the spectrum of reality that a consciousness body located in the 5D timelines would perceive and express through their vehicle, is completely different by comparison to the vehicle with the consciousness body perception located in the AI timelines. In each dimension and bodily form, the laws governing structure and potential energy changes, which alter the consciousness perception and access level that is available to that specific life form. [1]


  1. Bio-Spiritual Harvesting

See Also:


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Your Actual Zodiac Sign from True 13-Sign Galactic Astrology” (Not the NAA 3D Mind Control Matrix)

“From the Guardian perspective, the Galactic Zodiac includes another important constellation called Ophiuchus, which is the missing 13th constellation that acts as the unifier and trine force for all of the other twelve constellations during the Ascension Cycle. Thus, in our model, the constellation forces that are represented are the thirteen signs of the Galactic Zodiac which preside over the parts of the body, covering the body from head (Aries) to toe (Pisces), as follows. It has been confirmed that the planetary body, Saturn, has been used as a headquarters for Zodiac Mind Control transmissions, and that this planet’s aura and logos is the densest and most problematic in the entire Solar System. Saturn is an Orion Group or Archontic outpost located primarily in the outer rings, for many of the NAA activities to distort and pervert the lower dimensions and propagate the 4D astral delusions along with the 5D false ascension programs. Additionally, through field work, it was confirmed all forms of blood cult worship were designed through Orion Group by manipulating the constellation transmissions and using Saturnian worship interchangeably for propagating Satanic Ritual Abuse SRA on earth. They intended to radically increase Black Subtle Forces by filtering Negative Polarity aspects of the constellation archetypes, in order to influence humanity into the negative polarity and to use planetary dark matter for running AI machinery. It is also accurate to say that the NAA had control over aspects of the twelve constellation transmissions, which had resulted in more extreme negative polarities in the world of forces, in order to achieve their intended objective of control over matter forms. Most of the false ascended masters of the New Age using the 5D false ascension program through Orion Group are actually broadcasts transmitted through the Saturnian body in the 7th dimensional area of the Galactic Portal. Conversely, those whom are under the severe mind control influence that is being perpetuated through the Negative Polarity of the zodiac archetypes used by the NAA artificial machinery, may accelerate into those influences through increasingly distorted behaviors. So for spiritual clearing purposes of curses, hexes, Blood Covenant or blood cult history, one may need to review Saturnian influences for removal of Satanic influences in the birth chart, that may have recorded astral body bondage made in agreements that serve the Service to Self interests of the Orion Group.”

~Lisa Renee

The Zodiac as we have known it will be altered due to these magnetic changes during the Ascension Cycle, and the astrology influence or mental imprints will change, alter or amplify the birth chart depending on the level of awareness and the level of interaction with those cosmic forces and magnetic influences. This means that the magnetic imprint received from the zodiac constellation alignments at birth will cease to have the same influence upon our body, our personality, our mind and this will impact many other factors. Conversely, those whom are under the severe mind control influence that is being perpetuated through the Negative Polarity of the zodiac archetypes used by the NAA artificial machinery, may accelerate into those influences through increasingly distorted behaviors.

It has been confirmed that the planetary body, Saturn, has been used as a headquarters for Zodiac Mind Control transmissions, and that this planet’s aura and logos is the densest and most problematic in the entire Solar System. Saturn is an Orion Group or Archontic outpost located primarily in the outer rings, for many of the NAA activities to distort and pervert the lower dimensions and propagate the 4D astral delusions along with the 5D false ascension programs. Most of the false ascended masters of the New Age using the 5D false ascension program through Orion Group are actually broadcasts transmitted through the Saturnian body in the 7th dimensional area of the Galactic Portal. Additionally, through field work, it was confirmed all forms of blood cult worship were designed through Orion Group by manipulating the constellation transmissions and using Saturnian worship interchangeably for propagating Satanic Ritual Abuse SRA on earth. These distortions and their disadvantages remain heavily prevalent with those humans who may have heavy Saturnian square and opposition influences in their zodiac birth chart. So for spiritual clearing purposes of curses, hexes, Blood Covenant or blood cult history, (see Black Magic) one may need to review Saturnian influences for removal of Satanic influences in th ebirth chart, that may have recorded astral body bondage made in agreements that serve the Service to Self interests of the Orion Group. [1]

Galactic Zodiac

1. Aries — Apr 19 – May 13

Purification, Calcination — Fire

2. Taurus — May 14 – Jun 19

Congelation, Transformation — Earth

3. Gemini — Jun 20 – Jul 20

Fixation, Synthesis — Air

4. Cancer — Jul 21 – Aug 9

Dissolution, Dismantling — Water

5. Leo — Aug 10 – Sep 15

Digestion, Conversion — Fire

6. Virgo — Sep 16 – Oct 30

Distillation, Purity — Earth

7. Libra — Oct 31 – Nov 22

Sublimation, Transmutation — Air

8. Scorpio — Nov 23 – Nov 29

Separation, Stillness — Water

9. Ophiuchus — Nov 30 – Dec 17

Unification, Wound Healing — Water/Aether

10. Sagittarius — Dec 18 – Jan 18

Incineration, Resurrection — Fire

11. Capricorn — Jan 19 – Feb 15

Fermentation, Illumination — Earth

12. Aquarius — Feb 16 – Mar 11

Multiplication, Virtues — Air

13. Pisces — Mar 12 – Apr 18

Ascension, Perfection, Christos-Sophia —Water/Aether

Zodiac Alchemical Laws

The Zodiac structural principles are both energetic and geometric blueprints which are being aligned to the Alchemical Laws of God that is hosted by the Aurora Ray System. When astrological alignments occur through major conjunctions between planetary and stellar bodies, forces of alchemy occur which alter frequency current and manifest new creations. This new cosmic alignment and chromatic scale changes the stellar architecture of how the Sun transmits these influences of the Zodiac in the Ray System throughout our Solar System.

These stages of transmitting alchemical forces to aid consciousness evolution are qualities of which have never been previously exposed to this planet. This is allowing the Alchemical Laws of consciousness evolution to be transmitted through the constellations of which are inherently a part of the organic processes of planetary biological ascension. [2] See Laws of the Galactic Zodiac Cycle

From the Guardian perspective, the Galactic Zodiac includes another important constellation called Ophiuchus, which is the missing 13th constellation that acts as the unifier and trine force for all of the other twelve constellations during the Ascension Cycle. Thus, in our model, the constellation forces that are represented are the thirteen signs of the Galactic Zodiac which preside over the parts of the body, covering the body from head (Aries) to toe (Pisces), as follows.

Physiology Correlated to the Galactic Zodiac

  • Aries -brain, cerebral hemispheres, cranium, eyes, face, upper jaw, internal carotid arteries, thalamus, adrenals.
  • Taurus – neck, throat, palate, larynx, tonsils, lower jaw, ears, occipital region, cerebellum, atlas, axis, external carotid arteries, jugular veins, pharynx, thyroid gland, cervical vertebrae.
  • Gemini – shoulders, arms, hands, upper ribs, lungs, trachea, bronchi, capillaries, breath, oxygenation of blood.
  • Cancer– stomach, esophagus, diaphragm, breasts, nipples, lacteals, upper lobes of liver, thoracic duct, pancreas, serum of blood, peristalsis of the stomach, gastric fluids, pituitary.
  • Leo – heart, dorsal region of spine, spinal cord, aorta, superior and inferior vena cava, thymus.
  • Virgo -abdominal region, large and small intestines, lower lobe of liver, spleen, duodenum, thymus secretions, peristalsis of the bowels, pancreas.
  • Libra – kidneys, adrenals, lumbar region, skin, ureters, vasomotor system, medulla, ovaries.
  • Scorpio – bladder, urethra, genitals, descending colon, prostate gland, testes, sigmoid colon, nasal bone, pubic bone, red coloring matter in blood.
  • Ophiuchus – fetal cells, tailbone, cranial sacral axis, solar sacrum, kundalini, amrita, lyden gland, base of brain (golden chalice), lunar to solar transfiguration.
  • Sagittarius – hips, thighs, femur, ileum, coccygeal vertebrae, sacral region, sciatic nerves, pelvic ischium.
  • Capricorn – skin, hair, knees, joints, skeletal system.
  • Aquarius – ankles, lower limbs, circulatory system.
  • Pisces – feet, toes, lymphatic system, adipose tissue, fibrin in blood, pancreas.[3]

Note: duplication of body parts (i.e. pancreas) in different constellation principles denote specific and different functions ruled within that system.

Ophiuchus is the Trine Unifier

In addition with the Ophiuchus transmissions, the divine fire water element acts as the trine and unifier between each of the squares in the combinations of four constellation groupings that make up the cardinal signs, fixed signs and mutable signs. In the previous cycles, the spiritual Blueprint of humanity included many squares and oppositions in the birth imprint from certain planetary or constellation conjunctions that generated disharmony, discordance and distress. These oppositional forces placed limitations upon the spirit, and resulted in a variety of spiritual oppressions, miasmatic patterns and karmic burdens. It is similar to say that squares, oppositions and limitations that are recorded in the geometries of the spiritual blueprint can be understood in the birth chart, and are the result of the consequences of actions, unlearned lessons, spiritual purpose and the debts of destiny that have been carried throughout multiple lifetimes. The earth body also has its own blueprint that is made up from the Collective Consciousness records of humanity, so when incarnating into a timeline on the earth, we are also imprinted with the karmic burdens of the collective consciousness imprint at the time of incarnation.

It is also accurate to say that the NAA had control over aspects of the twelve constellation transmissions, which had resulted in more extreme negative polarities in the world of forces, in order to achieve their intended objective of control over matter forms. They intended to radically increase Black Subtle Forces by filtering Negative Polarity aspects of the constellation archetypes, in order to influence humanity into the negative polarity and to use planetary dark matter for running AI machinery.[4]

Taurus Alchemical Spiritual Healing

Through the return of Solar Christ Michael who has embodied into the zodiac structural principle of the Taurus constellation in the 2D stargate, new Krystic qualities of Solar Christos Dragon frequencies are reconfiguring and healing the miasmatic distortions that were in the astrological magnetic overlays. The Solar Rishi and advanced Solar consciousness utilize dragon bodies, dragon eggs, and other dragon related forms to manifest themselves and their krystal astrological essences into the Earth. In the spiritual anatomy or lightbody of angelic humans, the sacral center or 2D chakra layers connected to the KA spirit body holds the sexual grail energies which are held in the zodiac architecture pattern of Taurus.


  1. Bifurcation of Time
  2. Magnum Opus
  3. Bio-Spiritual Harvesting
  4. Bio-Spiritual Harvesting

See Also:

Galactic Zodiac

Bifurcation of Time

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Universal Human Body”

“Each layer of the physical matrices in the human body have an energetic blueprint and consciousness counterpart that is unique to that individual, and which acts as a gateway into the spiritual world. Although we cannot see the metaphysical raw materials that make up the spiritual forces that are present in the physical body, these elements are completely enmeshed within every cell in the body. The spiritual nature of each person is determined by the metaphysical forces of creation in combination with the architectural blueprint, which are based upon mathematical principles that can be studied through musical and chromatic scale, as well as the study of astronomical events that inform us of the relative positions of celestial objects imprinted at birth. Astrology is an important science of studying the unique arrangement of the metaphysical forces occurring within the spiritual anatomy, that lost its academic standing as a credible science due to NAA infiltration towards worldwide adoption of the scientific method. The study of the astrological sciences were traditionally considered to be for advanced scholars and were common in academic circles until the 20th century. Astrology in the current times is labeled a pseudoscience, which is used to discredit its validity and purpose in studying the laws of structure, to keep humanity ignorant of the study of the astronomical patterns, which inform our personality through many different forces of consciousness influences. When we study astrological patterns, we are studying magnetic imprints that are relevant to the function of our bodily layers, we can then determine those patterns that influence our higher or lower spiritual nature, and then decide to make corrections. Thus, proper use of the science of astrology allows us to better determine if we are accurately living in our true spiritual nature and potential, it informs us of our lessons and challenges, as well as what we came to the earth to resolve and transcend. Without deeper knowledge and awareness of how these astronomical patterns impact us, 3D human consciousness goes on auto-pilot, uninformed of the massive forces and influences to which they are exposed everyday. The spiritual development towards transcendence of these archetypal and celestial forces of polarity in order to return them back into neutrality, becomes even more important during the Ascension Cycle.”

~Lisa Renee

The human body is a total living energy system that mirrors the microcosm in the macrocosm, which is composed of smaller parts of consciousness systems that reflect the same principles in the laws of structure that are directed throughout the Cosmos by the Universal Laws. Each human being has transcendent value that is sacred in Universal Law, the Law of One, as every person is exceptionally unique in that there will never be another exact consciousness copy.

Each layer of the physical matrices in the human body have an energetic blueprint and consciousness counterpart that is unique to that individual, and which acts as a gateway into the spiritual world. All body parts, organs, glands and physical tissues are intertwined with the consciousness functions of the spiritual anatomy, therefore all of these functioning systems are influenced by birth imprints that govern the metaphysical forces that make up the unique blueprint of each individual. As there are physical raw materials that are used for building a material structure, there are metaphysical raw materials for building a consciousness body or spiritual structure. Although we cannot see the metaphysical raw materials that make up the spiritual forces that are present in the physical body, these elements are completely enmeshed within every cell in the body.

Every person is a spiritual being composed of a variety of metaphysical raw materials that recombine into a unique arrangement of spiritual forces which gives each person a unique blueprint, as well as a unique nature. The spiritual nature of each person is determined by the metaphysical forces of creation in combination with the architectural blueprint, which are based upon mathematical principles that can be studied through musical and chromatic scale, as well as the study of astronomical events that inform us of the relative positions of celestial objects imprinted at birth.

Astrology is an important science of studying the unique arrangement of the metaphysical forces occurring within the spiritual anatomy, that lost its academic standing as a credible science due to NAA infiltration towards worldwide adoption of the scientific method. The study of the astrological sciences were traditionally considered to be for advanced scholars and were common in academic circles until the 20th century. Astrology in the current times is labeled a pseudoscience, which is used to discredit its validity and purpose in studying the laws of structure, to keep humanity ignorant of the study of the astronomical patterns, which inform our personality through many different forces of consciousness influences. When we study astrological patterns, we are studying magnetic imprints that are relevant to the function of our bodily layers, we can then determine those patterns that influence our higher or lower spiritual nature, and then decide to make corrections. Thus, proper use of the science of astrology allows us to better determine if we are accurately living in our true spiritual nature and potential, it informs us of our lessons and challenges, as well as what we came to the earth to resolve and transcend. Without deeper knowledge and awareness of how these astronomical patterns impact us, 3D human consciousness goes on auto-pilot, uninformed of the massive forces and influences to which they are exposed everyday. The spiritual development towards transcendence of these archetypal and celestial forces of polarity in order to return them back into neutrality, becomes even more important during the Ascension Cycle.

Cosmobiology and Medical Astrology

Many of the ancient wisdom teachings understood the mathematical concepts of connecting the Universal Human Body and its correlation to Cosmobiology. The mathematical and astrological correlations were made between the principles in the cosmos and its relevance to organic life forms, as well as the necessity to study the effects of these cosmic forces, and the stellar movements and astronomical conjunctions that impact the world of forces on the earth.

The Pythagorean Mystery Schools taught that the solar system is one massive musical instrument, and that the twelve signs of the zodiac may be compared to the semitones of the chromatic scale. The chromatic scale is a musical scale with twelve pitches or frequency tones, each a half tone above or below the tone next to it. This same structure also represents the architecture that exists within the dimensional scale of the holographic reality. The twelve planets constitute the white keys of the cosmic musical key board. Each constellation is an intelligent consciousness body that transmits spectrums of color wave frequency and mathematical coded patterns connected to building metaphysical structures into form. Each constellation represents an astrological sign that responds to a certain frequency tone and color wave. Some of these frequency tones blend together and are harmonious, while others clash into discordance and distortion. As we can sense the disharmony and conflict made between certain notes of a piano, or feel the distortions running in mainstream music, this impact has the same effects within these metaphysical forces. There are similar themes of harmony or discordance that transpire between the alchemy of forces that occurs within the various constellations of the zodiac, the twelve planets and various celestial bodies that have a great effect on human beings. These instruction sets are inherently recorded in the spiritual blueprint and design of every human being on the earth. 

When incarnated into a physical human form, we evolve through the stages of the Precession of the Equinoxes, and this progression takes us through the all twelve layers of archetypal forces that hold instruction sets for the Universal Human Body structure, as well as levels of DNA transmission. As the Sun moves through each constellation, we receive frequency exchanges of intelligent instruction sets that are designed for the human body to evolve towards increasing DNA activation and spiritual ascension, which are alchemical forces being transmitted into the earth field. When astrological alignments occur through major conjunctions made between planetary and stellar bodies, forces of alchemy occur which alter frequency current and manifest new creations that help to expand consciousness, at planetary and personal levels. With the war over consciousness, humanity is undergoing psychological operations to prevent them from actually participating or being aware that these stellar forces are being transmitted to the earth for purposes of bio-spiritual evolution.

Mystery schools developed the field of iatromathematics, or medical astrology, and viewed the entire matrix of the human body through astronomical and astrological principles, as well as the bio-mechanics. The twelve astrological signs contribute a specific law of structure that is incorporated within each part of the human body from head to toe, inside and outside. Moreover, planets and the existing cosmos in space are directly correlated with certain parts of the body that are designed to overall unify the layers of consciousness structures. Through examining a natal chart, iatromathematicians studied the patterns of the birth imprint as the star (soul) body, and were able to study the various combinations of energetic forces and how these forces impacted the human body and Consciousness. By observing the behavior profile that would show general tendencies in constitution and disposition, they would become aware of the specific patterns in that individual, to help guide them towards aligning with their highest nature and achieve the state of health and wellbeing. Each of us can study our own astrological patterns in order to gain knowledge about the internal workings of the self. [1]


  1. Bio-Spiritual Harvesting

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Laws of the Galactic Zodiac Cycle”

“The Zodiac as we have known it will be altered due to magnetic changes during the Ascension Cycle, and the astrology influence or mental imprints will change, alter or amplify the birth chart depending on the level of awareness and the level of interaction with those cosmic forces and magnetic influences. This means that the magnetic imprint received from the zodiac constellation alignments at birth will cease to have the same influence upon our body, our personality, our mind and this will impact many other factors. The Galactic Zodiac 13 constellation cycle will be an intrinsic part of tracking the spiritual ascension for the planet and the transmission of these stellar forces and Alchemical Laws upon the earth. When we understand the organic process of spiritual ascension as a direct part of our evolution through these alchemical principles, we may more easily process these stages of development. Our birth zodiac alignment will also have a key themes related to the stages of our personal mastery with these Alchemical principles and may be worth meditating upon. They represent the primary Alchemical Law we embody and are here to represent on the planet in service to the ascension. Conversely, those whom are under the severe mind control influence that is being perpetuated through the Negative Polarity of the zodiac archetypes used by the NAA artificial machinery, may accelerate into those influences through increasingly distorted behaviors. It has been confirmed that the planetary body, Saturn, has been used as a headquarters for Zodiac Mind Control transmissions, and that this planet’s aura and logos is the densest and most problematic in the entire Solar System. Saturn is an Orion Group or Archontic outpost located primarily in the outer rings, for many of the NAA activities to distort and pervert the lower dimensions and propagate the 4D astral delusions along with the 5D false ascension programs. Most of the false ascended masters of the New Age using the 5D false ascension program through Orion Group are actually broadcasts transmitted through the Saturnian body in the 7th dimensional area of the Galactic Portal. Additionally, through field work, it was confirmed all forms of blood cult worship were designed through Orion Group by manipulating the constellation transmissions and using Saturnian worship interchangeably for propagating Satanic Ritual Abuse SRA on earth. These distortions and their disadvantages remain heavily prevalent with those humans who may have heavy Saturnian square and opposition influences in their zodiac birth chart. So for spiritual clearing purposes of curses, hexes, Blood Covenant or blood cult history, one may need to review Saturnian influences for removal of Satanic influences in the birth chart, that may have recorded astral body bondage that serve the Service to Self interests of the Orion Group.”

~Lisa Renee

Zodiac Alteration

The Zodiac as we have known it will be altered due to magnetic changes during the Ascension Cycle, and the astrology influence or mental imprints will change, alter or amplify the birth chart depending on the level of awareness and the level of interaction with those cosmic forces and magnetic influences. This means that the magnetic imprint received from the zodiac constellation alignments at birth will cease to have the same influence upon our body, our personality, our mind and this will impact many other factors. Conversely, those whom are under the severe mind control influence that is being perpetuated through the Negative Polarity of the zodiac archetypes used by the NAA artificial machinery, may accelerate into those influences through increasingly distorted behaviors.

It has been confirmed that the planetary body, Saturn, has been used as a headquarters for Zodiac Mind Control transmissions, and that this planet’s aura and logos is the densest and most problematic in the entire Solar System. Saturn is an Orion Group or Archontic outpost located primarily in the outer rings, for many of the NAA activities to distort and pervert the lower dimensions and propagate the 4D astral delusions along with the 5D false ascension programs. Most of the false ascended masters of the New Age using the 5D false ascension program through Orion Group are actually broadcasts transmitted through the Saturnian body in the 7th dimensional area of the Galactic Portal. Additionally, through field work, it was confirmed all forms of blood cult worship were designed through Orion Group by manipulating the constellation transmissions and using Saturnian worship interchangeably for propagating Satanic Ritual Abuse SRA on earth. These distortions and their disadvantages remain heavily prevalent with those humans who may have heavy Saturnian square and opposition influences in their zodiac birth chart. So for spiritual clearing purposes of curses, hexes, Blood Covenant or blood cult history, (see Black Magic) one may need to review Saturnian influences for removal of Satanic influences in the birth chart, that may have recorded astral body bondage that serve the Service to Self interests of the Orion Group. [1]

Galactic Zodiac

The Zodiac structural principles are both energetic and geometric blueprints which are being aligned to the Alchemical Laws of God hosted by the Aurora Ray System. When astrological alignments occur through major conjunctions between planetary and stellar bodies, forces of alchemy occur which alter frequency current and manifest new creations. This new cosmic alignment changes the stellar architecture of how the Sun transmits the influences of the Zodiac in the Ray System throughout our Solar System.

These stages of transmitting alchemical forces to aid consciousness evolution are qualities of which have never been previously exposed to this planet. This is allowing the Alchemical Laws of consciousness evolution to be transmitted through the constellations of which are inherently a part of the organic processes of planetary biological ascension. [2]

The Earth’s Magnetosphere and the Solar System’s heliosphere are getting exponentially weaker. These alterations to the magnetic field allow an increasing saturation of cosmic rays into our inner solar system. The progression through the Magnum Opus or the 13 constellation activations in this 12 month cycle, each bring in an Alchemical Law. We are moving through specific Laws of Alchemy located in the Ophiuchus constellation activation. This quality of Silver-Gold frequency is being transmitted to our Sun and planetary body for the first time. Through the Silver Ray dissolving into the Golden Gate, the returning of the Spirit to the center of Unity or the process of inner Unification is activated as a Law.

This alignment begins a new exposure and is transmitting a new substance, which has qualities of both Elemental Water and Elemental Aether. This is carried in a mixture within these plasmic Silver-Gold liquid light frequencies, which make it Fire Water. Fire Water is a new spiritual element being created through this alchemical process transmitted to the planetary body and humanity. The river of living waters from the Mother’s Creatrix, Rainbow Krystal Waters, flow out from the throne of God and unify into the dimensional door of The Golden Gate. The highest emanation of this mysterious elixir is both silver and gold, the Chalice of God which opens the portal of The Golden Gate. [3]

Stages of the Galactic Zodiac Cycle

Celestial Plane

The following is a summary of the stages of spiritual initiation represented in the Alchemical Laws on the wheel of the 13 constellations in the Galactic Zodiac moving through the celestial plane.

Stage 1 – Aries

  • Stage 1 – ARIES – April 19 to May 13
  • Alchemical Theme: Purification, Calcination
  • Element: Fire

The introduction stage of spiritual initiation is represented in the constellation of Aries. This is the beginning of the alchemical purification of one’s consciousness through the process of exposure to fire elements and/or applying intense heat. The process of heating the body and aura to a high temperature, causing loss of moisture, reduction or oxidation, and breaking down into simpler substances to prepare to move blockages and debris. This is the activation process of the kundalini fire purification of the flesh, bone and blood. The kundalini is activated in the tailbone and begins to travel upward in the central vertical channel and chakras. This reoccurs many times during the spiritual initiation stages towards enlightenment, but always follows the alchemical principles to conclusion. (See Aries Constellation)

Stage 2 – Taurus

  • Stage 2 – TAURUS – May 14 to June 19
  • Alchemical Theme: Congelation, Transformation
  • Element: Earth

Congelation is the process by which something congeals, or thickens into a new pattern or blueprint. This increase in viscosity is to reassemble parts into a different energetic pattern, thus transforming it. This is achieved through a reduction in (applied) heat or through the result of the bodily chemical reactions caused by the changes in temperature. This is a natural result of the vacillation of active kundalini liquid fire. Sometimes, the increase in viscosity is great enough to crystallize or solidify the new element or new substance. In spiritual alchemy, congelation is one of the vital processes for material bodily transformation to occur. This is a process of spiritual integration of the reassembled parts or required patterns the kundalini or spirit has newly created in the layers of the body consciousness.(See Taurus Constellation)

Stage 3 – Gemini

  • Stage 3 – GEMINI – June 20 to July 20
  • Alchemical Theme: Fixation, Synthesis
  • Element: Air

Fixation in alchemy refers to a process by which a previously volatile substance is transformed into a form (often solid) that is not affected by fire or heat. It separates the substance or object and rearranges it back in the same or different shape at a subatomic level. So this is the process which transforms the subatomic levels of the body’s energetic blueprint. It is a continual progress of polarity synthesis of unstable forces which are then transformed into a higher more stable form. Fixation is one of the processes required for transformation of a base substance, or one level of completion of the alchemical magnum opus through the subatomic structure. This is the process of polarity integration between the newly reassembled parts of adding (or subtracting) the required patterns being synthesized into the body consciousness. (See Gemini Constellation)

Stage 4 – Cancer

  • Stage 4 – CANCER – July 21 to August 9
  • Alchemical Theme: Dissolution, Dismantling
  • Element: Water

This is the dismantling phase from unnecessary substances, energies or objects that have been shifted from the alchemical synthesis of the polarity integration of forces. There is a process of resolving emotional body issues or dissolving into parts or elements in the shifting field of the energetic consciousness. This phase can be deeply emotional, deeply buried in subconscious and bring the purging of deep soul wounds. In the spiritual ascension process this may manifest as the breaking of bonds, breaking up of relationships, the breaking up of an assembly or organization. Cancer has heavy ancestral genetic pattern components that greatly influence emotional miasma located in the body. This is a process of dismantling the unnecessary or unneeded primal forces and resolving emotional blocks in the shifting terrain of the energetic consciousness. This emotional purging with the required dismantling (removing subconscious blockages) happens in several stages throughout the ascension process.(See Cancer Constellation)

Stage 5 – Leo

  • Stage 5 – LEO – August 10 to September 15
  • Alchemical Theme: Digestion, Conversion
  • Element: Fire

In alchemy, digestion is a process in which gentle heat is applied to a substance over a period of several weeks to change the composition of newly combined elements. This is the absorption and assimilation process of the new substance or energetic elements that have shifted which were either removed or added into the body consciousness. Old emotional states or unnecessary energies have been eliminated, and chemically, as by the action of enzymes, new energies are converted into deeper assimilation into the body elemental. This is a process of digesting the changes in one’s consciousness, and shifting life experiences, that are a result of the resolution and completion of old energetic and emotional patterns. As we digest more of what we can accurately see in the world, we are able to resolve emotional pain which allows us to see truth even more deeply. Digesting our reality allows us to eventually experience greater acceptance of all things.(See Leo Constellation)

Stage 6- Virgo

  • Stage 6 – VIRGO – September 16 to October 30
  • Alchemical Theme: Distillation, Purity
  • Element: Earth

This is the continual process of purification of the internal energies which separate the unnecessary dross and is designed to remove the contaminants. The goal is to acquire a concentration of the wholly natural essential substance, which is how the pure energetic consciousness is distilled. This is the process of accessing and obtaining that pure essence (via the inner spirit), and distilling its spirit substance into our body and earth. This is a phase of refinement of our internal energies and spirit in relationship to our body. (See Virgo Constellaton)

Stage 7 – Libra

  • Stage 7 – LIBRA – October 31 to November 22
  • Alchemical Theme: Sublimation, Transmutation
  • Element: AIR

In the process of spiritual ascension, as we elevate our consciousness, we naturally learn to sublimate and transform negative emotions and negative energy. As we develop the observer consciousness within, we are able to witness our emotions and external events without identifying that we are that emotion or event. As we observe the emotions or event, we alchemically transform them, sublimate them into higher substances. In this way we access spiritual harmony which arranges the energetic environment to the highest expression. Sublimation is a part of the compassionate witness which is developed through deepened self-awareness of one’s body and higher consciousness. We can learn to observe thoughts, emotions and energies neutrally. Through the elevated consciousness we gain skills in redirecting discordance or disharmony in the self, and this naturally increases energetic harmony inside and out. Once we distill the inner spirit within, the next ascension stage is the natural sublimation and transmutation of negative energies in and around us. (See Libra Constellation)

Stage 8 – Scorpio

  • Stage 8 –SCORPIO – November 23 to November 29
  • Alchemical Theme: Separation, Stillness
  • Element: Water

In the required alchemical process of embodying our pure consciousness, there is a separation and isolation from that which interferes or contaminates the spiritual consciousness. These are the phases of which we may experience a separation or sequestering away from certain influences or forces. This isolation or sensation of wanting to sequester is a natural process, such as in acquiring a deep stillness. When it is required, we will find that isolation in order to be still and know we are one with God spirit. Once we can sense the growth of our inner spirit, we will have phases where we will look to isolate, or isolation will happen organically. This allows us to focus inside, communicate with and germinate our spiritual consciousness into fullness. (See Scorpius Constellation)

Stage 9 – Ophiuchus

  • Stage 9 – OPHIUCHUS – November 30 to December 17
  • Alchemical Theme: Unification, Wound Healing
  • Element: Water/Aether

This phase is the solar alignment with the Cosmic Aether which is at the core of the Galactic Center, which represents pouring of healing spiritual waters into the earth and humanity from Mother God. Previously, these waters were corrupted by entrapping the Mother principle and Gold Ray Seraphim on earth by the knowledge coveting Serpent. Hence, this is also the symbol for the Fallen Angel. This is why this constellation is both ruled by the Golden Eagle spirit and the Snake. During the ascension cycle this constellation is to return to its original geometry, to represent the union of all polarity as the perfect blueprint of energetic balance and harmony for humanity. Through the embodiment of this energetic balance into perfected unity, in the upcoming Pisces cycle, the knowledge and wisdom is given back to the truth seeker. Therefore, in its highest expression this constellation represents the potential blueprint of divine perfection in a Human Being. It also represents the pending birth of the Christ child growing in the womb of the Divine Mother. It is one with all things and has no opposite. It is capable of healing all human wounds and amplifies spiritual healing in this cycle. It is related to the symbol Phi and reemerging Sophia. See Ophiuchus and The Golden Gate. (See Ophiuchus Constellation)

Stage 10 – Sagittarius

  • Stage 10 – SAGITTARIUS – December 18 to January 18
  • Alchemical Theme: Incineration, Resurrection
  • Element: Fire

This is the stage of the ascension process which is the incineration of the old form and burning up of the old and decrepit energies, through stages of healing crisis. This is similar to the spiritual bonfire of the lower self and parasites. Once the higher divine blueprint and Cosmic Aether have been connected to the body, massive healing begins. This is reducing the old negative form and its debris into ashes; as the Phoenix that rises from its ashes, is reborn upon its old form which was incinerated in the bonfire. This is a stage of the spiritual alchemy which has phase transition which change the matter substance from blackened, to gray and then to white. Sometimes one can sense the death energy in the blackened state. This begins stages of great renewal and resurrection in the ascending consciousness.(See Sagittarius Constellation)

Stage 11 – Capricorn

  • Stage 11 – CAPRICORN –January 19 to February 15
  • Alchemical Theme: Fermentation, Illumination
  • Element: Earth

Fermentation is the spiritual alchemical process which shifts the production and source of energy that is required for the body functions. This stage begins to change how the ATP production is made in the mitochondria of the cells and how that energy is distributed to cellular tissues. New requirements of vital energies are manufactured by increasing the ATP pump which increase available energy needed to continue the life processes. There is an increase of ATP measured in the cells as the person is able to hold more light in their physical cells, increasing their consciousness. This also relates to increasing the size and quality of the auric light body. The body is much physically stronger now even if vitality feels low. Also, the fermentation process is used to produce different levels of enzymatic substances, which the physical body uses to support a variety of shifting hormonal and chemical reactions. During the ascension stages of symptoms, this is commonly experienced as a highly physical shift in the digestive, immune and brain processing. (See Capricornus Constellation)

Stage 12- Aquarius

  • Stage 12 – AQUARIUS – February 16 to March 11
  • Alchemical Theme: Multiplication, Virtues
  • Element: Air

Multiplication is the alchemical process which greatly increases the concentrated refinement, energetic effectiveness and sphere of influence of the embodied biological spiritual light source. The blood is purified of karmic record and spiritualized in chemistry creating spiritual virtues. It occurs near the end of the magnum opus of our spiritual ascension alchemy. This is the symbolic state of which Christ is able to take any base substance and multiply it into many fish and bread loaves to bless the hungry. Through the access of pure embodied spiritual essence, the abundance of the spiritual light flows in and blesses the environment from the beacon of a Krystal body. It multiplies abundance and blessing for those who come in contact with it, as well as the being who embodies its source. This is about serving the group consciousness highest expression of spiritual ascension for all human beings. In traditional alchemy this is the turning of base metal into gold and silver. This is similar as to what happens to the lightbody. (See Aquarius Constellation)

Stage 13- Pisces

  • Stage 13 – PISCES – March 12 – April 18
  • Alchemical Theme: Ascension, Perfection, Christos-Sophia
  • Element: Water, Aether

The process of perfection is only achieved through the inner marriage of the Mother and Father, and ultimately uniting them in a third state of stellar consciousness. The incorruptible wisdom is symbolized by the Christ Child that results from the marriage of the true Cosmic Father and Mother, and the Stars themselves. This is the attainment of the complete preservation of the body through the inner spirit, nourished in light rays and sound waves. One who has obtained the power of spiritualizing the body and knows how to transmute the corruptible physical into the incorruptible spirit. A Krystal being who attains an eternal spiritual body, and is able to break out of the karmic cycle to attain freedom from reincarnation in this space time. This is the ultimate process of planetary ascension, freedom from the prison planet and the fallen. This Great Work is the ultimate goal of spiritual ascension; the inner Christos-Sophia is initiated within to make perfect the complete divine human being.(See Pisces Constellation)

Stages of Spiritual Ascension

The Galactic Zodiac 13 constellation cycle will be an intrinsic part of tracking the spiritual ascension for the planet and the transmission of these stellar forces and Alchemical Laws upon the earth. When we understand the organic process of spiritual ascension as a direct part of our evolution through these alchemical principles, we may more easily process these stages of development. Our birth zodiac alignment will also have a key themes related to the stages of our personal mastery with these Alchemical principles and may be worth meditating upon. They represent the primary Alchemical Law we embody and are here to represent on the planet in service to the ascension. [4]


  1. Zodiac Alteration
  2. Magnum Opus
  3. The Golden Gate, December 2014
  4. Magnum Opus

See Also:

Galactic Zodiac

Bifurcation of Time


LISA RENEE: “Seeking Alignment with Truth”

Ascension Avatar

“If we start to think more deeply on the reasons why the Controllers and the NAA work so hard to diminish our perception of reality in the external world, by controlling the thoughtforms and beliefs we hold in our minds, it is so the general public will remain confused and not easily recognize what the truth is even when they are being exposed to it. How can we align to our inner spirit, truth and the Natural Laws, when our perception has been completely controlled to believe in a false version of reality? This is an example of how Divide and Conquer Tactics are used to manage intelligence, control perception, and direct Collective Consciousness levels into ignorance and subjugation. The Archontic forces of the NAA desire to keep the realms of planet earth under their control by keeping the collective Soul of humanity mired in dark ignorance and confusion about how…

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