LISA RENEE: “Harmonizing Attentions” — Clearing Distortions, ArchAngels, False Ascended Masters and Negative Programming

Ascension Avatar

Defenders of Truth, Sovereignty and Liberation. Guardian Families, serving the One.

From across all the Multiverses I call upon my Guardian families to join me now. My unification is demonstrated in the waves of Omni Love — I sound my heart tone to you now. My energy template updated, renewed and forever perpetuated in the Eternally Sustained Light. My Alchemical Container is consecrated and dedicated to the Purposes of One, and I endeavor to be the Knower of God to then be the Way Shower of God. Please sustain me in the Eternal Power of my Consecration.

I have asked for your Gatekeeping in order to hold my mission, my highest purpose in Service to the One Light, my Source, the Living Light Code. My Intention is Unification — the Cosmic Christ Principle — as an Energetic Reality, here and now.

I request the handshake to fortify my spiritual links…

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LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Love is Spiritual Freedom”

Ascension Avatar

The highest expression of Love when manifested into our material world is the same experience as attaining consciousness freedom, and this is our highest spiritual purpose during the Ascension cycle. Love is the organizing, harmonizing and synchronizing force that exists throughout creation, and through its expression, Love is in perfect balance and harmony with what is, as it is. Love exists in alignment with the principles of higher truth, greater knowledge and the benevolent forces of light, it is in harmony with the natural laws, in harmony with the entire Universe.

To achieve and attain full consciousness freedom through the path of Love, which organically emits the instruction sets that contain the Truth in the Light, this is one and the same path that leads us directly into building a relationship with our inherent divinity. The respect and honor we have for ourselves and others, reflects the honor and respect…

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STEPHANIE LUCAS: “4 Electrifyingly Easy EMF Protection Tips to Reduce Exposure”


As modern technology takes over our world, we are bombarded with damaging electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) – a silent, invisible but very real threat to our physical and emotional health. It can prove challenging to battle enemies we cannot see. However, technology isn’t going anywhere, and honestly, most of us would be lost without it! In fact, according to a study by the Institute for Communication Technology Management, the average person’s daily consumption of media via cell phones, computers, and television is around 15 hours!

Some exposures such as outdoor power grids and home/work electrical lines often cannot be avoided, however, you can take some measures within the exposures that you can control. So the most important message we can take away from this piece are effective actions for EMF protection – what really works, and how a few small changes on your part can have a positive impact on your health.

Bite Into Bluetooth and Cell Use

Anything electronic, electric, or battery operated emits unnatural electromagnetic frequencies that surreptitiously cause disharmonic vibrations, damaging your energy field and physical/subtle bodies.  Cell phones and Bluetooth devices are double whammies that superficially serve us well in our busy, multi-taking existence; however, it is the rate and the manner in which we utilize these conveniences that truly makes them a primary EMF contributor.

Both items, Bluetooth in particular are commonly activated in close proximity to our brains (which can cause brain cancer), and many people carry these items on their person; hence the body receives tremendous exposure. EMF protection tips: Keep your cell phone as far away from your body as possible, whether in use or not. Even keeping it in a bag or briefcase helps! Use speaker phone or headphones to reduce head exposure. Limit Bluetooth and cell phone use and indulge in more personal communications.

Unplug from the Web…and Unplug Yourself

Desktop and laptop computers not only emit EMFs themselves, but the glorious Wi-Fi that connects us to the world further expounds the harmful EMF field. The absolute best thing you can do for EMF protection here is to:

Turn off computers AND the Wi-Fi. Forget the concept that leaving the CPU on extends it life…Rather, consider this action one of mercy that is intended to extend YOUR life!

  • Unplug. Not only will you consume less electrical energy by unplugging, but you are going one step further toward weakening the electromagnetic reach of the devices.
  • Take breaks and step away from the computer…(this doesn’t mean get on the cell!) A few minutes away from direct EMF exposure allows your frequencies time to recuperate to some extent and gives your body a break – so unplug regularly in long sessions.
  • Use EMF shielding pendants, crystals, stones, pyramids, etc. near your CPU to transmute those negative frequencies and serve as a barrier.

Are ‘Lifesaving’ Implements Literally Killing You?

While PET-Scans, MRIs and the like DO save quite a few lives, they also expose your body to EMFs on a dramatic level in a short amount of time. Of course, one should always get the care that they need while keeping in mind that many traditional physicians will use caution and recommend ‘tests’ – whether you need them or not. Airports globally rely on scanning devices to inspect your belongings and your person all in the name of saving lives, bombarding you with harmful frequencies. Don’t get scanned – Request a physical pat down, especially if you’re a frequent flyer.

Are Smart Meters Out-smarting Our Energetic Field?

Smart MetersUnless you read the fine print ‘notifications’ on your energy bill, you might have – as I did – come home one day to a shiny, new Smart Meter in place of the old turning wheel model. In fact, most companies seem to require installation and request hefty monthly fees from homeowners who refuse. For more information on the risks and side-effects of these installations, see this report on EMFs and smart meters.

Solution: pay the fee to keep the spinning wheel. Here’ the rub – if you live in an apartment or even in a tightly spaced residential community, you are generally further exposed to your neighbors’ EMF output so consider talking to your neighbors about doing the same.

Notice we use the word ‘unplug’ several times here, and the absolute best EMF protection is to simply unplug as much as possible. We live in a crazy world, so take a break off social media, take more walks, commune with nature and the ones you love, meditate and clear your aura, harmonize your fields, and vibrate at your highest possible frequency.




