“DEAR LISA RENEE” (Q & A) ~ Lisa Renee on Isolation

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“As Starseeds, our surreal multidimensional experiences are that which commonly lead us to the experiences of isolation, even deep loneliness for being unseen, while being on the earth during these timelines, when there is a hidden war happening to suppress and steal the consciousness of the people. First and foremost, when addressing those groups of awakening people that are feeling very frustrated, angry and at their wits end, dealing with the dark forces, the people on the planet, in the chaotic state that it exists today, I hope to remind you of an important reality check. You must never give up, you must never give your power away to the dark forces or other people, even when everything looks really grim and depressing. I must stress you cannot be lazy, you must face fears, you must get out there and face things you do not want to face, build…

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