KIM GOGUEN on “Social Media Hacking for Mind Control”

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LISA RENEE on “Operant Conditioning”

“Many people especially in the younger generations have become addicted to online social media platforms from being repeatedly exposed to types of Operant Conditioning, in which a positive reinforcement occurs from online activity and this induces changes in their brain chemistry. A neurochemical is released in the brain as a reward molecule, after certain behaviors occur in a social media or marketing environment that instigate a positive reinforcement. This is similar to getting a dopamine hit, in which the brain starts to associate dopamine pathways with certain online activity, people, products or Propaganda. Operant Conditioning is a process of learned behavior from either positive or negative reinforcement, where the person associates something online as being positive or negative, and that information changes their expectations or controls their behavior. Teenagers are especially vulnerable to these manipulation tactics, not recognizing the complex deceptions that are involved. As a result, the greater the instinctual desire and need to belong, to feel accepted and be popular with a social status, the stronger the reaction the brain will have to positive conditioning where this particular belief system is being reinforced. Some people can become obsessed with these positive reinforcement experiences and engage in compulsive behavior such as a need to keep playing an online game, or constantly checking email. Thus, excessive social network use can lead to addictive symptoms, using social media for changing moods and even suffering withdrawal effects. Without some personal discipline and Self Awareness, these manipulation methods can form positive associations in our brain to products or people that are marketing themselves to appear as something that they are not.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Propaganda

NEZEL PADAYHAG: “5 Bad Habits That Weaken Your Energy Field And Positive Habits To Replace Them With”

Ascension Avatar

Your energy field or the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds you depends much on your health and lifestyle.

It reflects your personal energy and affects your ability to connect with others. A healthy energy field is a good indicator of living the life you want.

If it’s weak, you will lack motivation and vitality for making your life better, personally and professionally. A weakened energy field also makes you more susceptible to negativity.

While there are scientific explanations behind the feelings of fatigue, in most cases it still comes down to one important thing, your energy has weakened because of bad habits.

These habits might vary, from wrong diets and bad sleeping patterns to stress, activities that harm your health, even not following your purpose.

Weakened energy field is the symptom of some underlying problem, it is an indicator that something in your lifestyle is draining your energy and disrupting…

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STEPHANIE LUCAS: “Addicted to Social Media? Tips to Survive Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Others”


If you find yourself ‘Pinterest’-ing your Twitter, ‘Flickr’-ing your Google+, ‘Meeting Up’ into your Tumblr, or ‘Instagram’-ing your Facebook – you know you’re a serious addict – so this one is for you. And I completely understand how it goes…


Let the Vortex Begin Sucking You In…

You are just about to log off – because you KNOW you’ve already spent too much time there… and then… that notification icon pops up like a Jack-in-the-Box holding a late notice for for your Internet connection… Or your alerts ‘alert’ you to something that just might be REALLY important. And you break down and click it… and it’s just someone hawking the latest crock pot recipe, sharing a cute cat video, posting their 10th Instagram selfie of the day, or pinning pictures of crafts.

However, while logged on, it only makes sense to scroll through the feed, right? Afterwards, you must attempt to pry yourself off again – and that darn pesky/exciting/you-know-you-can’t help yourself notification happens again. Next thing you know – it’s been an hour… or two…and for the worst social media addict…it might be 10 hours later!

CONFESSION #1: It’s been two weeks since I started this article, and spending about 8 hours a day on Facebook is the culprit. I’ve been far too ‘busy’ fielding messages and groups and ‘liking’ a lot of cute cat videos.

CONFESSION #2: I deactivated my Facebook account temporarily so I could finish this article and others… it is AMAZING to wake up and not find my inbox bottoming out like a Chevy with worn shocks with 600 or more social media notifications! But I’m jonesing a bit!

social media

How Social Media Lures Us Like Hungry Catfish During Spawning Season

A few reasons it seems people become addicted to social media include:

Boredom – Manifested or Otherwise: Honestly, all states of boredom are wholly manufactured, because there is ALWAYS something to do! While it’s easy to get lost in the virtual world of hearing others woes and joys, it seems some of us forget that the physical, tangible world is often where we truly find OUR joy, our power, and discover new possibilities.

Being Cautious with Your Energy: Being around people in general can be challenging, particularly if you’re akin to being an empath. However, many others find themselves becoming increasingly uncomfortable and sensitive to negative energies as they awaken and are more connected to their subconscious feelings. For a while, the Internet seems the ideal place to ‘hide’ – until you discover that their is just as much negative energy amid social media, and perhaps even more so!

You’ve Lost Interest in Socializing with ‘Real’ People: Granted, it’s often easier to ‘connect’ with like-minded people online via common interests groups and such. Going out in the real world  to look for friends or romance these days can be a bit intimidating, dangerous, and you’re apt to meet some people you’d prefer to toss off a cliff than befriend. Unfortunately, we have alluded ourselves into thinking that the virtual world brings us security. However, if you’re a social media addict – you also know you can meet some real trolls online, too.

Trolling Entertainment: I’m not a fan of these addicts! When you have nothing better to do with your life than make others miserable, then it’s time for a Joan Collins style facelift! There are literally hundreds of things better to do than troll the web and attempt to discredit and undermine the intentions and thoughts of others. These types are not only addicted, they really need to get a life!

Work Related Promotion or Sale of Goods or Services: This is an EASY way to get sucked in, and in fact, it’s how I got hooked. The results? The first section about the vortex is my personal story! If you manage groups, promote profit websites, write for a living, or have any type of business, social media can be the bread and butter of your biz.

social media

8 Easy Ways to Retreat from the Social Media Vortex

  • Realize that most people aren’t that interested in what you eat for dinner, that you’re having a bad day, or viewing 12 nearly identical selfies across three platforms. Keep your ego in check!
  • Hire someone to handle your social media for business and promotional purposes. Better yet, if you have a teen at home, put them to work for you.
  • Limit time spent on social media; use a timer if necessary.
  •  Turn off notifications and limit who you ‘follow’. Be choosy about groups. If it’s not pertinent or truly serving your spiritual journey or business…you can live without it.
  • Cut back on ‘friends’ and stop accepting requests from just anyone. I miss the days when I in some fashion actually knew what was happening in all of my ‘friends’ lives…
  • Make some real life friends. Join a club, take a class, volunteer – you get the picture.
  • Check your bank account balance or pay bills…there’s nothing like those reminders of the ‘real world’ to set you back into focus.
  • Disable accounts – even if it’s temporary. A little digital detox will serve you well…even if it’s just a few days!

That being said…I will soon reactivate my account. Because if there is one thing writing this article has taught me it is this – it’s easy to totally AVOID our social media addiction. However, to truly ascend beyond the addiction we must empower ourselves by learning to master those tendencies. I will be taking my own advice upon reactivation – believe that!

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