STEPHANIE LUCAS: “Using Salt Water Therapy to Battle Negative Energy”

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Those dark forces that seem to drain your vibrational energy and cause imbalances in your precious energy field may go by any number of names depending on your personal beliefs.  Negative energies, dark forces, demons, devils, etc. but for the sake of this piece we’ll simply call them ‘ghosts’ as a reference to their unknown and unseen nature.  Certain types of ghosts will hang around individuals like a dark cloud, constantly hovering over them to cause distress by using subtle black energies.

An infusion of black energy can literally drain one of their vital essence and cause discord in their once harmonic vibrations resulting in unexplained depression, anger, clouded judgement, and even cause health issues.  There’s several ways you can cleanse your aura and shield yourself from black energy, and one is to use salt water therapy.  But first let’s explore this phenomenon a bit further so you can understand the importance of eradicating black energy.

What Is Black Energy?

Black energy, or dark energy, is a weapon used by negative sentients to manipulate one’s mental process and forces on the Earthly plane.  These ghosts transmit black energy to their target and literally attack them with negative forces.  Over time, one can become overwhelmed with this energy and store it in the body, causing the aforementioned side effects.  Just how much one is affected by black energy is often determined upon the strength of the ‘ghost’ and the recipient’s ability to shield from these energies and how often they cleanse and purify their energy field by Battling Negative Energy through Sage Burning Techniques and solutions like salt water therapy.



How the Salt Water Remedy Cleanses Negative Energy

Sea Monster

Everyone has some degree of black energy within us, and ghosts will attack you when you’re at your weakest energetic levels, such as when you’re stressed or suffering from an illness.  However, the salt water remedy performed a few times a week can prove helpful.  All that’s required to use the salt water remedy is a bucket big enough for your feet, rock salt or Pink Himalayan Salt, a towel, and defined intentions to clear away black energies.

While soaking your feet according to the instructions below, empower yourself and positive energy by chanting your favorite prayer or mantra.  This process helps disintegrate the black energy ‘cloud’ generated by these malicious ‘ghosts.’  Salt water is believed to have absorptive properties that helps draw out these negative energies, and many users report symptoms including yawning, numbness, and burping as the black energy is removed.

This simple, powerful spiritual cleansing remedy can do more than just cleanse dark energy.  It should also be used at the first signs of:

  • Lethargic Behavior
  • Depressive Symptoms
  • Unexplained Anger
  • Rapid, Confused Thoughts
  • Signs of Physical Illness or Stress

So, with all these potential benefits in mind, here’s how you can make your own salt water therapy treatment at home.

Preparing Salt Water Therapy Baths

Fill up a bucket or foot spa bath with enough water to cover the ankles and add 2-3 tablespoons of rock salt or Himalayan salt.  Keep your feet separated and immersed in the water 10-15 minutes while chanting your prayers or stating our intention to remove this dark energy and negative forces from your life.  Upon completion, express gratitude for their removal.  If you’re feeling extremely affected by dark energy, take salt water therapy to the next level with a fully immersive bath experience.

Have you suffered the presence of dark energies or do you have experience with salt water therapy?  If so, share your experience below, and feel free to share this article with friends or on your website per the free copyright below.


Visit: Spiritual Science Research Foundation for more information.



©Universal Copyright 2017 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as both the author Stephanie Lucas and are included as the resource and this information is distributed on a non-commercial no charge basis.

STEPHANIE LUCAS: “On the Path to Enlightenment: A Spiritual Journey to Happiness”

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Did you ever want to be an astronaut when you were growing up? I certainly did, and while it may appear that I am a mere storyteller, researcher, and writer for purveyors of living clay and healing crystals and stones — I AM AN ASTRONAUT — of sorts, anyway. My spirit feels free to travel within the cosmos every single day…without boarding a space shuttle or having multiple science degrees, exploring the Universe is possible for many through deep states of meditation and particularly those that take me down the path of enlightenment.


“There are particular types of seeds that remain dormant until they are broken open by a forest fire. Likewise, there is a seed within you that opens by the fire of your readiness to transform. Challenges are the great awakeners, and we welcome them we ignite inner fire of transformation and invite a greater vision for our life to emerge from within us.”

~The Lift Off Life, Michael Bernard Beckwith

Why am I So Darned Happy Most of the Time??

Seems this is a very common question/comment in my world these days. Don’t get me wrong… I certainly have not always been a little beaming ray of love and light, and I still have moments of drama filled confusions… and without a doubt, I was about as far off the path to enlightenment as the Universe would let me get – at least while allowing this physical body remain in this realm.

Prior to finding the path to enlightenment, no sense of presence or sense of self existed here — there was no Stephanie — that essence was simply a low-vibrational spirit/energy housed in a human shell. Trolling through life day after day, smiling when appropriate, being responsible, merely doing and thinking as I was told and taught — but never truly knowing the joy and happiness that accompanies the unconditional acceptance and love for myself, others and the awareness of the Higher Self.

While everyone’s journey will have exciting twists, forcing them to scamper about, questioning everything they thought they knew… here’s how the path to enlightenment and higher states of consciousness came about for this very reluctant-to-believe lady.

The Great Epiphany Before the Mind Quiets

The first epiphany in my journey was the startling insight that I had been merely swapping realities at my convenience… and wearing two masks. The kind you change like a chameleon at will or even sheer necessity. This clarity of this was profound, yet the realization simultaneously existed that I must have already KNOWN this was a part of my journey — 20 years ago — as the Comedy Tragedy Masks are so proudly applied to my as-ankle .as the Comedy Tragedy tattoo was being permanently penned onto my ankle 20 years ago…

The reality I was living in then (and had been forever in this realm) never felt right or like the truth. Politics, religion, education — everything that I had been taught or had ever placed a judgment on had always played a role in defining which mask I wore daily — or even minute by minute. By acknowledging that I was simply playing a recurring role on a set of actors continually running lines, sets me free of false illusions, forced me to quiet my mind in preparation for discovering actual truths. In other words, I understood that at that point I had to forget everything I ever knew — or believed to be true.

Whatever your magic and/are moments are, they’re likely to reveal some type of mind-bending, life-altering realization — universal truths that you haven’t seen (or haven’t been willing to) until that exact moment in time. You’re apt to have many small epiphanies before having the Big One, which is the state of enlightenment after the entire paradigm has burst… that moment when you wholly understand the very nature of the world.

The Quiet Mind is Kind, Compassionate, Humble, and Ego-Free

The peace and sense of tranquility that accompanies these epiphanies quiets the mind as you accept these truths, and begin to see yourself and the world beyond mere words or labels that have been placed upon ‘things and actions’ by external sources. The quiet mind begins peeling back these illusions and false concepts of right, wrong, good, bad, etc. while uncovering some deep down universal truths.

Many individuals unwillingly and unknowingly overestimate their self-importance, falsely believing that they somehow cause or solutions to problems in their life or in the world. Well, when you understand that everything in the universe is energy, you can then understand that the world is created of and orchestrated by frequencies that go beyond mere words and actions that belong to any one being. You can then see that you as ONE alone are not an essential component of either ‘problems’ nor responsible for ‘finding solutions;’ rather, you are likely to discover that those desire when manifested on a collective lever are all encompassing towards those intentions.

This is where the magic begins! With the hypnotic effect of false beliefs out of the picture, one can begin see an entirely different world — one that is orchestrated by a conscious intelligence far beyond words. With these insights, the transgression into seeing beyond the self naturally flows. The whole point of dropping these initial opinions is to allow you LOSE YOURSELF and the EGO… and you truly love and embrace the Unity of All Things. However, most at this state are now free to move about the cosmos more readily and begin embracing your powers of manifesting your own reality.

Losing Your Ego and Waking Up to a ‘Loving Reality’ is Beautiful

With no more dominating judgments, expectations, and sense of self-importance, many feel an immediate sense of happiness, lightness, and freedom. Love in all things is readily apparent, you are naturally happy, and you see the equality if all — the all one or none of beings and mother nature working and vibrating in harmony. Your world of duality may come to an end as the conscious and subconscious work in concert and that becomes your normal state naturally.

It takes many young souls such as myself a while to get here, while some truly enlightened spirits seem to master ascension and oneness with the Higher Self with less time and effort. However, you should always accept where you are on your journey — leaving beyond the distorted concepts of what ‘progression’ is in the old ‘logical, knowns’ that you released and know that you are well on your way.

Remember, No Judgments, No Labels, No Expectations — It is What it Is

Certainly, my path has many more levels to go, so I can only attest to my success, my path to enlightenment so far is wondrous, my experience… however, with a few excellent guides, higher vibrations, and solid intentions, the path I’m on has taken me a great distance.

Have you had similar experiences or a totally unique path to enlightenment? Where are you on your journey, what got you started, and how did you/or do you know where you really are today? Share your journey with us!





©Universal Copyright 2014 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as both the author Stephanie Lucas and are included as the resource and this information is distributed on a non-commercial no charge basis.


About Stephanie Lucas

Stephanie resonates with the vibrations of stones and crystals and imbibes in ‘playing’ with them and eating healing clay daily. When she’s not writing, reading or terrorizing Facebook, you might find her dancing with hippies in a drum circle or meandering through the forest with a wand looking for fairies, nymphs and unicorns to collaborate with.


STEPHANIE LUCAS: “What is Zero Point Perspective? Exploring the 3 Mental Bodies”


The best way I have heard the Zero Point Perspective described came from a healer at retreat who compared the experience to being on a merry-go-round. When standing on the outer edge, you have to concentrate to hang on; however, when you place yourself at the center of the ride, it takes almost no effort, if any, to exist there – soaking in the 360-degree views all around you.

This point is the Zero Point, the exact center point that allows us to stay relaxed and centered regardless of how fast our world is spinning. Life challenges our balance – key to attaining this perspective – we are continually responding to outside stimulus in response to the quickening and ever-changing speed of life. Therein lays the question, “How can we achieve Zero Point Perspective in our lives?”

The Three Mental Bodies – Using the Mind as a Tool for Ascension

Mastering the mind – body connection is one of the greatest tools you have to discovering your true self, your essence as it was before your consciousness chose to incarnate in its current human avatar form. As a tool, the mind comprised of the three mental bodies uses imagery and thoughts that ultimately create quantum level blueprints. These blueprints are your manifestations of form and experience, so when the mental bodies are balanced, the mind runs under the consciousness of your higher, or True Self. When out of balance, the term ‘lost your mind’ becomes applicable as the mind is operating with no guidance of the True Self.

The Negative Mind is the Protective Mind

The negative mind serves to keep your expanded essence inside the physical body, or contained, as this vessel protects the form by ensuring it survives your experiences. The negative mind sees risks; hence it’s known as the Protective Mind and is the contractive essence of the mind. When underdeveloped, strong fears can arise as can poor judgment in life and relationships. Zero Point Perspective can only be attained when the negative mind is balanced and flowing with the other two mental bodies coherently.

The Positive Mind as the Projective Mind

The positive mind helps us express ourselves through our physical bodies, putting our essence out into the world and the universe. When out of balance, the positive mind can become overwhelmed with negativity, feel depressed, or make us feel like we’ve ‘lost our power.’ It can go into craving as it over expands, fueling addictions or resurfacing of old ones. As the expansive part of the mind, it seeks and sees the positive aspects in all situations, giving one a good sense of humor, open communication, and optimism. It is because the positive and negative minds are bombarded with incoming stimulus that makes the neutral mind so intrinsic to discovering the essence of Zero Point Perspective.

The Meditative Mind is Neutral

The mental body that holds the polarities in balance is the Neutral, or Meditative Mind – the balanced mind. This aspect recognizes that souls are contracted into physical form as well as expanded into everything and oneness. It harbors information from the other two mental bodies and is the decision maker from an objective stance. The Neutral Mind is your intuition and compassion, and when underdeveloped or imbalanced, one may have trouble seeing beyond their troubles and feel victimized.

Zero Point Perspective – You Already Have it… So Experience It

Achieving a sense of Zero Point Perspective takes time, practice, and true desire to see things for what they are. You must reach into your heart and mind, explore the aspects of your three mental bodies to discover how you can bring these better into balance. Meditation is an excellent practice for such exploration, and stones for meditation can elevate your quantum vibrational levels for even greater awareness of the Zero Point Perspective.




About Stephanie Lucas

Stephanie resonates with the vibrations of stones and crystals and imbibes in ‘playing’ with them and eating healing clay daily. When she’s not writing, reading or terrorizing Facebook, you might find her dancing with hippies in a drum circle or meandering through the forest with a wand looking for fairies, nymphs and unicorns to collaborate with.   ~via

STEPHANIE LUCAS: “The Meaning of Namaste: Many Translations, One Universal Intention”

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STEPHANIE LUCAS: “The Illusion of Time and Other Lies Disempowering the Masses”


While there are no disempowering intentions here… introductory paragraphs are often illusions designed to draw you in. That being said, for this piece, let’s just get to the good stuff.

The Lie of Truth

From childhood you are taught ‘truths’ by your parents who have already been through their own process of programming. It is only natural to go with the ‘flow’ — until you have the wake up call that you are free to choose and decide for yourself what is truth. The search alone is the ultimate freedom and the way to your truth. Taking something that you are taught or told as truth and accepting it at face value doesn’t promote personal enlightenment; however, it is doing precisely what you are expected to do by institutions that benefit when individuals stop seeking truth.

The powers that be like governments and religion and the banking system depend on our subservience to accepting certain false truths. Why believe something that sets limitations upon you, puts you in fear, and prohibits you from searching any further? Most of today’s programming lies within television, which tragically alters humans’ societal beliefs as to what truth is… With mind-altering commercials, ‘programs’ like ‘reality’ television, and 24-hour news outlets bombarding us with what to buy, what to think, what celeb is doing who, and other garbage that is of no consequence whatsoever within the scope of reality. Why do you think they call it ‘programming’ folks?

The Illusion of Time

Think about when you felt happiest and free… likely it was as a child. As children the world was virtually timeless — until bedtime — but now so much of our lives are scheduled that we are separated from truly makes us happy. As calendar ‘time’ went on, our bodies grew along with our enslavement to time… where we wake up every day following the same path as the previous day. We constantly look at the clock so we can stay ON TIME!

The illusion of time has forced us to give up being in the present moment, compelling us to constantly think about the future (which as you know – may not exist). Life as it is in this very present moment can even slightly be considered ‘real,’ and our souls are eternally evolving manifestations of NOW. Our spirits are eternal and immortal beings; hence, time is merely an illusion intended to distort mankind’s value of the present, to trap us into subservience…and to keep us in fear as low-vibrational spirits.

Prosperity and Happiness:

The great Buddha said that there are 3 types of people in the world: The totally blind, the one who can see with one eye, and the one who can see with both eyes. The latter he considered one of both wealth and happiness, who could see the light from the dark. The latter shared his wealth, and in that practice, they knew true happiness.

That being said, prosperity and happiness don’t always HAVE to be an illusion, because people have different concepts of both prosperity and happiness. To some it’s money, bearing many children, service to others, and to a few, prosperity is happiness itself.

So, where’s the disempowerment here? Since Buddha’s days, societal expectations have come to promote a greater appreciation for amassing wealth and power, which only a handful ever obtains. The masses however, still struggle to ‘keep up with the Jones,’ and ultimately many people fall into deep debt to support their consumer driven tendencies to maintain the illusion of their own personal success.

Corporations, the banking system, advertisers, politics, and other institutions absolutely love engineering new ways to keep you far from prosperity — right down to making you work and BUY the basic necessities in life! And all this fun is complemented by the system taxing every hour you work and most everything you own or buy until you die. This certainly doesn’t make me feel prosperous or happy, but rather trapped in a matrix….

The Illusion of Freedom

In a world where practically everything is sold as a commodity in some fashion, it seems that the concept of ‘freedom’ is indeed only a dream. As mentioned, necessities like food, shelter, and clothing all cost money — a man-made construct. Money requires work, and that alone takes away your freedom of choice because you have to work to pay the bills and survive, right? Well, technically, you don’t have to… and that’s a low vibrational way to look at it, but the way the system of conformity is designed, can certainly make it seem challenging to live in the present while focusing about tomorrow’s bills, work, etc.

That’s exactly how we are supposed to feel as conformists, but let’s say you cannot work or choose not to… so you rely on taking from nature to survive… that’s a crime and they toss you in jail and take away your freedom. Commit certain crimes, forget to register, don’t have an ID? Forget voting. You’d think that in a land of democracy and freedom — especially with all-time lows in voter turnout — that they’d let monkeys vote for the next batch of political puppets going into office.

And that’s the rub… the concept of democracy itself is merely an illusion with two predominant parties in the pockets of corporations who make it so easy to edge out any third party voices from serious contention. Even if this weren’t the case, politics is a multiple choice option and that’s not offering much choice or freedom to any of us.

Since this little segment seemed to also give the gist of the Illusions of Authority, Law, and Order… we’ll just wrap it up here. I’m certain that many will disagree with my viewpoints, or maybe you have other illusions you’d like to share… so feel free to let it rip in the comments.




©Universal Copyright 2014 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as both the author Stephanie Lucas and are included as the resource and this information is distributed on a non-commercial no charge basis.