NEZEL PADAYHAG: “6 Ways Staying Near Water Affects Your Health Positively”

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People associate water with calm, relaxation and connection. In fact, when taking vacations, spending a day at the beach is often included on the to do list.

We often see a large crowd of people gathered at the beach, by the lake, or at the waterfalls than we do in the mountains. This is how we can see the magical effect of the water element has on people.

In an interview with the Huffington Post, marine biologist Wallace J. Nichols said that we have a “blue mind” that he describes as a mildly meditative state characterized by calm, peacefulness, unity, a sense of happiness and a satisfaction with life at the moment, which are all triggered when we’re in or near water.

Water has a positive effect on our brains due to its simplicity. It’s a kind of break our brain needs from the clutter it has always been exposed…

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STEPHANIE LUCAS: “Using Salt Water Therapy to Battle Negative Energy”

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Those dark forces that seem to drain your vibrational energy and cause imbalances in your precious energy field may go by any number of names depending on your personal beliefs.  Negative energies, dark forces, demons, devils, etc. but for the sake of this piece we’ll simply call them ‘ghosts’ as a reference to their unknown and unseen nature.  Certain types of ghosts will hang around individuals like a dark cloud, constantly hovering over them to cause distress by using subtle black energies.

An infusion of black energy can literally drain one of their vital essence and cause discord in their once harmonic vibrations resulting in unexplained depression, anger, clouded judgement, and even cause health issues.  There’s several ways you can cleanse your aura and shield yourself from black energy, and one is to use salt water therapy.  But first let’s explore this phenomenon a bit further so you can understand the importance of eradicating black energy.

What Is Black Energy?

Black energy, or dark energy, is a weapon used by negative sentients to manipulate one’s mental process and forces on the Earthly plane.  These ghosts transmit black energy to their target and literally attack them with negative forces.  Over time, one can become overwhelmed with this energy and store it in the body, causing the aforementioned side effects.  Just how much one is affected by black energy is often determined upon the strength of the ‘ghost’ and the recipient’s ability to shield from these energies and how often they cleanse and purify their energy field by Battling Negative Energy through Sage Burning Techniques and solutions like salt water therapy.



How the Salt Water Remedy Cleanses Negative Energy

Sea Monster

Everyone has some degree of black energy within us, and ghosts will attack you when you’re at your weakest energetic levels, such as when you’re stressed or suffering from an illness.  However, the salt water remedy performed a few times a week can prove helpful.  All that’s required to use the salt water remedy is a bucket big enough for your feet, rock salt or Pink Himalayan Salt, a towel, and defined intentions to clear away black energies.

While soaking your feet according to the instructions below, empower yourself and positive energy by chanting your favorite prayer or mantra.  This process helps disintegrate the black energy ‘cloud’ generated by these malicious ‘ghosts.’  Salt water is believed to have absorptive properties that helps draw out these negative energies, and many users report symptoms including yawning, numbness, and burping as the black energy is removed.

This simple, powerful spiritual cleansing remedy can do more than just cleanse dark energy.  It should also be used at the first signs of:

  • Lethargic Behavior
  • Depressive Symptoms
  • Unexplained Anger
  • Rapid, Confused Thoughts
  • Signs of Physical Illness or Stress

So, with all these potential benefits in mind, here’s how you can make your own salt water therapy treatment at home.

Preparing Salt Water Therapy Baths

Fill up a bucket or foot spa bath with enough water to cover the ankles and add 2-3 tablespoons of rock salt or Himalayan salt.  Keep your feet separated and immersed in the water 10-15 minutes while chanting your prayers or stating our intention to remove this dark energy and negative forces from your life.  Upon completion, express gratitude for their removal.  If you’re feeling extremely affected by dark energy, take salt water therapy to the next level with a fully immersive bath experience.

Have you suffered the presence of dark energies or do you have experience with salt water therapy?  If so, share your experience below, and feel free to share this article with friends or on your website per the free copyright below.


Visit: Spiritual Science Research Foundation for more information.



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