MICHELLE WALLING: “4D Frequency Brings Full Transparency”

Ascension Avatar

“Those who have had their psychic abilities for a while will see a huge leap in the magnitude of their abilities in the month of July. Those who are awakening will begin to understand what their abilities are, and they will be shocked and astounded at their capability.”

~Michelle Walling

3d has completely merged with the 4d frequency. New levels of psychic abilities are activating and the veils are almost completely down. If you haven’t already, you may soon encounter a situation where you realize someone is not being truthful with you. It is important to know why this is happening and what to do about it.

As we weave in and out of time towards the end of time, you begin to connect with your higher self on a galactic level. The higher you go, the higher you vibrate. As we continue to merge and ascend, our etheric DNA…

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TRISH LESAGE: “5th Dimension Consciousness”

5th Dimension Consciousness

We are living during a monumental time in which humanity is experiencing a shift to higher consciousness. We are shifting from 3rd dimension consciousness to 5th dimension consciousness. The following is what one may experience once they have reached 5th dimension consciousness and beyond:

When a person reaches 5th dimension consciousness, they may experience existing in a permanent state of peace, bliss, love, and joy. No effort is required on their part to remain in this state. This takes place naturally and automatically. All dissonant energy is automatically filtered out.

In addition to automatically existing in a permanent state of peace, bliss, love, and joy, people who have reached 5th dimension consciousness may begin to automatically see themselves in everyone whether it be humans or animals. They may also begin to automatically feel love for everyone.

Furthermore, no negative thoughts stream into the mind of a person who has reached 5th dimension consciousness. In fact, all negative thoughts are automatically filtered out of their mind.

The mind is also automatically quiet without the constant chatter that flows into the 3rd dimension mind. In fact, there are not very many thoughts that enter a mind that has reached 5th dimension consciousness unless the thoughts are necessary in moving them from one event or moment to the next event or moment.

When a person reaches 5th dimension consciousness, their perception of time may slow down considerably. Time on the clock of the wall may seem to pass by more quickly, but the mind does not perceive that very much time has passed. This may be compared to what is said happens when a person experiences physical death. During physical death, a person transitions from 3rd dimension consciousness to 4th dimension consciousness. It is said that while years may pass on the Earth, it may seem like only minutes have passed in the spirit world. Our perception of time slows down as we transition from 3rd dimension consciousness to 4th dimension consciousness during physical death. This is why it may seem that not much time has passed in the spirit world while a lot of time has passed on the Earth.

Those who have ever had a close brush with death as a result of an accident or nearly being in an accident, may have noticed, that their mind starts moving more slowly in these situations also. Everything appears to happen in slow motion. The soul is getting ready to transition from 3rd dimension consciousness to 4th dimension consciousness in these situations so that the person may exit through the portal of death. Hence, their perception of time slows down. Sometimes a change to the divine plan for the person’s life is made, however, and they miraculously barely escape from harm often at the last second.

One may also notice that if they use Self-Hypnosis or meditation, it may also seem as though not much time has passed, but according to the clock on the wall, a lot of time may have passed. Again, in these cases, the mind is transitioning beyond the 3rd dimension.

The same phenomenon happens while we are physically alive in a 3rd dimension body on the 3rd dimension Earth, and our energy vibration increases, and we ascend to 5th dimension consciousness. Our perception of time slows down.

When a person reaches 5th dimension consciousness, they only live in the present moment with no reference to the past. They can access past memories if they need to, however, a person who has reached 5th dimension consciousness does not dwell in the past. Their mind is automatically focused on the present moment with no effort required on their part at all whatsoever. It is simply a state of being that they automatically live in.

Since a person who has reached 5th dimension consciousness is automatically living in the present moment, they also do not have any reference to the future which means that they do not have any worries on their mind about the future neither. They simply live from moment to moment and from one event to the next event.

A person who has reached 5th dimension consciousness may also experience increased psychic and intuitive abilities. They may experience any of the following: Clairvoyance (seeing beyond the 3rd dimension/3D), Clairaudience (hearing beyond 3D), Clairsentience ( feeling beyond 3D), Clairgustance (tasting beyond 3D), Clairsalience (smelling beyond 3D), Clairempathy (feeling what others feel), Claircognizance (Information that a person had no prior knowledge of flows into their mind automatically from an unknown source.), Telepathy, Premonitions, ESP (Extra Sensory Perception), Prophecy, split consciousness, Kinetic Energy (moving physical objects without touching them physically and without intending to move them), Psychokinesis (moving physical objects without physically touching them when intending to move them), Psychometry (touching an object and being able to feel the energy that has been absorbed by the object), and other psychic phenomena.

A person who has reached 5th dimension consciousness may also shift from a state of mind based on belief to a state of mind based on intuitive knowing. Intuitive knowing goes beyond one’s belief system. It is an inner knowing.

Similarly, one may also automatically know whether information is true or false based on how the energy of the information resonates, as everything in existence is simply energy. There is nothing in existence that is not energy. Even our thoughts are energy.

Manifestation is also much easier when a person reaches 5th dimension consciousness. No meditations, visualizations, rituals, putting a lot of energy into statements of intent, nor any focus on nor knowledge of the Law of Attraction is required neither. Just a simple, light thought about what is desired is enough to manifest it into physical reality, and in a lot of situations, no thought about their desires is even required, as everything is simply synchronized so that what they need is there for them exactly when and where they need it.

This is indeed a very interesting time in which to be alive on the Earth. We are headed to a state of existence that is free from the dissonance and the restrictions of the 3rd dimension, and it is a wonderful and beautiful state of existence to live in.





About The Author:

Trish LeSage is a best selling author on Amazon and is a writer of magazine articles on Metaphysics, self-empowerment, spiritual awakening, ascension, and body-mind-spirit topics. She is the author of four books: “Meditations For Past Lives, Starseeds, Soul Mates and Beyond“, “Manifesting Success In Relationships, Career, and Business Via Numerology “, and “How To Achieve Fifth Dimension Consciousness“. More information about her work is available on her website at www.beyond3dbooks.com

~via In5D.com

DYLAN HARPER: “Empowerment Through Sensitivity: The 10 Types Of Empaths”


Our sensitivity can empower us in ways we can’t quite understand. Find out what kind of an empath you are and how you can become a better person through simple awareness.

In today’s society, sensitivity is viewed as a weakness, which is kind of ironic because our sensitivity can be quite empowering.

So, how can we become empowered by a trait that makes us soft and delicate, in a world dominated by loud and overpowering people? Yes, it is true that many empaths may seem weak and even get overpowered, but there is another aspect to this sensitivity.

Deep down, way beyond the veil of our superficial personas, all empaths have something distinctly quiet and quite powerful. This power doesn’t dominate or overpower people but rather empowers one in an extremely useful way.

This gift allows empaths to benefit in the long term by gathering psychological, emotional, and physical information from their surroundings. This information is usually inaccessible to the unreceptive mind.

Although it is indeed correct that empaths cannot bully people or use brute force, they can however, protect, guide, heal, and deeply understand the people around them.

In this way, they can gather incredible amounts of information and how they use this knowledge is at their discretion. Knowledge is, after all, the greatest power.

Think You Are An Empath?

If you suspect that you are more sensitive than the people around you, then continue reading to find out if you too are an empath in an insensitive world.

If you really are an empath, you will recognize some of these experiences that are faced by most empaths:

  • You tend to absorb other people’s feelings and emotions and experience them as your own
  • You consistently feel mental and physical fatigue
  • Your emotional state tends to swing throughout a day based on external stimuli
  • If someone close to you is in physical pain, you can feel their pain in your own body
  • You cherish solitude, which helps you refresh and recharge
  • People prefer to come to you with their problems
  • You simply cannot bear violence or cruelty
  • You are naturally caring and nurturing
  • You are an excellent listener
  • Your awareness of our physical environment is greater than normal, e.g. your sense of taste, smell, hearing, touch, etc.
  • Crowded places tend to overwhelm and drain you
  • Animals and children seem to be attracted to you

Different Types of Empaths

Yes, being an empath can have many benefits, but at the same time, it can also weigh you down and cause anxiety. This is one of the reasons why it is important to understand our individual experiences in the hope to better understand ourselves.

The following is a list of different types of empaths and a small description to help you understand what kind of an empath you may be.

1. Physically Receptive Empath

Many empaths seem to be receptive to the physical pains and illnesses of other people. The pain can manifest in the empath’s own body – an ability which has proven to be extremely useful in healing.

2. Emotionally Receptive Empath

Almost all empaths are extremely receptive of external emotional states. This can result in physically and emotionally feeling other people’s emotions before they are expressed.

3. Claircognizant Empath

Claircognizant empaths have the ability to know if something needs to be done or if a statement of a person’s intentions is true or misleading, without any rational reasoning. Such empaths have the ability to know if they should do something or not.

4. Geomantic Empaths

These empaths have the ability to read signals and energy transmitted from the soil or earth. Meaning, they can feel if a natural disaster is impending.

5. Fanna Empath

Fanna empaths can feel, hear, and interact with animals.

6. Medium Empath

Medium empaths, as the name suggests, can either feel, see or hear spirits.

7. Flora Empath

Slightly similar to Fanna Empaths, as they can communicate with plants by being able to feel or receive their signals.

8. Psychometric Empath

These empaths develop the ability to receive energy, impressions, and information from inanimate objects such as jewelry, photographs, etc.

9. Telepathic Empath

Telepathic empaths can accurately read another peron’s unexpressed thoughts.

10. Precognitive Empath

Such empaths can feel a situation or event before its occurrence. These usually manifests in the form of dreams of emotional or physical sensations.

In this insensitive and coarse world, empaths can often find it difficult to maintain their inner harmony. But with self-awareness, everyone, including empaths, can learn to appreciate their unique gifts and abilities.

Hopefully, this article will help you find some answers to your questions. We would love it if you would share your experiences with us all.







DreamcatcherReality.com ~via IN5D.com –

KIRSTEN RENEE COWART: “Do You Have These 6 Psychic Senses?”


Just like a river, spiritual information is constantly flowing by.  Sometimes sensitive people naturally reach out and touch these rivers of information.

tumblr_inline_n45hi2WJXI1r1aqjjSometimes these abilities are also related to radio waves where we tune ourselves to pick up different frequencies.  This information is received by our higher or psychic senses and we typically are more dominant in one or two of these senses.

Some people who naturally tap into these senses can be a bit overwhelmed by it at first.   It takes time and practice but it can become a controlled and even fun experience over time.

We have five main senses; sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.  We also have psychic senses.  Typically we align these with our 5 basic senses because it makes them easier to understand and to train.  We also add in a 6th sense into the psychic sense list because there is a higher sense of intuition that is important when studying psychic abilities.

Psychic senses all start with the prefix of ‘clair’ from the French word meaning “clear”.  We are going to look at Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience,  Clairalience, & Claircognizance.

1. Clear Seeing Is known as Clairvoyance.

timthumbThis is the ability that is most widely known and is the ability where we use the third eye to see beyond what our normal eyes could see.  Through meditation people are able to use this to remote view other places, other times and even see visions or glimpses of possible future timelines.

The level of detail seen depends on the skill.  Just like some people have better vision than others, some people see in full detail and color while others just get glimpses of far off places and have to figure out what it means.   People with Clairvoyance will sometimes become artists in order to express what they are picking up.

2. Clear Hearing is known as Clairaudience.

FFClairaudience is the ability to hear beyond.  Sometimes people hear music, words, or sounds in their minds that is beyond what we can normally hear.  For example a song will get stuck in their head only to find out that their best friend has been listening to that song all day.

Often people with this gift will become musicians, dancers, singers, speakers, or writers.  Sometimes their connection to music is so powerful that they almost have an out of body experience when listening to it.  Their connection to the vibration and meaning of words can also be far beyond the average person.

3. Clear Smelling is known as Clairalience.

puppy-smelling-flower2Clairalience is the ability to pick up smells that are beyond what is in the physical world.  They may smell a particular cigar brand or perfume of a loved one and know that they need to give them a call.

They may also have an enhanced sense of smell and detect changes in the weather and predict coming storms.  Sometimes people who are dominant in this ability will enjoy tea ceremonies, tasting wine or planting flower gardens.

4. Clear Tasting is Clairgustance.

food_photography_first_biteSometimes people are able to taste beyond what is in their food.  For example someone might feel that their food in a restaurant tastes bad even though everyone else seemed to enjoy it.  What they might be picking up is that the chef was in a bad mood and what they are tasting is the negative energy in the food.

Also they may pick up tastes of food their close friends are eating.  Sometimes suddenly having the craving of a your grannies best cooking after she has passed can be a vibrational connection to the other side.

As you can probably guess people who are dominant in this area often enjoy cooking and trying exotic foods.  They can practically taste the culture and history behind the food and can be very picky.  These people are better at sensing harmful toxins in their food and even GMOs.

5. Clear Feeling is known as Clairsentience and also has strong ties to Empathic Abilities.

Clairsentience is being able to feel beyond into a friend or spirit.  This is often recognised in twins when one gets hurt physically and the other one feels it.  Sometimes mothers will suddenly just know that their child is hurt and even feel sore in their body where the child was injured.


The other side of this is the Empathic sense where emotions are shared.  Have you ever been really upset and unsure why?  Only to find out later that you best friend was really angry or upset?  We are more sensitive than we think and can accidentally pick up what other people are feeling.  People who are extremely sensitive in this area can be driving down the road, pass a complete stranger and get a rush of their emotions.

People who are dominant in these senses often look for ways to ease other peoples pain.  They become healers, therapists, motivational speakers, and over all sensitive and understanding friends.   If you have this sense you should check out our guide on how to protect yourself as an empath by clicking here!

6. Clear Knowing is called Claircognizance.

pathClaircognizance is knowing about events or people that you normally would have no way of knowing about.  Such as knowing intuitively that someone needs help or that there is an earthquake happening on the other side of the world.  Sometimes this gift will warn you that something is going to happen in the future so that you can be wise and prepare.

Though this gift can get a little confused with clairvoyance it is knowing on a deeper level than just seeing.  Often this is linked to faith and divine guidance.  Trust and follow your gut feelings and the flow will lead you to where you need to go in life.

Can I have all of the senses?

01AwcAX1rfZMQAAAABAAAAAAAAAAA_Yes.  We have all of the senses, however, sometimes they are dormant or waiting for us to reactivate them.  Sometimes we have had an experience or two in each of these areas but are taught to shrug it off as a coincidence.  What we need to first do is to recognise and acknowledge that we are experiencing something real; then we will be able to strengthen the senses through practice and meditation.

Have you had any of these experiences?  What other experiences have you had with you psychic senses?  Let us know in the comments!

Thank you for reading,


Spirit Team
