LISA RENEE on “Feeding the Monster”

“The number one weakening tactic used by those leaders and public authority figures controlled by the anti-human forces working to enslave humanity is to generate propaganda and to get you to believe a lie as a truth. This gets incredibly sophisticated by wrapping partial truths in lies and then presenting them as facts, thereby hiding the whole truth. Then they put unscrupulous people on the payroll to spread disinformation stories, spread it all over the internet, and get gullible and unaware people in the group or movement to believe it. This method of distorting the bigger picture or accurate context is a manipulation technique that is called paltering. As the echoes multiply the public believe that the deception narrative is a real and true fact, when it is really a clever lie that has been designed to derail the group of people that believe it, as well as weaken them by pushing them to make the wrong decisions based on that falsified information. They distort your beliefs and as a result your behaviors will be fully controlled, your inner spiritual guidance will be distorted, you’ll think north is south and south is east, and this keeps you lost in the sea of confusion. Sadly, this happens in any public forum when social media driven leaders tell their audience what they want to hear to gain a following or popularity, because most people do not want to face these deeply unpleasant truths. If we don’t want to look at the truth because it’s unpleasant, we let people get away with murder because it’s more convenient to us. Then we are complicit with feeding the monster, we’re helping to co-create the ego monsters that are running rampant as slimy snakes. . . “

~Lisa Renee

~via Weaponized Narratives

“Republican-Democrat, Trump-Hillary, they are all interchangeable images projecting the lie of the Hero-Enemy that the public has wanted to hear in a lullaby to stay asleep. A system built on Archontic Deception Strategy and manipulation, in order to herd the cattle of the sleeping masses straight into the slaughterhouse.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Reeducation of Human Values

Artwork credit: David Dees

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