REALLYGRACEFUL: “The April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse is Getting REALLY Weird…”

“What’s going on with this total solar eclipse set to darken our skies on April 8th? Many states have declared a state of emergency preemptively out of an abundance of caution, NASA has announced they plan to launch 3 rockets 260 miles above earth during the eclipse, and CERN, or the European Organization for Nuclear Research, decided it would be a good time to fire up the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator on April 8th…”

Grace @ ReallyGraceful

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Comments from the thread

“I won’t be paying attention to the eclipse but rather what our government is up to.”

“The CERN part is really conCERNing me…”

“Spiritual attack increases during a highly significant period.”

“It’s a Fear tactic. That extra negative energy by pushing fear could help CERN.”

“Cern’s logo is literally 666.”

“Don’t look at what they’re pointing at, look at what they’re not.”

“What are they distracting us from?”

“It’s the everything else they are going to do we need to focus on because the eclipse is the distraction.”

“The matrix demands our attention. I think I’ll sit this eclipse out.”

“Boycott the eclipse.”

“April 8 is being hyped up intentionally to create a national state of fear and anxiety. I think the best thing we can do personally is just to ignore the event and not give it our energy which the dark side obviously wants from us so that we help create the future they desire.”

“So long as the people continue to blindly obey and believe the propaganda, there will always be another threat, another emergency, another plot, or another scam meant to subdue and control them.

~Gary D. Barnett

“A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. A Total Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon‘s apparent diameter is larger than the Sun’s, blocking all direct sunlight, turning day into darkness. The Moon is an artificial satellite is that is locked into orbit with the earth body’s magnetic core. It was brought here during the last war between the Pleiadeans and Reptilians. The moon is a craft stolen from war and stripped to be refitted for its current use as a Reptilian and Zeta Grey Alien base. Apparently, there are many beings living inside of it, even now. Its use was for practical reasons to be able to have a “moon base” in close proximity to monitor and adjust the magnetic fields of the planet. The Moon base has technology that keeps the magnetic spin rates that keep the connections open to the wormholes they have created. Our solar system is damaged because these entities were creating rips and holes in time as well as, inorganic wormholes. Recently, solar plasma emissions interacting with Earth’s ionosphere rapidly changed the shape and direction of the magnetic field, as well as generating geomagnetic storms, auroras and increased the range of the earth’s plasma fountain. It is clear evidence that we are undergoing an intense Solar Initiation of radiating plasmic light, as well as enduring the upcoming total eclipse event, which is rapidly progressing humanities evolution on our chosen spiritual journey upon this earth. This Total Solar Eclipse has special consideration in the activation of the north node in the Four Royal Stars, sitting in the northern position of Regulus, which is the dominant star in the Leo constellation. The number 23 is assigned to Regulus in Leo for the Royal Star of the Lion, and as such there are occult rituals that use the number 23 for amplifying Black Magic Grids and their anti-life structures. It is the reason that the Number 23 appears in many different levels of manipulated events on the planet, as well as used in occult ritual to manipulate outcomes. Well we now know why. If we use the number 23 in occult ritual we are tapping into the manipulated mind control field of the artificial Lunar Forces. If we do not utilize our sovereignty and self determination in God’s authority we become subjected to these magnetic forces controlling us into a subverted reality of mind control. Mind Control creates psychotic break and is the reason for these inorganic ‘lunar/luna’ consciousness episodes in people seeking illumination through the mind. These people go insane. 115 years ago, NAA Alien Abductee cooperates with Zeta infiltration of Earth grid networks, sets up Satanic Black Magic, Blood Sacrifice and portals that become Human Energy harvesting networks. Enochian and Thoth-Annunaki Thelema Language, OTO. The collective consciousness of Black Magic Grids were controlled and installed by the manipulated Consciousness of an Atlantian teacher and Solar Lord archetype — Aleister Crowley and his mentor Thoth and the Negative Aliens to increase the embodiment of Satanic forces on the earth. Crowley’s influence into the mainstream was used to gain popularity into controlling the masses, because NAA religion was losing its grip of Mind Control. The manipulation of consciousness technology and the world of forces for Service to Self and Negative Ego purposes without regard to the consent or consequence of others. There are many different levels of the propagation of Black Magic. Black Magic is a form of Satanism. For many eons, as appearing in our mythological archetypes, humans have inherently understood the lunacy in the Lunar Forces. However, as one is being accelerated into Spiritual Initiation into higher frequencies which instigate DNA Activation, such as when the Lightbody connects with the transmission of solar Plasmas and the shifting foundation as a result of the total solar eclipse, many people may experience a range of Ascension Symptoms. Many of these symptoms are related to the movement and clearing of energy blockages, and the detoxification from the toxic waste releases which is known as die-off. During spiritual activation and the subsequent die-off phase, one may experience Ascension Symptoms, like Ascension flu and exhaustion. The immune system is essentially rearranging the body’s Grounding Mechanism, and resetting the metabolic and homeostatic base levels for the necessary higher functioning of the body to be capable to embody higher solar frequencies in the cells. Eclipses shift the foundation and the structure of cosmic order to push consciousness evolution into another pathway, the result is a shakedown of the status quo and breaking up of stagnant energies. Along with the sensation of being squeezed through the eye of a needle, in order to come out on the other side into completely different situations or even as a different and changed person.”

~Lisa Renee

~via ReallyGraceful


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Comments from the thread:

“Peggy nailed it. The interviews are so cringe. Cameras everywhere yet ZERO footage of anything real. Similar to the Joel Osteen footage. Those witness names are beyond hilarious.”

NOBODY reacts that way when their child has been murdered, unless they are a psychopath or… a crisis actor!”

“Funny that one officer referred to the shooter as a ‘bad actor’.”

“Was in the Navy, and that was NEVER something we trained for. ‘Active Shooter training’ was NEVER a term.”

“I was in the USAF for 20 years and we NEVER had active shooter training. Ever! Great video Peggy!”

“No question — this is complete propaganda.”

“Notice there us no background behind the witnesses. They could be anywhere. He looks like an FBI trainee.

“Look at his jacket!!! It says NASA! Which in Hebrew means ‘to deceive’!!!!!”

“Who goes to Superbowl parade in a NASA outfit?”

“I always watch these broadcasts on ‘mute’ because I find you can pick apart the expressions more easily. Thanks for the post!!”

“Valentines Day massacre.”

“Their symbolism will be their undoing. They sure do love their (black) magic.”

~via The Healthy American Peggy Hall

JOACHIM BARTOLL: “Staged Fake Shooting at the Kansas City Super Bowl Parade”

“Here we go again with a pathetic fake ‘shooting’ staged during the Super Bowl parade in Kansas City, Missouri on February 14, 2024. This one, from the footage alone, is so obviously staged that a decode should not even be necessary to show you the metascript behind it. Still, I will do a short summarize, but first, let’s look at some of the footage from the scene, filled with crisis actors and Freemasonic police officers just running around, not really sure what roles they are playing. And as a note to the scriptwriters and the government Masonic officials, you need to hire better actors for these psy-ops, it’s getting embarrassing! Here we see some crisis actors trying to do CPR on another crisis actor, all while the Freemasonic police officers and medical staff just walks by or are standing in the background doing nothing. They just don’t care, as it’s actually a theatrical play, a movie, all fake. And here we have another scene with crisis actors and Freemasonic police officers just running around like headless chickens, not really sure how to act. All while the professional camera man treats it all like a movie set. While there is much more, especially in the hilarious news feed by CNN with silly scripted stories like a City Chiefs fan ‘tackle’ one of the shooters, let’s take a quick look at the script and the ritualistic side of this psy-op.”

~Joachim Bartoll

Here we go again with a pathetic fake “shooting” staged during the Super Bowl parade in Kansas City, Missouri on February 14, 2024. This one, from the footage alone, is so obviously staged that a decode should not even be necessary to show you the metascript behind it. Still, I will do a short summarize, but first, let’s look at some of the footage from the scene, filled with crisis actors and Freemasonic police officers just running around, not really sure what roles they are playing. And as a note to the scriptwriters and the government Masonic officials, you need to hire better actors for these psy-ops, it’s getting embarrassing!

Here we see some crisis actors trying to do CPR on another crisis actor, all while the Freemasonic police officers and medical staff just walks by or are standing in the background doing nothing. They just don’t care, as it’s actually a theatrical play, a movie, all fake.

And here we have another scene with crisis actors and Freemasonic police officers just running around like headless chickens, not really sure how to act.

All while the professional camera man treats it all like a movie set.

While there is much more, especially in the hilarious news feed by CNN with silly scripted stories like a City Chiefs fan “tackle” one of the shooters, let’s take a quick look at the script and the ritualistic side of this psy-op.

As usual, it happened on a Wednesday, one of the weekdays that are commonly used for larger operations with huge media coverage due to its gematrical value, sharing the same numbers in the most important ciphers — and especially during the scripted presidency of sleepy Joe Biden.

Wednesday = 44, 37
Joe Biden =
44, 37
Shooting =
44, 37
Gunfire =
44, 37

Kansas City, Missouri, was incorporated as a town on June 1, 1850. This fake shooting was staged 258 days after the anniversary of Kansas City’s establishment. 258 is one of the numbers associated with the Number of the Beast, hence the connection to Obama and their Antichrist script.
Also, Andy Reid and his Kansas City Chiefs was on 258 regular season wins at the time of this staged shooting.

Number of the Beast = 258

Of course, the only reported victim was a local-DJ named “Lisa Lopez-Galvan,” which in Edgar Joel Love’s KFW/Cipher X cipher sums to 258. Cipher X, a cipher based on Trigrammaton Qabalah, is relevant in Satanic practices, especially within Aleister Crowley’s satanic Thelema religion.

Lisa Lopez-Galvan = 258

And speaking of the Beast, this ritual was staged 172 days before the Beast Barack Obama’s August 4th birthday. Again, it was all about the Kansas City Chiefs and the only victim was some “Lisa Lopez-Galvan.”

Kansas City Chiefs = 172
Lisa Lopez-Galvan = 172

What are the odds that the name of the only “victim” matches perfectly with the team that was celebrated during the fake shooting? Not to mention that it synched perfectly with Obama, their Antichrist’s birthday?

Also, the Kansas City Chiefs was established 64years ago and are in their current 64th season.

Kansas City Chiefs = 64
Lisa Lopez-Galvan = 64
Mass Shooter = 64

The shooting was also staged at a span of 109 days before this year’s anniversary of Kansas City being incorporated.

Shooting = 109
Gunfire = 109

Returning to the satanic ritual that this was, the governor of Missouri is Mike Parson who was born on September 17, 1955. This fake shooting and satanic ritual were staged 151 days after his birthday. 151 is the 36th prime number, and 36is symbolic of 666, the Number of the Beast, as 666 is the 36th triangular number.

The shooting was staged during a parade.

Parade = 36, 36, 151, 151

However, there’s more, as our Gregorian calendar was created by Jesuits, worshipping Saturn, as in Satan, the Antichrist. And that is also why this is so relevant to their script of Obama as the Antichrist.
Being 151 days after also means that it’s a perfect span of 216 days until the governor’s next birthday, and 216 is also a reference to 666, the Number of the Beast, as 6 x 6 x 6equals 216. In other words, February 14 or 15 were the only days of the year for such a ritual to take place in Missouri as it gives us both 36 and 216, two of the most common references to 666, the Number of the Beast.

6 x 6 x 6 = 216
216 is symbolic of 666, same as 36.

Continuing, Mike Parson is the 57th governor of Missouri and the Kansas City Chiefs just became 42 in Super Bowls on the 42nd day of the year. The only victim in this ritual in Missouri was Lisa Lopez-Galvan, labelled as the “local DJ.”

Missouri = 57, 42
Local DJ = 57, 42

And as we covered in previous decodes42 is in itself significant, as it’s the number of the Jesuits and their inverted sun god Saturn. However, 42 is also used in war and shootings.

Missouri = 42
Assault Weapons = 42

Gun = 42
Ammo = 42

Local DJ = 42
Saturn = 42
Jesuit = 42

Satanism = 42
Jesuitic = 42
Masonry = 42

Fabricated = 42
Freemason = 42

And as mentioned earlier, Obama’s puppet Joe Biden is already involved in this psy-op and satanic ritual. Remember the satanic Instagram that the Joe Biden administration made after the Chiefs won the Super Bowl?

According to the media, this staged and fake “shooting” was the “48th mass shooting” in the US, and it was staged 86 days after Biden’s November 20 birthday.

48th Mass Shooting = 86
Human Sacrifice = 86
Blood Sacrifice = 86

That also means that it was staged at the 87th day of Biden’s current age, and it was during a celebration of City Chiefs winning the rigged Super Bowl LVIII.
Of course, 87 is also another reference to the Number of the Beast.

Super Bowl LVIII = 87
Number of the Beast = 87

February 14 was also the 45th day of the year, which was fitting for a shooting’s ritual.

Shootings = 45
Ritual = 45

~via Joachim Bartoll Official


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“I love your humour and sense of irony, Peggy. Yes indeed: it was a stunning miracle the way the attackers were able to pull off their attack. I suppose those men hanging from flimsy contraptions in the sky, coming over to attack the best defended border in all the world, zipped across so fast that they made supersonic Concorde travel look like child’s play! You cannot seriously expect one of the best militaries and security forces in the world to be able to deal with such a beyond-lightning fast attack. And the attackers also had a kind of hypnosis weapon, as I’m sure you will agree, that kept the Super Military sleepy and unresponsive for more than 6 hours. Yes, indeed: those attackers are way, way beyond anything known in the history of human warfare skill and strategy and tactics. They are the new Wonder of the World!”

~Comment from the thread

~via The Healthy American Peggy Hall

PEGGY HALL: “FACES OF ‘DEVASTATION’ . . . (Does This Look Right to You?)”

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Comments from the thread:

“Crisis actors trying out for a film part ???”

“These actors are not even trying anymore. Just crazy.”

“I thought the same thing. The Powers that Be aren’t even trying to fool us at this point.”

“Peggy! Peggy! Peggy! You realize it is very difficult to get paid actors these days, always looking for extra money, no experience… jeez!”

“13 year old girl looks 10 years older.”

“Ya inappropriate actors”

“She doesn’t need counseling. She needs acting classes.”

~via The Healthy American Peggy Hall