LISA RENEE: “Power Mongers”

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“Power Mongers are the polar opposite of real leadership. This type of person uses coercion as a basic tool to get what they want. A power monger uses deception to gain power, not trusting they will get what they want from others. A power monger doesn’t recognize God-given rights, but only the privileges that he or she decides to grant, usually to those most likely to return political favors (money, votes, support). A power monger sees themselves as elite and superior over the other lower beings, as opposed to seeing themselves among fellow citizens as a benevolent leader would. A power monger doesn’t avoid chaos, but rather purposefully creates chaos as an opportunity to cause more people to succumb to the desire for protection and a false sense of security, which they will offer. A power monger is selfish or Service to Self, doing good for others only if it…

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