ELVA THOMPSON: “The Awakening of the Spirit and the Journey to Authenticity”

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We live in the Information Age — a fast digital reality of gloss and glitter — a stage show with plot and purpose specifically designed to keep us in a constant state of physical stimulation — lots of things are on offer in this electrical paradigm from toothpicks to silicone sex dolls and everything imaginable in between.

The wrong direction

Locked up in our cities of concrete and glass we have become fast ‘everything’ junkies living our lives through facebook, twitter, phones and ipads. We have traded the natural world for a digital copy and given our minds away to computerized numbers and codes.

If we wish to go into the future with any vestiges of humanity left… we’d better wake up to our Spiritual Self. Wake up to our multi-dimensional heritage and take back our minds from the imposter that rules our lives… the voice in our heads that whines and undermines.

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NIKKI SAPP: “Giving Advice and Being the Light for Others”

Circle of the Dolphins

“I find the best way to love someone is not to change them but instead, help them reveal the greatest version of themselves”

~Dr. Steve Maraboli

At a certain point in our spiritual journey we begin to unlock our own inner truth. We no longer are looking to outside sources such as religions, gurus, self-help books, etc. to tell us what to do and how to be, but instead we begin to realize that the answers were inside of us all along.

Not to say that we still don’t read books or open ourselves up to learning from others, but rather we have a more clear connection with our own intuition, which allows us to FEEL the “truth” rather than intellectualize it only.

When we were at the point that we needed outside sources to show us the way, they were coincidentally brought into our lives, either in the forms…

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OPERATION TERRA: “Are You ‘The One’?”

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Ascension Avatar note: This 1999 article refers to ‘The New Earth’ as “Terra” (or “Tara” per Lisa Renee, but according to her, “Tara” is the ‘Old Earth’…).  So, whether it’s “Terra”, “Tara”, “Gaia” or “Gaia Sophia”… enjoy the article! 🌎

Now that all but one of your “lives” are being reunified, the Oversoul is “harvesting” its accumulated experience and preparing to make a quantum leap into another reality.  Even Oversouls “graduate” and move up the evolutionary ladder, back to Source.  In reality, Source IS everything all at once, but from the subjective perspective of any individuated portion of the Absolute, it has its awareness placed somewhere along the evolutionary flow that proceeds forth from Source (the Absolute) and back into Source, continuously, like an unending river or stream of consciousness that has no beginning or end.  However, sometimes — across very long periods of time as you know it — Source “blinks” or…

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